【新唐人2012年10月21日訊】 莫言得諾獎,引發爭議,有人質疑評委中唯一懂中文的馬悅然可能跟莫言有利益交換,或從中牟利。美國重要刊物《外交政策》(Foreign Policy)近日刊出文章,對馬悅然的操守提出質疑:「諾獎背後有利益衝突吧?」(Was there a conflict of interest behind the Nobel literature prize?)該文引述瑞典電視SVT的報導說,馬悅然跟斯德哥爾摩出版社簽約,用他的莫言譯本獲豐厚報酬。
......英格倫的回應證實:接受馬悅然的莫言譯本的瑞典出版社主編說,他們的稿酬豐厚到讓馬悅然自己報價的程度(to name his own price)。而一般出版社接受一個譯稿,都不會讓對方報價。莫言獲諾獎後,銷書量自然增加,馬悅然的譯本就能獲利。
當時連美國《洛杉磯時報》也對此嚴詞批評,該報在高獲獎兩週後發表威廉斯(Carol J. Williams)的批評文章痛斥「馬悅然是個無恥的追逐個人利益者......他的行為已使這個文學國度的聖堂被玷污。」當時連德國文化部長諾曼(Michael Naumann)都出來說,馬悅然的這個舉動「重創了諾獎的聲譽」。(《洛杉磯時報》這篇報導的網址:http://articles.latimes.com/2000/nov/01/news/mn-45189)
''According to an examination of the academy's policies carried out by Swedish Television, Malmqvist's actions in this case may be in violation of the Swedish Academy's conflict of interest rules, which are extremely strict in order to prevent this type of real or perceived impropriety. If there is even a slight indication of conflict of interest, the person in question is supposed to leave the premises during discussions regarding the candidate, and a member of the academy affected by a potential conflict of interst can "in no way participate in the handling of the question."
In borderline cases, or ones that may only create a perceived conflict, the academy's rules dictate that its members should err on the side of caution: "There may be circumstances that simply do not 'feel right' and that therefore could be called into question ... In such cases members should err on the side of caution, and it may be appropriate to refrain from participating in the handling of the question."
Despite these rules, Peter Englund, the academy's permanent secretary, confirmed to Swedish Television that Malmqvist was highly involved in discussions around awarding Mo the prize.''(節錄)