Taiwanese fisherman Hung Shih-chen, 65, was hit and killed in the shooting, which happened during a high-speed chase in waters off Ken-ting penisula in southern Taiwan on May 9 , 2013.
The Philippines admitted Friday that its coastguard fired at a Taiwanese fishing boat in an incident that authorities in Taipei said left a crewman dead and triggered widespread outrage on Taiwan.
It looked like a hoot, with six coast guards laughing as they fired at the Taiwanese fishing boat.
“The video showed the soldiers acted unprofessionally. They were laughing while they were shooting the boat,” a source who has seen the video of the Philippine Coast Guard shooting of fishing boat Kuang Ta Hsing 28 three weeks ago said Saturday.
“It is disturbing and embarrassing for Philippine law enforcers,” the source, who spoke on condition of anonymity, told the Inquirer in an interview.
What thought is deep in the dark mind of the six coast guards?
It made me remind of the movie Schindler's List by Steven Allan Spielberg.
The commander of a concentration camp of Nazi Germany took a rifle gun shooting the Jews in the camp from a balcony of his townhouse.
What thought is deep in the dark mind of the commander.
That is the same with the six coast guards of Philippine. The Jews and the fisherman
were the entrapped animals of their prison. There was no way to escape from the prison.
The six coast guards of Philippine are the second coming of the commander of Nazi Germany. They committed the crimes against humanity.
Taiwanese fisherman Hung Shih-chen
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