楊志良:民粹當道 事理難明
版主: 版主021
- V1
- 文章: 1327
- 註冊時間: 週六 11月 17, 2007 11:02 pm
- 來自: 台北
楊志良:民粹當道 事理難明
http://www.appledaily.com.tw/realtimene ... 3%E6%98%8E
再者,欠費發生的原因,是與政府補助各類被保險人健保費,以及營業稅的收取單位變動有關。因為,依照原健保法的規定,地方政府需補助企業受雇者10%的健保費,直轄市另需補助職業勞工40%、低收入者100%等多類被保險人保費。所以都會區政府,就需負擔甚多不在籍勞工的健保費(人在外地的工廠工作,如六輕,但公司設在北、高) 。例如台北市總人口不過260萬,卻要替260多萬勞工分擔健保費。營業稅由公司所在的地方政府收取但工廠卻在他地的情況下,此負擔不會有問題。但營業稅的收取卻十分不公平,營業稅由北高市政府收取,但卻把汙染留在其他縣市。因此自89年起,營業稅改由中央統籌收取,再依地方需要重新分配。但如此一來,北高市政府既收不到營業稅,又需補助不在籍受雇者健保費,也是不合理。因此地方議會就不同意編列預算,拒繳不在籍勞工政府需分擔的健保費,因為此項支出將排擠地方其他建設經費。根本解決之道就是改為全由中央補助,不再發生拒繳。
再者,欠費發生的原因,是與政府補助各類被保險人健保費,以及營業稅的收取單位變動有關。因為,依照原健保法的規定,地方政府需補助企業受雇者10%的健保費,直轄市另需補助職業勞工40%、低收入者100%等多類被保險人保費。所以都會區政府,就需負擔甚多不在籍勞工的健保費(人在外地的工廠工作,如六輕,但公司設在北、高) 。例如台北市總人口不過260萬,卻要替260多萬勞工分擔健保費。營業稅由公司所在的地方政府收取但工廠卻在他地的情況下,此負擔不會有問題。但營業稅的收取卻十分不公平,營業稅由北高市政府收取,但卻把汙染留在其他縣市。因此自89年起,營業稅改由中央統籌收取,再依地方需要重新分配。但如此一來,北高市政府既收不到營業稅,又需補助不在籍受雇者健保費,也是不合理。因此地方議會就不同意編列預算,拒繳不在籍勞工政府需分擔的健保費,因為此項支出將排擠地方其他建設經費。根本解決之道就是改為全由中央補助,不再發生拒繳。
- Einstein
- 科主任級
- 文章: 5422
- 註冊時間: 週五 3月 22, 2013 7:37 pm
Re: 楊志良:民粹當道 事理難明
- 榮譽院長級
- 文章: 43450
- 註冊時間: 週四 3月 26, 2009 8:10 pm
- 來自: 集合住宅
Re: 楊志良:民粹當道 事理難明
高雄一開始就沒說要賴帳 展現還錢誠意 只是請多分幾期還 北市則是捍拒
高雄一開始就沒說要賴帳 展現還錢誠意 只是請多分幾期還 北市則是捍拒
Einstein 寫:健保局因積欠保費追討無門,只得向行政法院控告台北市等地方政府,第一審台北市勝訴,第二審敗訴。
- 註冊會員
- 文章: 1329
- 註冊時間: 週三 6月 23, 2010 10:18 am
Re: 楊志良:民粹當道 事理難明
與現在的行政院的財經小內閣--爺們 有甚麼不同!!!當政務官就搞一堆爛攤子,再學官兩棲,薪資與退休給付一點都不少,;這就是Bumbler的教授治國(Bumbler當完政務委員救回政大當教授,台灣教授是從石頭中蹦出來的?!),....台灣能翻身嗎?!.......台灣要走民主的路,就從不斷政黨輪替學起!!!.....
與現在的行政院的財經小內閣--爺們 有甚麼不同!!!當政務官就搞一堆爛攤子,再學官兩棲,薪資與退休給付一點都不少,;這就是Bumbler的教授治國(Bumbler當完政務委員救回政大當教授,台灣教授是從石頭中蹦出來的?!),....台灣能翻身嗎?!.......台灣要走民主的路,就從不斷政黨輪替學起!!!.....
- 註冊會員
- 文章: 1329
- 註冊時間: 週三 6月 23, 2010 10:18 am
Re: 楊志良:民粹當道 事理難明
"或德" 應為"獲得"筆誤!!
- Intern
- 文章: 88
- 註冊時間: 週三 10月 18, 2006 4:47 pm
Re: 楊志良:民粹當道 事理難明
- 註冊會員
- 文章: 1622
- 註冊時間: 週三 12月 14, 2011 1:33 pm
Re: 楊志良:民粹當道 事理難明
- 註冊會員
- 文章: 1329
- 註冊時間: 週三 6月 23, 2010 10:18 am
Re: 楊志良:民粹當道 事理難明
今天媒體有兩件大新聞(?!--美國紐約市長彭博下台,與科羅拉多州立法通過大麻合法化--年滿21歲就可在商店購買,而不需要醫師處方!!!).....關於大麻合法化,世界各先進國家,都是事先有管制的措施,再慢慢演進的(相似是醫療合法化,--醫療用途,再通過公民的公共議題, 甚至公投......;;個人先引用NEJM文章作為引子, 供討論!!!
Medicinal Use of Marijuana
N Engl J Med 2013; 368:866-868February 28, 2013DOI: 10
Case Vignette
Recommend the Medicinal Use of Marijuana
J. Michael Bostwick, M.D.
Within established doctor–patient relationships, I endorse thoughtful prescription of medicinal marijuana for patients in situations similar to Marilyn's. A largely anecdotal逸事趣聞 but growing literature supports its efficacy, particularly for pain or nausea that is unresponsive to mainstream treatments.1 In 1970, marijuana was designated a Schedule I drug under the Controlled Substances Act, a classification indicating a high potential for abuse and a lack of medical value.2 But physicians face a catch-22: although 18 states have legalized medicinal marijuana, physicians in those states who write prescriptions violate the law of the land.
Federal policy has failed to keep pace with recent scientific advances. Laboratory research has elucidated the far-flung endocannabinoid system that modulates neurotransmitter networks throughout the body through cannabinoid-1 (CB1) receptors that are preferentially distributed in the brain and cannabinoid-2 (CB2) receptors that are prominent in gut and immune tissues. Among dozens of cannabinoids in raw marijuana, two show medicinal promise. The first, Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ9-THC), is the CB1 ligand that recreational users prize. The second, cannabidiol (CBD), acting on CB2, lacks psychoactivity but works synergistically with Δ9-THC to minimize “highs” and maximizeanalgesia.2,3
Arguments for and against medicinal marijuana are manifold. Under federal law, the drug is illegal. However, given widespread state defiance, the cannabis horse long ago burst from the federal jurisdictional barn. In Colorado, a handful of physicians write half the state's prescriptions for medicinal marijuana, for questionable indications.4 Just because a few rogue doctors flout lax legislation to abet pot-mill commerce, that doesn't justify depriving all physicians of the right to prescribe medicinal marijuana. No trials under the auspices of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have compared medicinal marijuana with traditional analgesics.5 Because of marijuana's Schedule I status, industry is thwarted 橫跨穿越阻饒in its attempts to develop compounds with endocannabinoid agonist or antagonist qualities that might have analgesic, appetite-modulatory, immunosuppressant, antiemetic, neuroleptic, or antineoplastic effects, among other possibilities.2 Some people may contend that dose determination by patients deviates from modern medical practice,3,6 but adjustment of medications by patients is ubiquitous普遍存在 in hospitals through patient-controlled analgesia pumps. Some people argue that as a drug of abuse, marijuana has no business being used for clinical purposes. Yet, several Schedule I drugs have close cousins with legitimate合法的 medical applications. Heroin and morphine derivatives have an illicit–licit kinship, as do “ecstasy入迷”迷幻狀態 (3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine) and stimulant drugs central to the treatment of attention deficit–hyperactivity disorder, as well as phencyclidine and ketamine, an anesthetic agent.2
Meanwhile, Marilyn seeks relief from the consequences of metastatic breast cancer. Neither acetaminophen nor oxycodone has proven to be effective against the serious pain of spinal and visceral metastases. Neither ondansetron nor prochlorperazine has relieved the nausea, which may have been induced by doxorubicin. More aggressive narcotics could be prescribed (risking the worsening of gastrointestinal symptoms), but Marilyn asks her doctor whether medicinal marijuana might offer the singular advantage of reducing pain and nausea simultaneously.........
.............;要討論大麻就要先討論不合法藥物(Illigal drugs)---多數Narcotics(止痛劑), 興奮劑(Epinephrine類藥物, 甚至咖啡因等)..........請指教!!!(楊某人任衛生署長時,提出二代健保, 它是經濟學者嗎?! 受刑人納入健保.....都是公共議題,被他操作成民粹議題!!!)
Medicinal Use of Marijuana
N Engl J Med 2013; 368:866-868February 28, 2013DOI: 10
Case Vignette
Recommend the Medicinal Use of Marijuana
J. Michael Bostwick, M.D.
Within established doctor–patient relationships, I endorse thoughtful prescription of medicinal marijuana for patients in situations similar to Marilyn's. A largely anecdotal逸事趣聞 but growing literature supports its efficacy, particularly for pain or nausea that is unresponsive to mainstream treatments.1 In 1970, marijuana was designated a Schedule I drug under the Controlled Substances Act, a classification indicating a high potential for abuse and a lack of medical value.2 But physicians face a catch-22: although 18 states have legalized medicinal marijuana, physicians in those states who write prescriptions violate the law of the land.
Federal policy has failed to keep pace with recent scientific advances. Laboratory research has elucidated the far-flung endocannabinoid system that modulates neurotransmitter networks throughout the body through cannabinoid-1 (CB1) receptors that are preferentially distributed in the brain and cannabinoid-2 (CB2) receptors that are prominent in gut and immune tissues. Among dozens of cannabinoids in raw marijuana, two show medicinal promise. The first, Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ9-THC), is the CB1 ligand that recreational users prize. The second, cannabidiol (CBD), acting on CB2, lacks psychoactivity but works synergistically with Δ9-THC to minimize “highs” and maximizeanalgesia.2,3
Arguments for and against medicinal marijuana are manifold. Under federal law, the drug is illegal. However, given widespread state defiance, the cannabis horse long ago burst from the federal jurisdictional barn. In Colorado, a handful of physicians write half the state's prescriptions for medicinal marijuana, for questionable indications.4 Just because a few rogue doctors flout lax legislation to abet pot-mill commerce, that doesn't justify depriving all physicians of the right to prescribe medicinal marijuana. No trials under the auspices of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have compared medicinal marijuana with traditional analgesics.5 Because of marijuana's Schedule I status, industry is thwarted 橫跨穿越阻饒in its attempts to develop compounds with endocannabinoid agonist or antagonist qualities that might have analgesic, appetite-modulatory, immunosuppressant, antiemetic, neuroleptic, or antineoplastic effects, among other possibilities.2 Some people may contend that dose determination by patients deviates from modern medical practice,3,6 but adjustment of medications by patients is ubiquitous普遍存在 in hospitals through patient-controlled analgesia pumps. Some people argue that as a drug of abuse, marijuana has no business being used for clinical purposes. Yet, several Schedule I drugs have close cousins with legitimate合法的 medical applications. Heroin and morphine derivatives have an illicit–licit kinship, as do “ecstasy入迷”迷幻狀態 (3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine) and stimulant drugs central to the treatment of attention deficit–hyperactivity disorder, as well as phencyclidine and ketamine, an anesthetic agent.2
Meanwhile, Marilyn seeks relief from the consequences of metastatic breast cancer. Neither acetaminophen nor oxycodone has proven to be effective against the serious pain of spinal and visceral metastases. Neither ondansetron nor prochlorperazine has relieved the nausea, which may have been induced by doxorubicin. More aggressive narcotics could be prescribed (risking the worsening of gastrointestinal symptoms), but Marilyn asks her doctor whether medicinal marijuana might offer the singular advantage of reducing pain and nausea simultaneously.........
.............;要討論大麻就要先討論不合法藥物(Illigal drugs)---多數Narcotics(止痛劑), 興奮劑(Epinephrine類藥物, 甚至咖啡因等)..........請指教!!!(楊某人任衛生署長時,提出二代健保, 它是經濟學者嗎?! 受刑人納入健保.....都是公共議題,被他操作成民粹議題!!!)
- 註冊會員
- 文章: 1329
- 註冊時間: 週三 6月 23, 2010 10:18 am
Re: 楊志良:民粹當道 事理難明
Marilyn is a 68-year-old woman with breast cancer metastatic to the lungs and the thoracic and lumbar spine. She is currently undergoing chemotherapy with doxorubicin. She reports having very low energy, minimal appetite, and substantial pain in her thoracic and lumbar spine. For relief of nausea, she has taken ondansetron and prochlorperazine, with minimal success. She has been taking 1000 mg of acetaminophen every 8 hours for the pain. Sometimes at night she takes 5 mg or 10 mg of oxycodone to help provide pain relief. During a visit with her primary care physician she asks about the possibility of using marijuana to help alleviate緩和減輕 the nausea, pain, and fatigue. She lives in a state that allows marijuana for personal medicinal use, and she says her family could grow the plants. As her physician, what advice would you offer with regard to the use of marijuana to alleviate her current symptoms? Do you believe that the overall medicinal benefits of marijuana outweigh the risks and potential harm
Treatment Options
Which one of the following approaches do you find appropriate for this patient? Base your choice on the published literature, your clinical experience, recent guidelines, and other sources of information.
Treatment Options
Which one of the following approaches do you find appropriate for this patient? Base your choice on the published literature, your clinical experience, recent guidelines, and other sources of information.
- Sawa
- CR
- 文章: 871
- 註冊時間: 週一 12月 31, 2007 3:06 pm
Re: 楊志良:民粹當道 事理難明
- 科主任級
- 文章: 6443
- 註冊時間: 週三 11月 08, 2006 1:03 pm
Re: 楊志良:民粹當道 事理難明
woodatwan 寫:有趣的點在:為甚麼蘋果會讓這人去寫專欄?有什麼難言之隱嗎?
- lsb1567
- 指導教授
- 文章: 8163
- 註冊時間: 週四 6月 05, 2008 3:27 pm
Re: 楊志良:民粹當道 事理難明
WINDOW 寫:woodatwan 寫:有趣的點在:為甚麼蘋果會讓這人去寫專欄?有什麼難言之隱嗎?
- 副院長級
- 文章: 14329
- 註冊時間: 週五 4月 30, 2010 1:27 am
Re: 楊志良:民粹當道 事理難明
lsb1567 寫:WINDOW 寫:woodatwan 寫:有趣的點在:為甚麼蘋果會讓這人去寫專欄?有什麼難言之隱嗎?
- Intern
- 文章: 88
- 註冊時間: 週三 10月 18, 2006 4:47 pm
Re: 楊志良:民粹當道 事理難明
WINDOW 寫:woodatwan 寫:有趣的點在:為甚麼蘋果會讓這人去寫專欄?有什麼難言之隱嗎?
- 項介
- V1
- 文章: 1095
- 註冊時間: 週四 8月 28, 2008 10:28 am
Re: 楊志良:民粹當道 事理難明
Marriage is a psychological issue.
Guess who is psycho and who is logical ?
打起精神賺__ (嗶---此字被和諧無法顯示,請使用合乎醫德規範之詞語!)
- 註冊會員
- 文章: 301
- 註冊時間: 週五 12月 28, 2007 1:39 pm
Re: 楊志良:民粹當道 事理難明