版主: 版主006
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- 文章: 625
- 註冊時間: 週六 4月 12, 2008 4:18 pm
Re: 2012年後的健保
Forum Avalon 網站被停了,Bill Ryan 剛po 的勁爆東西...太內目幕了 ..被停了...
well還好還在下面找的到, 不翻譯了,有興趣自己看以下是Bill Ryan用講的,除了訪問那傢伙,還有講別的
提前delete 囉
"This could be why the FDA has gone out of it's way to ban Lugol's solution, which has been around for years and been quite safe. However it is a remedy for radiation poisoning"這段話有趣....很多診所應該都有Lugal's solution吧...我每天在幫病患擦....原來還有別的效果
well還好還在下面找的到, 不翻譯了,有興趣自己看以下是Bill Ryan用講的,除了訪問那傢伙,還有講別的
提前delete 囉
"This could be why the FDA has gone out of it's way to ban Lugol's solution, which has been around for years and been quite safe. However it is a remedy for radiation poisoning"這段話有趣....很多診所應該都有Lugal's solution吧...我每天在幫病患擦....原來還有別的效果
最後由 sanmartin 於 週二 3月 02, 2010 5:25 pm 編輯,總共編輯了 1 次。
- 註冊會員
- 文章: 20
- 註冊時間: 週六 1月 23, 2010 7:22 pm
Re: 2012年後的健保
中下單、台出貨 伊朗買到核儀器
2010.03.02 03:52 am
中下單、台出貨 伊朗買到核儀器
2010.03.02 03:52 am
最後由 xoman222 於 週二 3月 02, 2010 10:19 pm 編輯,總共編輯了 1 次。
- CR
- 文章: 625
- 註冊時間: 週六 4月 12, 2008 4:18 pm
Re: 2012年後的健保
Bill Ryan 討論版被整個remove掉了...
明天再post 一些就把"2012健保"關了
明天再post 一些就把"2012健保"關了
- CR
- 文章: 625
- 註冊時間: 週六 4月 12, 2008 4:18 pm
Re: 2012年後的健保
xoman222 寫:http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/m98Oq9pt0B8物質以外的世界
, ..Reconnection 的總*也差不多快寫好了
剛好想要post 一些"consciousness"自我意識的東西
xoamn222, 你po了一個很好的片段, 原本我以為沒甚麼好看,因為就是"駭客任務"基諾李維那影片的概念.這片段在第14分鐘後開始好看,但建議還是從頭看.到第20分時...反相思考....,到底是誰在接收這外在的物質訊息?,以一個醫生的立場當然說是"腦部".但把腦部拿出腦部也只是一堆的神經交錯....是誰接收到訊息?
好比..... 看到"鳥"..經眼睛轉換成"鳥的神經電位impulse訊息",到腦後接收到"鳥的神經電位impulse訊息".."我們"就看到"鳥".
反過來也可把"鳥的神經電位impulse訊息"直接刺激腦occipital lobe,腦這複雜的神經接收到這個"鳥的神經電位","某個人"就看到鳥...那誰是這個"某人"?
但醫學上則是腦有接收,處及整合...但好像也說不清哪邊是真正感覺看到鳥...因腦部神經太複雜....照道理"神經"應該只是在傳遞"神經電位", 醫學上是說某一區的一堆神經把鳥的訊息整合起來後就看到鳥, 縱然是如此,那一區的神經也只是多或少的神經叢...也只是傳遞多或少的神經傳導電位...到底是誰看到鳥??
so,就看個人的認定,是"腦部"為感受者, or是那現實沒人可證明的soul.
Again, 好比放:"狗"的光碟片到電腦,電腦內部開始有IC電流,處理後經過電流訊息,經過在銀幕上把"狗"顯現.是monitor 為感受者,or monitor也只是呈現??還是另有人在"感受"這monitor 的狗???...還是電腦自己為感受者???這樣比喻不知恰不恰當
最後由 sanmartin 於 週三 3月 03, 2010 11:53 pm 編輯,總共編輯了 1 次。
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- 文章: 625
- 註冊時間: 週六 4月 12, 2008 4:18 pm
- 註冊會員
- 文章: 27
- 註冊時間: 週三 2月 17, 2010 10:55 am
Re: 2012年後的健保
http://www.livevideo.com/video/FB9494C8 ... antis.aspx
Dolores Cannon – Atlantis
亞特蘭提斯曾經存在數千年之久﹐是世界性而非地區性的文明﹐用水晶做動力來源﹐有懸浮車等各種進步交通工具﹐克服疾病﹐延續生命﹐以色頻來治療﹐用腦念力來移動巨石及塑造材料﹐因為違反自然法則而覆滅。他們混合人獸DNA造出半人半獸作奴僕(希臘神話中半人半獸的由來)( 我們的科學家現在也在朝這個方向走﹐那是不明智的) 。他們把水晶置于地球核心以求取更大的能量﹐被海嘯及地震所毀滅。
Was exist globe, not just area, for thousands years old, us crystal for power source, flying cars, overcome health problem, use color vibration to heal, extend life cycle, discover mind power to levitate heavy stones, to mold materials. Downfall was because violate natural of law, experiment mix human/animal DNA to create servant (were the Greece legend – half man, half animal creature originally from) (our scientist are doing the same things now, that is not wise.), put crystal in the earth core to gain more power, was destroyed by tidal wave and earth quake,
幸存者散居各地﹐用他們的知識及技術建造了金字塔及紀念碑﹐方法知識逐漸失傳。現在Keepers of the Garden說把這些知識歸還給我們使用的時機到了﹐這就是有很多及醫生們熱衷學習另類療法的原因。
Survivors saved what ever info they could escape to Egypt and S. America build pyramid and other monuments. They say now is the time to give this knowledge back for we to use it, that is why so many people doctors want to learn more alternate methods.
百慕達三角 > 有亞特蘭提斯神廟沉在那海底﹐裡面有他們用來作時光/空間旅行的機器﹐沒來得及關掉﹐受到損壞﹐有部份還在不正常的運作﹐所以也無從得知失蹤船機被傳送到何處。
Bermuda Triangle > There was a Atlantis temple contains a machine for time/space travel sinking undersea, damaged but still partially running irregularly cause this phenomenon.
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... en&view=3#
朵洛莉絲.侃南電話訪談Bob Dean
Bob Dean > In Regan time, a missile base was visit by UFO, mold all missile, and same thing happened in Russia, so Regan & Gobachev have a meeting in medetarin battle ship, Visit by ET, later came out disarmament agreement.
注﹕雷根曾在聯大演講﹐說“如果我們現在受到外星高智慧生物威脅﹐我們會忘掉彼此的歧見﹐去探求人類到底為何﹖”雷根用威脅Threat這個字﹐是不是因為Bob Dean講的地中海事件﹖限武協定是不是對ET的承諾﹖
在Disclosure Project的證人裡面﹐就有這個美國洲際導彈基地當時主管作證﹐核彈頭是被飛碟融解了﹐他說“我通過了考核﹐美國政府相信我的能力﹐把洲際導彈交給我﹐但卻不相信我對這事件的證詞 …”. 我前面有貼過聯結﹐應該在CD2裡面。
Testimony DVD 2of2 (@5:08 Crush UFO Retrieval, @13:00 UFO in hanger, @50:00 Secretary of Defense James Forrestal’s Death)
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... 6240662837
Dolores Cannon – Atlantis
亞特蘭提斯曾經存在數千年之久﹐是世界性而非地區性的文明﹐用水晶做動力來源﹐有懸浮車等各種進步交通工具﹐克服疾病﹐延續生命﹐以色頻來治療﹐用腦念力來移動巨石及塑造材料﹐因為違反自然法則而覆滅。他們混合人獸DNA造出半人半獸作奴僕(希臘神話中半人半獸的由來)( 我們的科學家現在也在朝這個方向走﹐那是不明智的) 。他們把水晶置于地球核心以求取更大的能量﹐被海嘯及地震所毀滅。
Was exist globe, not just area, for thousands years old, us crystal for power source, flying cars, overcome health problem, use color vibration to heal, extend life cycle, discover mind power to levitate heavy stones, to mold materials. Downfall was because violate natural of law, experiment mix human/animal DNA to create servant (were the Greece legend – half man, half animal creature originally from) (our scientist are doing the same things now, that is not wise.), put crystal in the earth core to gain more power, was destroyed by tidal wave and earth quake,
幸存者散居各地﹐用他們的知識及技術建造了金字塔及紀念碑﹐方法知識逐漸失傳。現在Keepers of the Garden說把這些知識歸還給我們使用的時機到了﹐這就是有很多及醫生們熱衷學習另類療法的原因。
Survivors saved what ever info they could escape to Egypt and S. America build pyramid and other monuments. They say now is the time to give this knowledge back for we to use it, that is why so many people doctors want to learn more alternate methods.
百慕達三角 > 有亞特蘭提斯神廟沉在那海底﹐裡面有他們用來作時光/空間旅行的機器﹐沒來得及關掉﹐受到損壞﹐有部份還在不正常的運作﹐所以也無從得知失蹤船機被傳送到何處。
Bermuda Triangle > There was a Atlantis temple contains a machine for time/space travel sinking undersea, damaged but still partially running irregularly cause this phenomenon.
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... en&view=3#
朵洛莉絲.侃南電話訪談Bob Dean
Bob Dean > In Regan time, a missile base was visit by UFO, mold all missile, and same thing happened in Russia, so Regan & Gobachev have a meeting in medetarin battle ship, Visit by ET, later came out disarmament agreement.
注﹕雷根曾在聯大演講﹐說“如果我們現在受到外星高智慧生物威脅﹐我們會忘掉彼此的歧見﹐去探求人類到底為何﹖”雷根用威脅Threat這個字﹐是不是因為Bob Dean講的地中海事件﹖限武協定是不是對ET的承諾﹖
在Disclosure Project的證人裡面﹐就有這個美國洲際導彈基地當時主管作證﹐核彈頭是被飛碟融解了﹐他說“我通過了考核﹐美國政府相信我的能力﹐把洲際導彈交給我﹐但卻不相信我對這事件的證詞 …”. 我前面有貼過聯結﹐應該在CD2裡面。
Testimony DVD 2of2 (@5:08 Crush UFO Retrieval, @13:00 UFO in hanger, @50:00 Secretary of Defense James Forrestal’s Death)
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... 6240662837
最後由 dkcapital 於 週四 3月 11, 2010 7:35 am 編輯,總共編輯了 1 次。
- CR
- 文章: 625
- 註冊時間: 週六 4月 12, 2008 4:18 pm
Re: 2012年後的健保
Dolores Cannon – Atlantis
dccapital, 不錯,翻譯出來真是服務大眾. 有關Dolores, 她的最後一本書應該是convoluted universe III, 台灣可能只有我從Amazone去訂回來
..Convoluted universe III 算是集大成的書,當然最後書的幾個chapter全都在講2012,描寫的很詳細,由其 New Earth這章(很無法想像). 有關2012我昨日post的應該是很確定,我delete掉了,想看的昨日應該都看了....我就不講了.
朵洛莉絲.侃南電話訪談Bob Dean
Bob Dean在expolitic 2009 最後的一句話,是很引人深思的.....
在不同層面的人如何大家都講一樣....機率就很高, 當然還是希望全部都是亂扯的.
Dolores Cannon – Atlantis
dccapital, 不錯,翻譯出來真是服務大眾. 有關Dolores, 她的最後一本書應該是convoluted universe III, 台灣可能只有我從Amazone去訂回來
..Convoluted universe III 算是集大成的書,當然最後書的幾個chapter全都在講2012,描寫的很詳細,由其 New Earth這章(很無法想像). 有關2012我昨日post的應該是很確定,我delete掉了,想看的昨日應該都看了....我就不講了.
朵洛莉絲.侃南電話訪談Bob Dean
Bob Dean在expolitic 2009 最後的一句話,是很引人深思的.....
在不同層面的人如何大家都講一樣....機率就很高, 當然還是希望全部都是亂扯的.
- CR
- 文章: 625
- 註冊時間: 週六 4月 12, 2008 4:18 pm
Re: 2012年後的健保
March 4, 2002
9,500-Year-Old City Found
Underwater Off India
Discovery in Bay of Cambay Will Force
Western Archaeologists to Rewrite History
The civilization of Ancient Egypt occurred in a past so remote that today it seems mystical. The pyramids and other temples, with their hieroglyphics depicting a flourishing civilization, have a mysterious, almost magical appeal. It seems inconceivable that people of an advanced society could have walked those ancient streets.
Now, it was announced in January, a civilization has been uncovered that would have appeared just as ancient to the people who built the pyramids as the pyramids seem to us.
According to marine scientists in India, archaeological remains of this lost city have been discovered 36 metres (120 feet) underwater in the Gulf of Cambay off the western coast of India. And carbon dating says that they are 9,500 years old.
This news completely contradicts the position of most Western historians and archaeologists, who (because it did not fit their theories) have always rejected, ignored, or suppressed evidence of an older view of mankind's existence on planet Earth. Human civilization is now provably much more ancient than many have believed.
According to the BBC's Tom Housden, reporting on the Cambay find:
The vast city — which is five miles long and two miles wide — is believed to predate the oldest known remains in the subcontinent by more than 5,000 years.
The site was discovered by chance last year by oceanographers from India's National Institute of Ocean Technology, who were conducting a survey of pollution.
Using sidescan sonar, which sends a beam of sound waves down to the bottom of the ocean, they identified huge geometrical structures at a depth of 120 feet.
Debris recovered from the site — including construction material, pottery, sections of walls, beads, sculpture, and human bones and teeth — has been carbon dated and found to be nearly 9,500 years old (BBC article).
Several reports confirm this estimate. Housden added, "The whole model of the origins of civilisation will have to be remade from scratch."
Unheard-of Scope of Cambay Ruins
The BBC article tells us that the remains of this ancient city stand upon "enormous foundations." Marine archaeologists discovered them with a technology known as "sub-bottom profiling."
Author and filmmaker Graham Hancock, an authority on archaeological investigations of ancient civilizations, reportedly said that the evidence was compelling. For example, he said that the oceanographers had found two large blocks that were larger than anything that's ever been found. "Cities on this scale," Hancock told BBC Online, "are not known in the archaeological record until roughly 4,500 years ago when the first big cities begin to appear in Mesopotamia.
Theorists are postulating that the area where this city exists was submerged when the ice caps melted at the end of the last Ice Age.
"A month ago in mid-January [2002]," says Hancock on his website, "marine scientists in India announced they had sonar images of square and rectangular shapes about 130 feet down off the northwestern coast of India in the Gulf of Khambhat (Cambay). . . . [There are] sonar shapes with 90-degree angles. The Indian Minister of Science and Technology ordered that the site be dredged. What was found has surprised archaeologists around the world" (GrahamHancock.com/news.)
The Find Includes Human Remains
Linda Moulton Howe, who investigates occurrences of this type worldwide, interviewed Michael Cremo about this new discovery. Cremo is a researcher and author of the book Forbidden Archaeology. Cremo, Howe said, has visited India and attended local meetings about the Cambay site.
"Within the past few months," Cremo told her, "the engineers began some dredging operations there and they pulled up human fossil bones, fossil wood, stone tools, pieces of pottery, and many other things that indicated that it indeed was a human habitation site that they had. And they were able to do more intensive sonar work there and were able to identify more structures. They appeared to have been laid out on the bank of a river that had been flowing from the Indian subcontinent out into that area."
According to Howe:
Even if we don't know what the cultural background of the people is, if it does happen to be a city that is 9500 years old, that is older than the Sumerian civilization by several thousand years. It is older than the Egyptian, older than the Chinese. So it would radically affect our whole picture of the development of urban civilization on this planet.
Now, if it further happens that additional research is able to identify the culture of the people who lived in that city that's now underwater — if it turns out they are a Vedic people, which I think is quite probable given the location of this off the coast of India — I think that would radically change the whole picture of Indian history which has basically been written by Western archaeologists.
March 4, 2002
9,500-Year-Old City Found
Underwater Off India
Discovery in Bay of Cambay Will Force
Western Archaeologists to Rewrite History
The civilization of Ancient Egypt occurred in a past so remote that today it seems mystical. The pyramids and other temples, with their hieroglyphics depicting a flourishing civilization, have a mysterious, almost magical appeal. It seems inconceivable that people of an advanced society could have walked those ancient streets.
Now, it was announced in January, a civilization has been uncovered that would have appeared just as ancient to the people who built the pyramids as the pyramids seem to us.
According to marine scientists in India, archaeological remains of this lost city have been discovered 36 metres (120 feet) underwater in the Gulf of Cambay off the western coast of India. And carbon dating says that they are 9,500 years old.
This news completely contradicts the position of most Western historians and archaeologists, who (because it did not fit their theories) have always rejected, ignored, or suppressed evidence of an older view of mankind's existence on planet Earth. Human civilization is now provably much more ancient than many have believed.
According to the BBC's Tom Housden, reporting on the Cambay find:
The vast city — which is five miles long and two miles wide — is believed to predate the oldest known remains in the subcontinent by more than 5,000 years.
The site was discovered by chance last year by oceanographers from India's National Institute of Ocean Technology, who were conducting a survey of pollution.
Using sidescan sonar, which sends a beam of sound waves down to the bottom of the ocean, they identified huge geometrical structures at a depth of 120 feet.
Debris recovered from the site — including construction material, pottery, sections of walls, beads, sculpture, and human bones and teeth — has been carbon dated and found to be nearly 9,500 years old (BBC article).
Several reports confirm this estimate. Housden added, "The whole model of the origins of civilisation will have to be remade from scratch."
Unheard-of Scope of Cambay Ruins
The BBC article tells us that the remains of this ancient city stand upon "enormous foundations." Marine archaeologists discovered them with a technology known as "sub-bottom profiling."
Author and filmmaker Graham Hancock, an authority on archaeological investigations of ancient civilizations, reportedly said that the evidence was compelling. For example, he said that the oceanographers had found two large blocks that were larger than anything that's ever been found. "Cities on this scale," Hancock told BBC Online, "are not known in the archaeological record until roughly 4,500 years ago when the first big cities begin to appear in Mesopotamia.
Theorists are postulating that the area where this city exists was submerged when the ice caps melted at the end of the last Ice Age.
"A month ago in mid-January [2002]," says Hancock on his website, "marine scientists in India announced they had sonar images of square and rectangular shapes about 130 feet down off the northwestern coast of India in the Gulf of Khambhat (Cambay). . . . [There are] sonar shapes with 90-degree angles. The Indian Minister of Science and Technology ordered that the site be dredged. What was found has surprised archaeologists around the world" (GrahamHancock.com/news.)
The Find Includes Human Remains
Linda Moulton Howe, who investigates occurrences of this type worldwide, interviewed Michael Cremo about this new discovery. Cremo is a researcher and author of the book Forbidden Archaeology. Cremo, Howe said, has visited India and attended local meetings about the Cambay site.
"Within the past few months," Cremo told her, "the engineers began some dredging operations there and they pulled up human fossil bones, fossil wood, stone tools, pieces of pottery, and many other things that indicated that it indeed was a human habitation site that they had. And they were able to do more intensive sonar work there and were able to identify more structures. They appeared to have been laid out on the bank of a river that had been flowing from the Indian subcontinent out into that area."
According to Howe:
Even if we don't know what the cultural background of the people is, if it does happen to be a city that is 9500 years old, that is older than the Sumerian civilization by several thousand years. It is older than the Egyptian, older than the Chinese. So it would radically affect our whole picture of the development of urban civilization on this planet.
Now, if it further happens that additional research is able to identify the culture of the people who lived in that city that's now underwater — if it turns out they are a Vedic people, which I think is quite probable given the location of this off the coast of India — I think that would radically change the whole picture of Indian history which has basically been written by Western archaeologists.
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最後由 sanmartin 於 週五 3月 05, 2010 12:37 am 編輯,總共編輯了 1 次。
- CR
- 文章: 625
- 註冊時間: 週六 4月 12, 2008 4:18 pm
Re: 2012年後的健保
這個LaViolette博士剛被 project Camelot訪問完....
他研究是不是因為"宇宙塵"造成 冰河期,當然造成物理界激烈辯論, 我去看了那些反對和贊成的...一堆..but 我看不懂
這個人去南極還是北極去鑽冰,看一些Ir 和Ni在冰層的不同深處是否有不同, 因為Ir 和Ni比較會在宇宙, so 當真的有Cosmic Dust進入地球, 則在某深處冰層應該有較高的Ir and Ni. 他的結論當然是有.知道就好,不是唸物理的
Main Paper:
Evidence of High Cosmic Dust Concentrations
in Late Pleistocene Polar Ice
Paul A. LaViolette
Meteoritics (1985) 20: 545 - 558
The cosmic dust concentration in the solar system during the last ice age was investigated by means of eight samples from taken from a depth of 1215-1279 m in the Camp Century ice core (77°10'N, 61°08'W). Dust filtered from these samples was analyzed for the presence of the cosmic dust indicators iridium and nickel using the neutron activation analysis technique. This study was carried out to test the hypothesis that the climatic change toward the end of the Last Ice Age was triggered by an incursion of nebular material into the Solar System. The analytical results are consistent with this hypothesis. Concentrations of Ir and Ni in the ice were one to two orders of magnitude higher during the latter portion of the Last Ice Age (19,700 - 14,200 years BP)* as compared with current levels. Ir and Ni levels in 6 out of 8 samples suggest a total cosmic dust influx rate of about 0.5 - 3 X 10^7 tons/yr to the Earth's surface as compared with about 1 - 7 X 10^5 tons/yr for the current influx. Elemental concentrations in 6 of the 8 dust samples range from 6 - 96 ppb for Ir and <60 to 3200 ppm for Ni. It is concluded that a major fraction of this invading dust would have been of submicron size in which case the concentration of light scattering particles would have been sufficient to significantly alter the light transmission properties of the Solar System and substantially affect the Earth's climate. These results mark the first time that cosmic dust deposition rates have been estimated for prehistoric times using the polar ice record.
* correction: The ice core depth sampled in this study actually spanned the period 38,650 to 78,500 years BP. Since the time this paper was published, a new chronology was established for the Camp Century ice core that pushed back the above quoted date range to a much earlier time.
這個LaViolette博士剛被 project Camelot訪問完....
他研究是不是因為"宇宙塵"造成 冰河期,當然造成物理界激烈辯論, 我去看了那些反對和贊成的...一堆..but 我看不懂
這個人去南極還是北極去鑽冰,看一些Ir 和Ni在冰層的不同深處是否有不同, 因為Ir 和Ni比較會在宇宙, so 當真的有Cosmic Dust進入地球, 則在某深處冰層應該有較高的Ir and Ni. 他的結論當然是有.知道就好,不是唸物理的
Main Paper:
Evidence of High Cosmic Dust Concentrations
in Late Pleistocene Polar Ice
Paul A. LaViolette
Meteoritics (1985) 20: 545 - 558
The cosmic dust concentration in the solar system during the last ice age was investigated by means of eight samples from taken from a depth of 1215-1279 m in the Camp Century ice core (77°10'N, 61°08'W). Dust filtered from these samples was analyzed for the presence of the cosmic dust indicators iridium and nickel using the neutron activation analysis technique. This study was carried out to test the hypothesis that the climatic change toward the end of the Last Ice Age was triggered by an incursion of nebular material into the Solar System. The analytical results are consistent with this hypothesis. Concentrations of Ir and Ni in the ice were one to two orders of magnitude higher during the latter portion of the Last Ice Age (19,700 - 14,200 years BP)* as compared with current levels. Ir and Ni levels in 6 out of 8 samples suggest a total cosmic dust influx rate of about 0.5 - 3 X 10^7 tons/yr to the Earth's surface as compared with about 1 - 7 X 10^5 tons/yr for the current influx. Elemental concentrations in 6 of the 8 dust samples range from 6 - 96 ppb for Ir and <60 to 3200 ppm for Ni. It is concluded that a major fraction of this invading dust would have been of submicron size in which case the concentration of light scattering particles would have been sufficient to significantly alter the light transmission properties of the Solar System and substantially affect the Earth's climate. These results mark the first time that cosmic dust deposition rates have been estimated for prehistoric times using the polar ice record.
* correction: The ice core depth sampled in this study actually spanned the period 38,650 to 78,500 years BP. Since the time this paper was published, a new chronology was established for the Camp Century ice core that pushed back the above quoted date range to a much earlier time.
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- 文章: 625
- 註冊時間: 週六 4月 12, 2008 4:18 pm
Re: 2012年後的健保
至於如何DNA reprogramming , J.J Hurtak
舉了這個例子, 正常A和正常B結婚,生下 C是帶著A 和B 的部份基因 ,如果此時C有缺陷 C又和D結婚,又生下 E,E則他的基因可以不必帶著C+D的gene,而選擇A+B的 gene.....基因不會一直壞下去
Rogue weeds defy rules of genetics
26 March 2005 by Andy Coghlan
Magazine issue 2492. Subscribe and get 4 free issues.
MENDELIAN inheritance, the central tenet of genetics, is under attack from a few scrawny weeds that haven't read the textbooks. The weeds are somehow inheriting DNA sequences from their grandparents that neither of their parents possessed - which is supposed to be impossible.
The orthodox view is that genes are passed down in the form of DNA, and all organisms have to make do with this parental DNA inheritance, mutations and all. Chemical or structural modifications to DNA can switch off genes, and these changes can pass from generation to generation, a phenomenon called epigenesis. But epigenetic changes do not alter the actual sequence of DNA.
Yet that is what seems to occur in the weedy cress Arabidopsis thaliana, the workhorse of plant biologists. Cress with two mutant copies of one gene seem to be able to correct the DNA they pass on, ensuring that at least a few of their offspring revert to normal. Robert Pruitt, whose team at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana, made this extraordinary discovery, thinks that the mutant genes are being repaired using RNA templates inherited from earlier generations.
Other biologists are astonished by the findings. "It's amazing," says David Baulcombe, an expert on plant RNA at the John Innes Centre in Norwich, UK. "The notion that RNA carries the information almost seems like the only way it could happen."
It is possible that the phenomenon is limited to this one plant. But in Nature (vol 434, p 505), Pruitt's team speculates that it might be a more widespread mechanism that allows plants to "experiment" with new mutations while keeping RNA spares as a back-up. If the mutations prove harmful, some plants in the next generation revert to their grandparents' DNA sequence with the help of the RNA. "It does make sense," Pruitt says.
Such a mechanism would be especially useful to plants that self-pollinate and so are not as genetically variable as other plants. But it might happen in all plants and even animals.
Pruitt's team made the discovery after finding that some Arabidopsis refused to "breed true". To Pruitt's irritation as many as 1 in 10 of the offspring grew normally despite their parents having a mutation in both copies of the hothead gene, which causes petals and leaves to stick to one another. He assumed that normal seeds or pollen were contaminating his trials.
It was our view that it was heresy when we started working on it, but we've had time to get used to the idea
But a series of experiments ruled out contamination. They also ruled out other possibilities, including the gene spontaneously mutating back to the normal form, the existence of more than two copies of the hothead gene, or closely related DNA sequences providing a template for repairs. Eventually, Pruitt was left with one, unbelievable explanation: the normal offspring were somehow acquiring genetic information from ancestors other than their parents.
"It was our view that it was heresy when we started working on it, but we've had time to get used to the idea now," he says. "I'd say I've been the biggest sceptic all the way along, but every experiment has been done to find a conventional explanation and it's as foolproof as we can make it. I have every confidence in the data, but I'll feel better about it when other people have seen similar things."
The team has also found that in hothead mutants, other faulty genes mysteriously revert to the sequence of earlier generations too. It may be that the phenomenon is caused by the hothead mutation and restricted to plants that carry it, says Ottoline Leyser, who studies plant developmental genes at the University of York in the UK. "People have been working on mutants for years, and they all behave in a Mendelian way," she says.
"It's possible it is just related to this one gene," agrees Pruitt. "We can't rule it out, but I think it's unlikely." Other researchers may simply have dismissed mutants that revert to an ancestral form as the product of contamination, Leyser says. "Maybe it has been under the radar."
Pruitt's team is now trying to find the stash of RNAs from earlier generations that might provide the templates for repair, and work out how it is passed down. "My guess is that it is in the nucleus somehow, or hitchhikes on chromosomes, but that's just speculation," he says.
While the search goes on, Pruitt hopes other biologists will hunt for evidence of the phenomenon in plants, animals and even humans. "If we can understand how these templates are used, we might be able to make our own to order," he says. That might help improve existing methods for repairing genes, which are not yet efficient enough to be used to treat genetic diseases.
舉了這個例子, 正常A和正常B結婚,生下 C是帶著A 和B 的部份基因 ,如果此時C有缺陷 C又和D結婚,又生下 E,E則他的基因可以不必帶著C+D的gene,而選擇A+B的 gene.....基因不會一直壞下去
Rogue weeds defy rules of genetics
26 March 2005 by Andy Coghlan
Magazine issue 2492. Subscribe and get 4 free issues.
MENDELIAN inheritance, the central tenet of genetics, is under attack from a few scrawny weeds that haven't read the textbooks. The weeds are somehow inheriting DNA sequences from their grandparents that neither of their parents possessed - which is supposed to be impossible.
The orthodox view is that genes are passed down in the form of DNA, and all organisms have to make do with this parental DNA inheritance, mutations and all. Chemical or structural modifications to DNA can switch off genes, and these changes can pass from generation to generation, a phenomenon called epigenesis. But epigenetic changes do not alter the actual sequence of DNA.
Yet that is what seems to occur in the weedy cress Arabidopsis thaliana, the workhorse of plant biologists. Cress with two mutant copies of one gene seem to be able to correct the DNA they pass on, ensuring that at least a few of their offspring revert to normal. Robert Pruitt, whose team at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana, made this extraordinary discovery, thinks that the mutant genes are being repaired using RNA templates inherited from earlier generations.
Other biologists are astonished by the findings. "It's amazing," says David Baulcombe, an expert on plant RNA at the John Innes Centre in Norwich, UK. "The notion that RNA carries the information almost seems like the only way it could happen."
It is possible that the phenomenon is limited to this one plant. But in Nature (vol 434, p 505), Pruitt's team speculates that it might be a more widespread mechanism that allows plants to "experiment" with new mutations while keeping RNA spares as a back-up. If the mutations prove harmful, some plants in the next generation revert to their grandparents' DNA sequence with the help of the RNA. "It does make sense," Pruitt says.
Such a mechanism would be especially useful to plants that self-pollinate and so are not as genetically variable as other plants. But it might happen in all plants and even animals.
Pruitt's team made the discovery after finding that some Arabidopsis refused to "breed true". To Pruitt's irritation as many as 1 in 10 of the offspring grew normally despite their parents having a mutation in both copies of the hothead gene, which causes petals and leaves to stick to one another. He assumed that normal seeds or pollen were contaminating his trials.
It was our view that it was heresy when we started working on it, but we've had time to get used to the idea
But a series of experiments ruled out contamination. They also ruled out other possibilities, including the gene spontaneously mutating back to the normal form, the existence of more than two copies of the hothead gene, or closely related DNA sequences providing a template for repairs. Eventually, Pruitt was left with one, unbelievable explanation: the normal offspring were somehow acquiring genetic information from ancestors other than their parents.
"It was our view that it was heresy when we started working on it, but we've had time to get used to the idea now," he says. "I'd say I've been the biggest sceptic all the way along, but every experiment has been done to find a conventional explanation and it's as foolproof as we can make it. I have every confidence in the data, but I'll feel better about it when other people have seen similar things."
The team has also found that in hothead mutants, other faulty genes mysteriously revert to the sequence of earlier generations too. It may be that the phenomenon is caused by the hothead mutation and restricted to plants that carry it, says Ottoline Leyser, who studies plant developmental genes at the University of York in the UK. "People have been working on mutants for years, and they all behave in a Mendelian way," she says.
"It's possible it is just related to this one gene," agrees Pruitt. "We can't rule it out, but I think it's unlikely." Other researchers may simply have dismissed mutants that revert to an ancestral form as the product of contamination, Leyser says. "Maybe it has been under the radar."
Pruitt's team is now trying to find the stash of RNAs from earlier generations that might provide the templates for repair, and work out how it is passed down. "My guess is that it is in the nucleus somehow, or hitchhikes on chromosomes, but that's just speculation," he says.
While the search goes on, Pruitt hopes other biologists will hunt for evidence of the phenomenon in plants, animals and even humans. "If we can understand how these templates are used, we might be able to make our own to order," he says. That might help improve existing methods for repairing genes, which are not yet efficient enough to be used to treat genetic diseases.
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- 文章: 27
- 註冊時間: 週三 2月 17, 2010 10:55 am
Re: 2012年後的健保
一個很有趣的對比﹐同樣的Paul LaViolette博士, 在被Project Camelot訪問的時候﹐談的是宇宙塵﹐我邊看邊打瞌睡﹐但在Veritas(拉丁文>真理)網站訪問時﹐談的卻是anti-gravity抗地心引力的科技﹐他提到相信美國軍方在二戰後就鑽研及掌握了這種科技﹐B-2就有這能力﹐請留意聯結裡這些照片中有些B-2的背景是在大氣層之上﹐有一張更是靠近太空站。他也談了一些他所知的軍方的秘密計劃。
B-2照片> http://www.theorionconspiracy.com/html/b_2_mhd.html,
http://www.veritasshow.com/guests/50.php Paul LaViolette博士背景資料
http://www.manticoregroup.com/radio/200 ... olette.mp3 電話訪談
Project Camelot是免費的﹐幕後有人贊助﹐他們認為這些資訊是公眾事務﹐應免費讓人知道﹐但女主持人較主觀﹐技巧較差﹐男主持人尚可﹐但較嘮叨。Veritas(真理)網站的訪談前段免費﹐要聽後一半及論壇則要收費(剛開始時全免費)﹐主持人Mel Fabregas認為他全力投入﹐需收費補開支。他的訪談有作比較多的功課﹐不主觀﹐切入快﹐廢話少﹐內容比較精彩。我沒加入會員﹐因為現有資料已經太多﹐看不完﹐但總有一天會要進去聽的﹐因為真的很吸引人。
建議有興趣的朋友們可從這兩個網站先看起﹐再google一下有興趣的議題﹐點線面的架構起來﹐這是不容易﹐感覺上是瞎子摸象﹐每人講他的一部分﹐但是看不見整隻大象。朵洛莉絲.侃南Dolores Cannon不同的地方﹐是能提出一個整體的理論> Keepers of the Garden﹐描繪出大象的輪廓。解釋了大部份的現象﹐說法﹐或發現。但是不見得完全沒有疑問。她說ET是來幫助人類﹐驗收成果的。但是也有不同的說法。
像新墨西哥州的Dulce基地與爬蟲類外星人的戰爭就是從Veritas聽到後﹐再去找更多的資料佐證。Jo Ann Richards講的Dulce War.
http://www.veritasshow.com/guests/32.php (背景資料)
http://www.manticoregroup.com/radio/200 ... chards.mp3 (第一段訪談)
無獨有偶﹐另一個人Alex Collier 說是Andromedan仙女座ET的聯繫人(就像Billy Meier是昴宿星的聯繫人一樣) ﹐他說Dulce基地中有一種爬蟲類ET喜歡肉食(活人)﹐尤其喜歡小孩子﹐因為污染較少﹐尤其喜歡小孩子受驚後﹐腎上腺激素劇增的能量﹐更是它們的美食。我初聽時﹐還真無法食肉。若為真﹐令人髮指。一二人講﹐不足信﹐但是五六人﹐就有些蹊蹺。算得出的﹐聯的上的﹐就有上述的Jo Ann Richards﹐Alex Collier﹐William Cooper, Phil Schneider, Thomas E Castello.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JVdqL_gm ... re=related (@8:00)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uR46QjXjLH0 (@1:36:00隔了十多年﹐他堅持食人為真)
B-2照片> http://www.theorionconspiracy.com/html/b_2_mhd.html,
http://www.veritasshow.com/guests/50.php Paul LaViolette博士背景資料
http://www.manticoregroup.com/radio/200 ... olette.mp3 電話訪談
Project Camelot是免費的﹐幕後有人贊助﹐他們認為這些資訊是公眾事務﹐應免費讓人知道﹐但女主持人較主觀﹐技巧較差﹐男主持人尚可﹐但較嘮叨。Veritas(真理)網站的訪談前段免費﹐要聽後一半及論壇則要收費(剛開始時全免費)﹐主持人Mel Fabregas認為他全力投入﹐需收費補開支。他的訪談有作比較多的功課﹐不主觀﹐切入快﹐廢話少﹐內容比較精彩。我沒加入會員﹐因為現有資料已經太多﹐看不完﹐但總有一天會要進去聽的﹐因為真的很吸引人。
建議有興趣的朋友們可從這兩個網站先看起﹐再google一下有興趣的議題﹐點線面的架構起來﹐這是不容易﹐感覺上是瞎子摸象﹐每人講他的一部分﹐但是看不見整隻大象。朵洛莉絲.侃南Dolores Cannon不同的地方﹐是能提出一個整體的理論> Keepers of the Garden﹐描繪出大象的輪廓。解釋了大部份的現象﹐說法﹐或發現。但是不見得完全沒有疑問。她說ET是來幫助人類﹐驗收成果的。但是也有不同的說法。
像新墨西哥州的Dulce基地與爬蟲類外星人的戰爭就是從Veritas聽到後﹐再去找更多的資料佐證。Jo Ann Richards講的Dulce War.
http://www.veritasshow.com/guests/32.php (背景資料)
http://www.manticoregroup.com/radio/200 ... chards.mp3 (第一段訪談)
無獨有偶﹐另一個人Alex Collier 說是Andromedan仙女座ET的聯繫人(就像Billy Meier是昴宿星的聯繫人一樣) ﹐他說Dulce基地中有一種爬蟲類ET喜歡肉食(活人)﹐尤其喜歡小孩子﹐因為污染較少﹐尤其喜歡小孩子受驚後﹐腎上腺激素劇增的能量﹐更是它們的美食。我初聽時﹐還真無法食肉。若為真﹐令人髮指。一二人講﹐不足信﹐但是五六人﹐就有些蹊蹺。算得出的﹐聯的上的﹐就有上述的Jo Ann Richards﹐Alex Collier﹐William Cooper, Phil Schneider, Thomas E Castello.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JVdqL_gm ... re=related (@8:00)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uR46QjXjLH0 (@1:36:00隔了十多年﹐他堅持食人為真)
最後由 dkcapital 於 週四 3月 11, 2010 7:36 am 編輯,總共編輯了 1 次。
- CR
- 文章: 625
- 註冊時間: 週六 4月 12, 2008 4:18 pm
Re: 2012年後的健保
哈哈 ..dccapital...你真的和我興趣相投...或許改天我們來成立Taiwan project Camelot...但台灣沒甚麼好爆料...一堆政客每天搞選舉...真是一堆xx人
Verita這個我再進一步進去看看..至於Orion conspiracy的照片都很好看really...
至於xoman222 不知你有沒有英翻譯中的軟體, po 個上來如何??
至於有關"2012相關"的大家就別po 了,前天晚上23:30 post then delete 的那些應該是很內幕的東西,我的病患說她兒子也在看這個版, 我想想那別造成小孩驚嚇的好. 這麼這個topic 就繼續下去
我們儘量就往supernature 超自然方面的topic
Project Camelot是免費的﹐幕後有人贊助﹐他們認為這些資訊是公眾事務﹐應免費讓人知道﹐但女主持人較主觀﹐技巧較差﹐男主持人尚可﹐但較嘮叨。
幾天前Kelly 和Bill好像吵架...Kelly 好像被金錢誘惑了或被威脅..不知是不是一直爆政府的內幕...網站關了一天,Bill的post 被刪,隔一天又放上去了...
朵洛莉絲.侃南Dolores Cannon我到是認為有一半太科幻了, well 或許是真, 1-2年後便知分曉
Reptilian shape transforming...dccapital這個題目留到晚一點再post...因為很難讓一般人接受, except some poeple
Verita這個我再進一步進去看看..至於Orion conspiracy的照片都很好看really...
至於xoman222 不知你有沒有英翻譯中的軟體, po 個上來如何??
至於有關"2012相關"的大家就別po 了,前天晚上23:30 post then delete 的那些應該是很內幕的東西,我的病患說她兒子也在看這個版, 我想想那別造成小孩驚嚇的好. 這麼這個topic 就繼續下去
我們儘量就往supernature 超自然方面的topic
Project Camelot是免費的﹐幕後有人贊助﹐他們認為這些資訊是公眾事務﹐應免費讓人知道﹐但女主持人較主觀﹐技巧較差﹐男主持人尚可﹐但較嘮叨。
幾天前Kelly 和Bill好像吵架...Kelly 好像被金錢誘惑了或被威脅..不知是不是一直爆政府的內幕...網站關了一天,Bill的post 被刪,隔一天又放上去了...
朵洛莉絲.侃南Dolores Cannon我到是認為有一半太科幻了, well 或許是真, 1-2年後便知分曉
Reptilian shape transforming...dccapital這個題目留到晚一點再post...因為很難讓一般人接受, except some poeple
最後由 sanmartin 於 週六 3月 06, 2010 12:58 am 編輯,總共編輯了 1 次。
- CR
- 文章: 625
- 註冊時間: 週六 4月 12, 2008 4:18 pm
Re: 2012年後的健保
Reconnection 總結:
人,地球都有內在的grid(能量流動網絡或者不管你怎麼叫它),縱使很難believe but it is true for me
Reconnection healing的頻率是人人都可以有,而且倆天就可以有可以從手上有 out put治療別人. 這股頻率是來自於目前可能大家會覺得不存在的第五次元, 而再連結這件事是來自J.J Huratk這個人在1973寫的這本書第一個提出.1993莫名其妙Eric就有. 要學會這股頻率很簡單, 不用是宗教人士,不用會打坐,不一定要心中充滿愛心….
上課的過程就是一個當病患,其它的人就用雙手在這位病患上的任何部位感覺.就這麼簡單.Eric會來上70%的課, 這課沒甚麼講義的,幸運的會你會被Eric 選上台去做model,這應該是最重要的,因為就是”Entrainment”這個字. 當然上課會教一些手法,好比waterfall,sweeping in, the pendulum 等,個人覺得滿實用.
單看書也可以有連結,但我相信是很微弱,除非你是特別的體質. 如果有去上課則某人的頻率會比單看書高很多.
為什麼不用信教,不用唸阿彌陀佛,阿門….就在倆天內手就像瀑布有電磁波的感覺?我的理解是人的”string 弦”的排列,經過去上課倆天後,就會被”校正”到可以變成”天線”一樣接通這個frequency.用鐵和磁鐵來舉例最恰當.磁鐵有磁力因為內在的分子排列整齊, 鐵則分子排列很亂.鐵和磁鐵放在一起久後, 鐵的分子也被磁鐵所影響進而排列整齊,也會變磁鐵.So Eric當然是磁鐵而我們則只是鐵, 去上課後,我們體內的”分子排列”就被調整整齊了,也會有磁力,且是永久性,但會有強有弱.且太久沒去用它會有”生鏽感”…但再去感覺一下,磁力又會回來.不知是不是上越多次課,手上感覺越強,I don’t know, so, 我也期待趕快湊到125人.
上完課回來後, 手上感覺會有時忽強忽弱的感覺,但是不是每個人都這樣我也不知.
病患的疾病種類會不會影響治療??不知,似乎有關neurological dz 較有效. 對疾病復元的太多期待,似乎有那麼一些會影響治療效果..
如何把手上感覺加強, I really 仍不知,先前以為有抓到訣翹…但不是
為何有些被治療的人感受很多,有些人感覺不大,I don’t know,但有打坐過的似乎很容易感受到.
為何同樣一個頻率確可healing不同disease??我想應該是人體最小的”String”弦,的旋轉頻率是”某固定頻率”. 任何病時這個固定的頻率被改變,so當這股頻率傳到病患後,就把它最基本的頻率校正回來.任何病就改善了.所以可以用在所有疾病. 但甚麼疾病容易好..不知.希望有更多醫師去學來討論討論.
從2009 年12月學回來後,已和大家講了有RECONNECTION 這回事在世界上.學回來後…自己就好像電腦升級一樣.真是感覺不一樣. 前天的六龜高雄地震…讓我想再進一步去更UPGRADE升級, 因為倆三天前,發生了和Eric 在他書一開始講地震的那般……welll.我和我老婆還得再更進一步驗證一下是不是如此…..
有關Reconnection 的information 已跟大家講完,期待有新學回來的人來講一下自己的心得.這個topic誰都可po, but avoid “2012”的topic,這樣我就可在post下去. 希望在台灣的reconnection課程有開成功,請想學Reconnection 的人把這些訊息Post 出去…趕快達到125人.因為我也想再更升級
ht_lin6245@yahoo.com.tw (請以再連結療癒為標題,不然我會當成垃圾信delete掉,收到信後我會回函,沒回函就是我沒收到,請再寄第二次))
人,地球都有內在的grid(能量流動網絡或者不管你怎麼叫它),縱使很難believe but it is true for me
Reconnection healing的頻率是人人都可以有,而且倆天就可以有可以從手上有 out put治療別人. 這股頻率是來自於目前可能大家會覺得不存在的第五次元, 而再連結這件事是來自J.J Huratk這個人在1973寫的這本書第一個提出.1993莫名其妙Eric就有. 要學會這股頻率很簡單, 不用是宗教人士,不用會打坐,不一定要心中充滿愛心….
上課的過程就是一個當病患,其它的人就用雙手在這位病患上的任何部位感覺.就這麼簡單.Eric會來上70%的課, 這課沒甚麼講義的,幸運的會你會被Eric 選上台去做model,這應該是最重要的,因為就是”Entrainment”這個字. 當然上課會教一些手法,好比waterfall,sweeping in, the pendulum 等,個人覺得滿實用.
單看書也可以有連結,但我相信是很微弱,除非你是特別的體質. 如果有去上課則某人的頻率會比單看書高很多.
為什麼不用信教,不用唸阿彌陀佛,阿門….就在倆天內手就像瀑布有電磁波的感覺?我的理解是人的”string 弦”的排列,經過去上課倆天後,就會被”校正”到可以變成”天線”一樣接通這個frequency.用鐵和磁鐵來舉例最恰當.磁鐵有磁力因為內在的分子排列整齊, 鐵則分子排列很亂.鐵和磁鐵放在一起久後, 鐵的分子也被磁鐵所影響進而排列整齊,也會變磁鐵.So Eric當然是磁鐵而我們則只是鐵, 去上課後,我們體內的”分子排列”就被調整整齊了,也會有磁力,且是永久性,但會有強有弱.且太久沒去用它會有”生鏽感”…但再去感覺一下,磁力又會回來.不知是不是上越多次課,手上感覺越強,I don’t know, so, 我也期待趕快湊到125人.
上完課回來後, 手上感覺會有時忽強忽弱的感覺,但是不是每個人都這樣我也不知.
病患的疾病種類會不會影響治療??不知,似乎有關neurological dz 較有效. 對疾病復元的太多期待,似乎有那麼一些會影響治療效果..
如何把手上感覺加強, I really 仍不知,先前以為有抓到訣翹…但不是
為何有些被治療的人感受很多,有些人感覺不大,I don’t know,但有打坐過的似乎很容易感受到.
為何同樣一個頻率確可healing不同disease??我想應該是人體最小的”String”弦,的旋轉頻率是”某固定頻率”. 任何病時這個固定的頻率被改變,so當這股頻率傳到病患後,就把它最基本的頻率校正回來.任何病就改善了.所以可以用在所有疾病. 但甚麼疾病容易好..不知.希望有更多醫師去學來討論討論.
從2009 年12月學回來後,已和大家講了有RECONNECTION 這回事在世界上.學回來後…自己就好像電腦升級一樣.真是感覺不一樣. 前天的六龜高雄地震…讓我想再進一步去更UPGRADE升級, 因為倆三天前,發生了和Eric 在他書一開始講地震的那般……welll.我和我老婆還得再更進一步驗證一下是不是如此…..
有關Reconnection 的information 已跟大家講完,期待有新學回來的人來講一下自己的心得.這個topic誰都可po, but avoid “2012”的topic,這樣我就可在post下去. 希望在台灣的reconnection課程有開成功,請想學Reconnection 的人把這些訊息Post 出去…趕快達到125人.因為我也想再更升級
ht_lin6245@yahoo.com.tw (請以再連結療癒為標題,不然我會當成垃圾信delete掉,收到信後我會回函,沒回函就是我沒收到,請再寄第二次))
最後由 sanmartin 於 週四 3月 11, 2010 4:31 pm 編輯,總共編輯了 2 次。
- 註冊會員
- 文章: 20
- 註冊時間: 週六 1月 23, 2010 7:22 pm
Re: 2012年後的健保
- 註冊會員
- 文章: 27
- 註冊時間: 週三 2月 17, 2010 10:55 am
Re: 2012年後的健保
1. 未來不是固定的﹐是可以改變的。風水﹐算命﹐各類大師都是教你趨吉避凶﹐如果未來固定不可變﹐這些東東不會存在這麼久。2012講的都是可能性﹐possibility & probability, 沒有人能鐵口直斷將來就是這樣。我們每一個人的小小覺醒﹐凝聚起來﹐就足以改變我們的未來。
蝴蝶效應Butterfly Effect也適用於正向發展。
Alex Collier也表示﹐他的仙女座Andromedan外星朋友認為人類有著豐富的DNA(包含22種外星DNA) 及人類靈魂有著與眾不同的熱情﹐是宇宙中的貴族﹐只是我們不知道自己的潛能。(想想貝多芬在耳聾後寫的第九交響曲-快樂頌﹐一個聾子的腦袋裡有著這麼豐富的音符﹐就是一個無比的奇跡)
2. 以輪迴的說法來看﹐人生就是如此循環不已﹐直到修成正果。不知前世﹐不見將來﹐在此世紅塵中痛苦掙扎﹐接受考驗﹐不知何時開悟得道﹐也真是讓人心煩。如2012真有大改變﹐結束輪迴制度﹐我也樂見其成。能在此世目睹此重大改變﹐還真不容易。
3. 生命終有謝幕時﹐常見老年人的無奈﹐要走走不掉- 癱瘓在床﹐讓人把屎把尿﹐還拖累家人﹐托垮家計。要活﹐活的沒尊嚴- 耳不聰﹐目不明﹐走不動﹐穿尿布﹐帶尿帶﹐日暮西山﹐看不到將來﹐消沉沮喪。晚輩想安慰﹐孝敬都使不上力。以後的自己也脫不出這個框框﹐無奈也無力。現在有了這麼一個2012 的新的遊戲﹐不再走老路﹐我是很有興趣的看看到時怎麼玩。
4. 如果到時沒事﹐在這段時間導致的人類自覺﹐向上提昇的追求﹐那是對我們人類多好的一種影響啊﹐持續下去﹐不需外力幫忙﹐我們也會朝向光明的未來。
Don Quixote, Man of La Mancha “The Maddest thing of all, is to see life as it is and not as it SHOULD be”
講個小故事﹐去年底回台奔母喪﹐回美聯航機上同排座另頭是韓國人(女﹐約40歲﹖)﹐她英文不靈﹐開始聊了幾句﹐幫她填報關單﹐入境卡。抵美5小時前如廁﹐赫然發現她躺在機尾中間走道上﹐身體不適 (猜暈機加著涼)﹐機滿無位躺﹐搜刮5條機毯及枕頭﹐自己外衣給她蓋墊。機燈熄﹐坐旁空服椅照料﹐免乘客過走道踩到。男老空服來說不能坐這椅﹐告知狀況﹐不再煩。又年輕女空服來講﹐無情﹐就是不能坐﹐站久累﹐又坐﹐女強硬警告要法辦﹐火大﹐問記她名﹐及聯航處置此狀況之規定﹐女回去問機長回覆﹐態度不再強硬。時剩兩小時﹐說服同排另二位移位﹐空三座讓她躺。快降落時﹐老空服帶老廣空服(ABC﹐爛中文)來問她幫忙﹐才得知她是老韓﹐兩人當場傻住﹐講不出話。一票空服認定我跟它們硬幹絕對是老中幫老中﹐結果居然是語言不通的中韓組。我心暗笑﹐世界之大﹐宇宙之廣﹐還小鼻子小眼睛的分你我。安排輪椅下機﹐協助入境﹐棗紅刷毛夾克給她取暖﹐分道揚颮。(她說老公會來接她)
1. 未來不是固定的﹐是可以改變的。風水﹐算命﹐各類大師都是教你趨吉避凶﹐如果未來固定不可變﹐這些東東不會存在這麼久。2012講的都是可能性﹐possibility & probability, 沒有人能鐵口直斷將來就是這樣。我們每一個人的小小覺醒﹐凝聚起來﹐就足以改變我們的未來。
蝴蝶效應Butterfly Effect也適用於正向發展。
Alex Collier也表示﹐他的仙女座Andromedan外星朋友認為人類有著豐富的DNA(包含22種外星DNA) 及人類靈魂有著與眾不同的熱情﹐是宇宙中的貴族﹐只是我們不知道自己的潛能。(想想貝多芬在耳聾後寫的第九交響曲-快樂頌﹐一個聾子的腦袋裡有著這麼豐富的音符﹐就是一個無比的奇跡)
2. 以輪迴的說法來看﹐人生就是如此循環不已﹐直到修成正果。不知前世﹐不見將來﹐在此世紅塵中痛苦掙扎﹐接受考驗﹐不知何時開悟得道﹐也真是讓人心煩。如2012真有大改變﹐結束輪迴制度﹐我也樂見其成。能在此世目睹此重大改變﹐還真不容易。
3. 生命終有謝幕時﹐常見老年人的無奈﹐要走走不掉- 癱瘓在床﹐讓人把屎把尿﹐還拖累家人﹐托垮家計。要活﹐活的沒尊嚴- 耳不聰﹐目不明﹐走不動﹐穿尿布﹐帶尿帶﹐日暮西山﹐看不到將來﹐消沉沮喪。晚輩想安慰﹐孝敬都使不上力。以後的自己也脫不出這個框框﹐無奈也無力。現在有了這麼一個2012 的新的遊戲﹐不再走老路﹐我是很有興趣的看看到時怎麼玩。
4. 如果到時沒事﹐在這段時間導致的人類自覺﹐向上提昇的追求﹐那是對我們人類多好的一種影響啊﹐持續下去﹐不需外力幫忙﹐我們也會朝向光明的未來。
Don Quixote, Man of La Mancha “The Maddest thing of all, is to see life as it is and not as it SHOULD be”
講個小故事﹐去年底回台奔母喪﹐回美聯航機上同排座另頭是韓國人(女﹐約40歲﹖)﹐她英文不靈﹐開始聊了幾句﹐幫她填報關單﹐入境卡。抵美5小時前如廁﹐赫然發現她躺在機尾中間走道上﹐身體不適 (猜暈機加著涼)﹐機滿無位躺﹐搜刮5條機毯及枕頭﹐自己外衣給她蓋墊。機燈熄﹐坐旁空服椅照料﹐免乘客過走道踩到。男老空服來說不能坐這椅﹐告知狀況﹐不再煩。又年輕女空服來講﹐無情﹐就是不能坐﹐站久累﹐又坐﹐女強硬警告要法辦﹐火大﹐問記她名﹐及聯航處置此狀況之規定﹐女回去問機長回覆﹐態度不再強硬。時剩兩小時﹐說服同排另二位移位﹐空三座讓她躺。快降落時﹐老空服帶老廣空服(ABC﹐爛中文)來問她幫忙﹐才得知她是老韓﹐兩人當場傻住﹐講不出話。一票空服認定我跟它們硬幹絕對是老中幫老中﹐結果居然是語言不通的中韓組。我心暗笑﹐世界之大﹐宇宙之廣﹐還小鼻子小眼睛的分你我。安排輪椅下機﹐協助入境﹐棗紅刷毛夾克給她取暖﹐分道揚颮。(她說老公會來接她)
- CR
- 文章: 625
- 註冊時間: 週六 4月 12, 2008 4:18 pm
Re: 2012年後的健保
話說reptilian原本我以為是,亂扯..但有位修行的人講後.....well, 對一般人這段還是留到後面一點
哈...太多人都在自己的世界,so 很難去accept世界外的事..dccapital did you see the message...few days ago我在23:30 po的那個???那個是我得到的比較可相信的.
昨天看了 David Willcok, 他在LA 的那場演講的內容倒也滿不錯的,有引用數據,照片的可信度就"稍高一點"..比較有點假的是Aaron McCollum的gulf of Aden葉門那發生的事....
Alex Collier也表示﹐他的仙女座Andromedan外星朋友認為人類有著豐富的DNA(包含22種外星DNA)
嗯..像Biily Miere...但Biily 還有預測到2036那顆隕石...
2. 以輪迴的說法來看﹐人生就是如此循環不已﹐直到修成正果。不知前世﹐不見將來﹐在此世紅塵中痛苦掙扎﹐接受考驗﹐不知何時開悟得道﹐也真是讓人心煩。如2012真有大改變﹐結束輪迴制度﹐我也樂見其成。能在此世目睹此重大改變﹐還真不容易。
現在有了這麼一個2012 的新的遊戲﹐不再走老路﹐我是很有興趣的看看到時怎麼玩。
Right, 進去fear裡面,把光點亮...
話說reptilian原本我以為是,亂扯..但有位修行的人講後.....well, 對一般人這段還是留到後面一點
哈...太多人都在自己的世界,so 很難去accept世界外的事..dccapital did you see the message...few days ago我在23:30 po的那個???那個是我得到的比較可相信的.
昨天看了 David Willcok, 他在LA 的那場演講的內容倒也滿不錯的,有引用數據,照片的可信度就"稍高一點"..比較有點假的是Aaron McCollum的gulf of Aden葉門那發生的事....
Alex Collier也表示﹐他的仙女座Andromedan外星朋友認為人類有著豐富的DNA(包含22種外星DNA)
嗯..像Biily Miere...但Biily 還有預測到2036那顆隕石...
2. 以輪迴的說法來看﹐人生就是如此循環不已﹐直到修成正果。不知前世﹐不見將來﹐在此世紅塵中痛苦掙扎﹐接受考驗﹐不知何時開悟得道﹐也真是讓人心煩。如2012真有大改變﹐結束輪迴制度﹐我也樂見其成。能在此世目睹此重大改變﹐還真不容易。
現在有了這麼一個2012 的新的遊戲﹐不再走老路﹐我是很有興趣的看看到時怎麼玩。
Right, 進去fear裡面,把光點亮...
- CR
- 文章: 625
- 註冊時間: 週六 4月 12, 2008 4:18 pm
Re: 2012年後的健保
1. 何時開課? I don't know 我希望是越快越好
我又仔細看了一下上次美國的回函,似乎也不一定要125人(目前已有40-50位要參加.我又寫e-mail去問,幾天後會回函, 我會po在這
2. 多少錢:...about333美金 ,約1萬台幣
3. 如何報名?: 如確定Eric會來, 報名是向他們網站報名,到時我會解說
1. 何時開課? I don't know 我希望是越快越好
我又仔細看了一下上次美國的回函,似乎也不一定要125人(目前已有40-50位要參加.我又寫e-mail去問,幾天後會回函, 我會po在這
2. 多少錢:...about333美金 ,約1萬台幣
3. 如何報名?: 如確定Eric會來, 報名是向他們網站報名,到時我會解說
- 註冊會員
- 文章: 27
- 註冊時間: 週三 2月 17, 2010 10:55 am
Re: 2012年後的健保
“Reptilian …. 但有位修行的人講後.....”
Martin, 真是佩服﹐你也是看了不少東西﹐非常有興趣了解那位修行的人講了些什麼﹐以後有適當機會再多談。(或者他的說法可在某些網頁可看到﹖連結﹖)
“did you see the message...few days ago”
你指的是不是Bill Ryan的The Anglo-Saxon Mission﹖若是﹐不必太驚訝﹐這種陰謀論看的太多了﹐簡單的說﹐邪惡勢力有他們的陰謀規劃﹐正直勢力卻努力不讓他們得逞。事後陰謀毀滅並未得逞﹐並不代表沒有此事﹐而是阻撓成功﹐讓我們避過災難﹐進入了另一個Timeline.
我前面貼的就是一個例子﹐Aug,19/30,2007, 美國一架B-52帶了6顆核彈(已裝好在飛彈上可用) 穿越美國本土﹐從北直飛到南﹐嚴重違反核武運送規定。新聞只是輕描淡寫﹐內行人(軍中自己人) 則認為在嚴密的重重監控制度下﹐只有總統及副總統才能超越這些規定﹐這是一個不可能發生的” 故意” (當時是小布希﹐錢尼)。幕後故事說這是為用核武進攻伊朗的安排。是陰謀計劃挑起世界大戰的又一條線。但是被有意揭發﹐未能得逞。事前基地有些軍官被小布希換任﹐事發﹐事後有9位軍士官﹐文官死亡﹐最高階是一位將軍。
9 Minot and Barksdale AFB Airmen, 2007. Remember the news that B-52 violated regulation, carrying nuke fly over the U.S mainland? Here is the price paid – 9 lives.
幾個主要陰謀論 - 世界動亂是賺大錢良機
>> 雖然露西坦尼亞號是May,1915被擊沉﹐而美國是Apr,1917才參戰﹐但研究指出﹐德國事前知道消息﹐英國也知情但故意讓此時發生﹐以誘發美國參戰。
>> 美國事前知道﹐故意讓它發生﹐用苦肉計來製造群眾支持參戰。
二戰時﹐小布西祖父Prescott Bush金援德國。
>> 911是國產品﹐對外作為侵入中東的借口﹐對內製造” 愛國法案” ﹐來進一步鉗制反對聲音。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Yx9NRX37SM Loose Change
http://www.thelivingmoon.com/47john_lea ... e_001.html
http://www.darkgovernment.com/news/911- ... -the-dots/
Google影片“911 Conspriacy“ 911陰謀﹐你可以得到66,100件。
Google網頁“911 Conspriacy“ 911陰謀﹐你可以找到735,000頁。
影星查里辛Charlie Sheen及其父馬丁辛Martin Sheen也站出來質疑
談到911﹐其實是很傷心的﹐太多合理的懷疑沒有解答﹐那只有一個歸納 >真的是有陰謀。人心可以這麼壞﹐犧牲這麼多人來達到他們的目的﹐而我們都一直被困在他們設計的牢籠中不自知﹐甚至幫他們作走狗﹐壓制異己。
Martin, 真是佩服﹐你也是看了不少東西﹐非常有興趣了解那位修行的人講了些什麼﹐以後有適當機會再多談。(或者他的說法可在某些網頁可看到﹖連結﹖)
“did you see the message...few days ago”
你指的是不是Bill Ryan的The Anglo-Saxon Mission﹖若是﹐不必太驚訝﹐這種陰謀論看的太多了﹐簡單的說﹐邪惡勢力有他們的陰謀規劃﹐正直勢力卻努力不讓他們得逞。事後陰謀毀滅並未得逞﹐並不代表沒有此事﹐而是阻撓成功﹐讓我們避過災難﹐進入了另一個Timeline.
我前面貼的就是一個例子﹐Aug,19/30,2007, 美國一架B-52帶了6顆核彈(已裝好在飛彈上可用) 穿越美國本土﹐從北直飛到南﹐嚴重違反核武運送規定。新聞只是輕描淡寫﹐內行人(軍中自己人) 則認為在嚴密的重重監控制度下﹐只有總統及副總統才能超越這些規定﹐這是一個不可能發生的” 故意” (當時是小布希﹐錢尼)。幕後故事說這是為用核武進攻伊朗的安排。是陰謀計劃挑起世界大戰的又一條線。但是被有意揭發﹐未能得逞。事前基地有些軍官被小布希換任﹐事發﹐事後有9位軍士官﹐文官死亡﹐最高階是一位將軍。
9 Minot and Barksdale AFB Airmen, 2007. Remember the news that B-52 violated regulation, carrying nuke fly over the U.S mainland? Here is the price paid – 9 lives.
幾個主要陰謀論 - 世界動亂是賺大錢良機
>> 雖然露西坦尼亞號是May,1915被擊沉﹐而美國是Apr,1917才參戰﹐但研究指出﹐德國事前知道消息﹐英國也知情但故意讓此時發生﹐以誘發美國參戰。
>> 美國事前知道﹐故意讓它發生﹐用苦肉計來製造群眾支持參戰。
二戰時﹐小布西祖父Prescott Bush金援德國。
>> 911是國產品﹐對外作為侵入中東的借口﹐對內製造” 愛國法案” ﹐來進一步鉗制反對聲音。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Yx9NRX37SM Loose Change
http://www.thelivingmoon.com/47john_lea ... e_001.html
http://www.darkgovernment.com/news/911- ... -the-dots/
Google影片“911 Conspriacy“ 911陰謀﹐你可以得到66,100件。
Google網頁“911 Conspriacy“ 911陰謀﹐你可以找到735,000頁。
影星查里辛Charlie Sheen及其父馬丁辛Martin Sheen也站出來質疑
談到911﹐其實是很傷心的﹐太多合理的懷疑沒有解答﹐那只有一個歸納 >真的是有陰謀。人心可以這麼壞﹐犧牲這麼多人來達到他們的目的﹐而我們都一直被困在他們設計的牢籠中不自知﹐甚至幫他們作走狗﹐壓制異己。
- CR
- 文章: 625
- 註冊時間: 週六 4月 12, 2008 4:18 pm
Re: 2012年後的健保
[quote="dkcapital"]“Reptilian …. 但有位修行的人講後.....”
Martin, 真是佩服﹐你也是看了不少東西﹐非常有興趣了解那位修行的人講了些什麼﹐以後有適當機會再多談。(或者他的說法可在某些網頁可看到﹖連結﹖)
“did you see the message...few days ago”
你指的是不是Bill Ryan的The Anglo-Saxon Mission?
no, 3月3日 23:28分那篇
Martin, 真是佩服﹐你也是看了不少東西﹐非常有興趣了解那位修行的人講了些什麼﹐以後有適當機會再多談。(或者他的說法可在某些網頁可看到﹖連結﹖)
“did you see the message...few days ago”
你指的是不是Bill Ryan的The Anglo-Saxon Mission?
no, 3月3日 23:28分那篇
- CR
- 文章: 625
- 註冊時間: 週六 4月 12, 2008 4:18 pm
Re: 2012年後的健保
"SOHO"Solar and Heliospheric Observtory 是美國"太陽軌道望遠鏡"
CME. Coronal mass ejection(日冕質量拋射).就是下面圖噴出去那些亮亮的東西
CME. Coronal mass ejection(日冕質量拋射).就是下面圖噴出去那些亮亮的東西
- 附加檔案
- Akhmetsafin-Ruslan1_strip.jpg (19.32 KiB) 已瀏覽 2650 次
- cme_c3_big_anim.gif (846.82 KiB) 已瀏覽 2650 次
- 20100306_2318_c3_360_aaastrip.gif (42.69 KiB) 已瀏覽 2650 次
- 註冊會員
- 文章: 27
- 註冊時間: 週三 2月 17, 2010 10:55 am
Re: 2012年後的健保
“3月3日 23:28分那篇”
我沒有來得及看到﹐只看到”d” ﹐還在納悶為什麼d.
Dropa Stones [HST] UFO Files - China's Roswell-1.avi
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=matUopjr ... re=related
當這些碟片被北京的Tsum Um Nui於1958年更詳細地檢驗時,他斷定每個溝槽都包含有著一系列的未知的象形文字。這些象形文字小到需要要放大鏡看才看得清楚。許多文字都已經被風化了。當Tsum博士嘗試解譯這些符號時,他發現這上面說的是杜立巴族太空船的一次墜毀性著陸,而多數的生還者都被當地人給殺了。
據Tsum Um Nui的說法,其中一段文字讀起來如下:
http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%9D%9C% ... 4%E6%97%8F
Ancient UFO (BC) 古代幽浮 (很多照片可看﹐下半頁有中文說明)
http://www31.discuss.com.hk/viewthread. ... id=4385223
Former Governor Fife Symington Says He Saw Phoenix Lights UFO
UFO Nasa Tapes (太空任務發現UFO通話錄音)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9runNgt ... re=related
NASA Photos of Giant UFOs (Earth Size) Around the Sun
太空總署照片﹐超大UFO(如地球大小) ﹐在太陽邊上。
我沒有來得及看到﹐只看到”d” ﹐還在納悶為什麼d.
Dropa Stones [HST] UFO Files - China's Roswell-1.avi
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=matUopjr ... re=related
當這些碟片被北京的Tsum Um Nui於1958年更詳細地檢驗時,他斷定每個溝槽都包含有著一系列的未知的象形文字。這些象形文字小到需要要放大鏡看才看得清楚。許多文字都已經被風化了。當Tsum博士嘗試解譯這些符號時,他發現這上面說的是杜立巴族太空船的一次墜毀性著陸,而多數的生還者都被當地人給殺了。
據Tsum Um Nui的說法,其中一段文字讀起來如下:
http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%9D%9C% ... 4%E6%97%8F
Ancient UFO (BC) 古代幽浮 (很多照片可看﹐下半頁有中文說明)
http://www31.discuss.com.hk/viewthread. ... id=4385223
Former Governor Fife Symington Says He Saw Phoenix Lights UFO
UFO Nasa Tapes (太空任務發現UFO通話錄音)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9runNgt ... re=related
NASA Photos of Giant UFOs (Earth Size) Around the Sun
太空總署照片﹐超大UFO(如地球大小) ﹐在太陽邊上。
- CR
- 文章: 625
- 註冊時間: 週六 4月 12, 2008 4:18 pm
Re: 2012年後的健保
dccapital 已e-mail to you, do not post what I have e-mail to you
**STEREO consists of two space-based observatories - one ahead of Earth in its orbit, the other trailing behind. With this new pair of viewpoints, scientists will be able to see the structure and evolution of solar storms as they blast from the Sun and move out through space.
一開始是2010 1月發現有異常東西在Sun附近...
這是昨天到今天NASA Stereo 衛星 A and B 一前一後拍太陽
有關太陽附近的不明東西昨天,今天又出現 ....是攝影的artifact or real UFO???
**STEREO consists of two space-based observatories - one ahead of Earth in its orbit, the other trailing behind. With this new pair of viewpoints, scientists will be able to see the structure and evolution of solar storms as they blast from the Sun and move out through space.
一開始是2010 1月發現有異常東西在Sun附近...
這是昨天到今天NASA Stereo 衛星 A and B 一前一後拍太陽
有關太陽附近的不明東西昨天,今天又出現 ....是攝影的artifact or real UFO???
- 註冊會員
- 文章: 27
- 註冊時間: 週三 2月 17, 2010 10:55 am
Re: 2012年後的健保
一個死了三次的人- 陳建志
丹尼.白克雷(Dannion Brinkley)是無數瀕死經驗者中,經驗最完整也最深刻的。驚人的是,他死了三次,又復活了三次。每一次瀕死中,他都接觸了光靈與一座高智慧的光之城。
白克雷在其《死亡.奇蹟.預言》(Saved by the Light)中描述,他是在講電話的時候被閃電擊中,整個人燒焦,但靈魂卻飛到了一個充滿光與愛的次元,豁然開朗。他說當光靈接近時,「我開始感受到一種無可言喻和濃烈的愛意,有點像是我們面對情人、母親或密友的那種感覺,但是比那還要強上千倍。」
瀕死經驗(Near Death Experience),指的是醫學上被判定死亡的人,又活轉回來。這些人回憶「死亡」期間,靈魂飄到上空,看到自己的肉身,然後飛到一個光的世界,有慈愛的光靈來引導。在那裡他回顧並反省自己過去的一生,並以「神入」的方式體會自己如何影響他人。別人因自己的行為而有的痛苦,他現在切身感受。這些特點,跟西藏密宗的說法頗有相通之處。瀕死經驗的書大可跟密宗相關經典如《西藏度亡經》對照研究一番。
http://www.worldjournal.com/view/full_n ... nce=wjsoft
太陽附近不明球體(跟地球一樣大)﹐我去年就有看過報導﹐但出現不頻繁﹐照片亦不多﹐沒太多人留意。看了你SOHO貼圖﹐回頭去找﹐沒想到最近這麼多﹐脖子後有點發涼。This is heavy.
Sun Spheres
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mgu3ZSGi ... r_embedded
光這張照片上﹐就有20多個球體﹐注意左下角日期 2010/03/05﹐四天前。點擊圖可放大。
http://www.mijnalbum.nl/GroteFoto-4DK43TQP.jpg (原連結照片已經被update掉了﹐換張分析過的)
NASA Images Earth Sized Spherical Objects Inside Corona of SUN
Are we ready for The Disclosure? Well﹐ready or not, it’s coming.
Ancient Technology (Part 1) Jason Martell 這個講的比較全。資料豐富。
丹尼.白克雷(Dannion Brinkley)是無數瀕死經驗者中,經驗最完整也最深刻的。驚人的是,他死了三次,又復活了三次。每一次瀕死中,他都接觸了光靈與一座高智慧的光之城。
白克雷在其《死亡.奇蹟.預言》(Saved by the Light)中描述,他是在講電話的時候被閃電擊中,整個人燒焦,但靈魂卻飛到了一個充滿光與愛的次元,豁然開朗。他說當光靈接近時,「我開始感受到一種無可言喻和濃烈的愛意,有點像是我們面對情人、母親或密友的那種感覺,但是比那還要強上千倍。」
瀕死經驗(Near Death Experience),指的是醫學上被判定死亡的人,又活轉回來。這些人回憶「死亡」期間,靈魂飄到上空,看到自己的肉身,然後飛到一個光的世界,有慈愛的光靈來引導。在那裡他回顧並反省自己過去的一生,並以「神入」的方式體會自己如何影響他人。別人因自己的行為而有的痛苦,他現在切身感受。這些特點,跟西藏密宗的說法頗有相通之處。瀕死經驗的書大可跟密宗相關經典如《西藏度亡經》對照研究一番。
http://www.worldjournal.com/view/full_n ... nce=wjsoft
太陽附近不明球體(跟地球一樣大)﹐我去年就有看過報導﹐但出現不頻繁﹐照片亦不多﹐沒太多人留意。看了你SOHO貼圖﹐回頭去找﹐沒想到最近這麼多﹐脖子後有點發涼。This is heavy.
Sun Spheres
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mgu3ZSGi ... r_embedded
光這張照片上﹐就有20多個球體﹐注意左下角日期 2010/03/05﹐四天前。點擊圖可放大。
http://www.mijnalbum.nl/GroteFoto-4DK43TQP.jpg (原連結照片已經被update掉了﹐換張分析過的)
NASA Images Earth Sized Spherical Objects Inside Corona of SUN
Are we ready for The Disclosure? Well﹐ready or not, it’s coming.
Ancient Technology (Part 1) Jason Martell 這個講的比較全。資料豐富。
最後由 dkcapital 於 週五 3月 12, 2010 6:38 am 編輯,總共編輯了 3 次。
- 註冊會員
- 文章: 27
- 註冊時間: 週三 2月 17, 2010 10:55 am
Re: 2012年後的健保
Pay It Forward (陸譯:把愛傳出去) 2000年的出品。
http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/EZNQ7zCybk0/ (1 of 2)
http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/PRCwBWBKTEA/ (2 of 2)
Stavros Flatly - Greek Irish Dancers - Britains Got Talent 2009
肥肉也能舞得幽默。希臘人跳愛爾蘭舞﹐把阿曼達笑翻了。後面評審決定的時候﹐配樂是電影“希臘左巴” 的主題曲(安東尼昆主演﹐1964) ﹐真是恰到好處。應該是後製作時加的﹐如果是現場加的﹐那就太厲害了。
Britain's Got Talent / Hollie Steel - Britain's Got Talent - Show 3
Britain's Got Talent - Michael Jackson -Suleman Mirza (Signature)
Shaheen Jafargholi - 12 Year Old Singer - Britains Got Talent 2009 Ep 2
Damon Scott with Monkey (Bubbles) High Quality V/S 16:9 widescreen
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8wWncO0 ... re=related
Britain's Got Talent / Julian Smith - Britain's Got Talent - Show 2
英國也有Kenny G.
Craig Harper on Britain's Got Talent 2008
一人多角。歌好聽 (1998年的歌) 。
Andy Demetriou - Dancer - Britains Got Talent 2009 Ep 1
"Tough Guy" Simon Cowell Has A "Soft Heart" !!!!!!! Britains Got Talent
Simon Cowell is a nice guy *PROOF*
Pay It Forward (陸譯:把愛傳出去) 2000年的出品。
http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/EZNQ7zCybk0/ (1 of 2)
http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/PRCwBWBKTEA/ (2 of 2)
Stavros Flatly - Greek Irish Dancers - Britains Got Talent 2009
肥肉也能舞得幽默。希臘人跳愛爾蘭舞﹐把阿曼達笑翻了。後面評審決定的時候﹐配樂是電影“希臘左巴” 的主題曲(安東尼昆主演﹐1964) ﹐真是恰到好處。應該是後製作時加的﹐如果是現場加的﹐那就太厲害了。
Britain's Got Talent / Hollie Steel - Britain's Got Talent - Show 3
Britain's Got Talent - Michael Jackson -Suleman Mirza (Signature)
Shaheen Jafargholi - 12 Year Old Singer - Britains Got Talent 2009 Ep 2
Damon Scott with Monkey (Bubbles) High Quality V/S 16:9 widescreen
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8wWncO0 ... re=related
Britain's Got Talent / Julian Smith - Britain's Got Talent - Show 2
英國也有Kenny G.
Craig Harper on Britain's Got Talent 2008
一人多角。歌好聽 (1998年的歌) 。
Andy Demetriou - Dancer - Britains Got Talent 2009 Ep 1
"Tough Guy" Simon Cowell Has A "Soft Heart" !!!!!!! Britains Got Talent
Simon Cowell is a nice guy *PROOF*
最後由 dkcapital 於 週四 3月 11, 2010 8:06 am 編輯,總共編輯了 1 次。
- CR
- 文章: 625
- 註冊時間: 週六 4月 12, 2008 4:18 pm
Re: 2012年後的健保
今天又出現了...大家可COPY圖檔,再用ACdesee 放大, 左上角的好像是一團甚麼
1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ikpxa1dB ... r_embedded
2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5e4t-4Uw ... _embedded#
這是soho 的照片應不可能造假, 請一定要看第三個(下面的youtube) 的1:40秒後 和 3:25秒後......3:25 秒 有個不明飛行物飛過太陽時,剛好有 CME爆掉(CORONAL MASS EJECTION)...這東西竟然還再飛..沒被融掉.....除非是慧星,小行星..但也不至於飛那麼快...
3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=df8Ahply ... re=related
1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ikpxa1dB ... r_embedded
2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5e4t-4Uw ... _embedded#
這是soho 的照片應不可能造假, 請一定要看第三個(下面的youtube) 的1:40秒後 和 3:25秒後......3:25 秒 有個不明飛行物飛過太陽時,剛好有 CME爆掉(CORONAL MASS EJECTION)...這東西竟然還再飛..沒被融掉.....除非是慧星,小行星..但也不至於飛那麼快...
3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=df8Ahply ... re=related
最後由 sanmartin 於 週五 3月 12, 2010 11:55 pm 編輯,總共編輯了 7 次。
- CR
- 文章: 625
- 註冊時間: 週六 4月 12, 2008 4:18 pm
Re: 2012年後的健保
這幾天跟美國那來回好幾次信, good, 他們已經要把台灣的行程排入.
她說幫我們看能不能插空檔….well, good news but 仍不知何時會確定.
今天有一個打電話來說手也有可以放出electromagnetic 波 的人.他說他幫別人做,別人也可看到光…而且他已經有這種特殊能力有”15年”了.沒人教他
他從reconnection網站找到我, 我也邀他這星期六來看一下我治療顏面神經麻痺的狀況.我也對這位很感興趣.或許他就是像書上講的那種”manifestator”….不用人教,卻可以自己連接reconnection 的頻率就像Eric也是體質不一樣,就自己可以有reconnection. So,這世上應該有不少人的體質,或DNA不同, 就可自己連結
普通人, 只好被entrainment 才可以, 就像我.
她說幫我們看能不能插空檔….well, good news but 仍不知何時會確定.
今天有一個打電話來說手也有可以放出electromagnetic 波 的人.他說他幫別人做,別人也可看到光…而且他已經有這種特殊能力有”15年”了.沒人教他
他從reconnection網站找到我, 我也邀他這星期六來看一下我治療顏面神經麻痺的狀況.我也對這位很感興趣.或許他就是像書上講的那種”manifestator”….不用人教,卻可以自己連接reconnection 的頻率就像Eric也是體質不一樣,就自己可以有reconnection. So,這世上應該有不少人的體質,或DNA不同, 就可自己連結
普通人, 只好被entrainment 才可以, 就像我.
- CR
- 文章: 625
- 註冊時間: 週六 4月 12, 2008 4:18 pm
Re: 2012年後的健保
用yahoo 搜尋再連結療癒,或用reconnection 結果都找不到醫聲論壇這
.為了趕快湊到 125人 我到 yahoo 部落格去弄了一個blog.
文章暫時還是在這po, 慢慢轉到那..就可隨便po了
.為了趕快湊到 125人 我到 yahoo 部落格去弄了一個blog.
文章暫時還是在這po, 慢慢轉到那..就可隨便po了
- tsmc
- V1
- 文章: 1462
- 註冊時間: 週一 5月 04, 2009 3:15 pm
- sjchen
- V3
- 文章: 3250
- 註冊時間: 週三 3月 19, 2008 9:45 am
- 來自: 中壢平鎮
Re: 2012年後的健保
堪尋敵手共論劍,高處不勝寒 !!!
堪尋敵手共論劍,高處不勝寒 !!!
- CR
- 文章: 625
- 註冊時間: 週六 4月 12, 2008 4:18 pm
Re: 2012年後的健保
還好台北分局重量級人物很多,目前仍沒計劃這樣搞( 我親自打電話去問台北分局大老講的,不知講真的還是只是安慰安慰)
還好台北分局重量級人物很多,目前仍沒計劃這樣搞( 我親自打電話去問台北分局大老講的,不知講真的還是只是安慰安慰)
最後由 sanmartin 於 週五 3月 12, 2010 11:09 am 編輯,總共編輯了 1 次。