1 頁 (共 1 頁)


發表於 : 週六 7月 30, 2011 5:53 pm
出處: (警告 : 挪威殺人犯的作品)
http://www.kevinislaughter.com/wp-conte ... ndence.pdf

P. 414
.... the cost of Muslim immigration is much higher than just welfare.
"One really needs to factor the loss of confidence in the markets, loss of new investment
because of a fear of flying or the disenchantment with intrusive security. Then there is
the increased cost of insurance on all businesses." All this affects the competitivess of
business with nations that do not have a significant Islamic presence, such as Japan,
Korea and Taiwan. ....

大意 : 日本南韓台灣因為沒有回教勢力, 所以商業競爭性比別國高...

The closest similarity you will find and a good comparison is especially the Japanese and
South Korean societies and to a certain degree the Taiwanese model. These three models
contain a majority of all the political principles we seek to restore. They represent many
of the European classical conservative principles of the 1950’s (culturally) with modern
twists; in other words a monocultural, scientifically advanced, economically progressive
society with an exceptional level of welfare but which will not accept multiculturalism or
Cultural Marxist principles. Japan, South Korea and Taiwan are today the most peaceful
societies due to their monocultural model. Crime is more or less non-existent and you
can travel freely everywhere without the constant fear of getting raped, ravaged, robbed
or killed.
They have embraced many positive aspects of globalism but have rejected
many of the negative aspects. The fundaments of the patriarchal structures and family
values are very strong in these three countries as the wave of feminism lacked several
catalyst components (which made it a lot less potent) due to the rejection of
multiculturalist/cultural Marxist thought during the 60s and 70s. Japan, South Korea and
Taiwan are today our role models for the conservative movement. They are peaceful and
anti-imperialistic just like we have aspirations to be.


這麼愛好和平? 結果自己卻去幹這麼恐怖的屠殺案.

The justification and driving force for the re-introduction of monoculturalism will be based on practical issues and circumstances related to social cohesion and not on hate. This reintroduction of monoculturalism will resemble that of today’s Japan, South Korea and Taiwan.

大意 : 要使歐洲恢復文化單一性的方法要學日韓台這三國.

P.1231-1232 :
Anti-communist Vietnamese should have been relocated to Taiwan, a country established by the anti-communist Chinese after WW2. There is absolutely no good reason why an Iranian or a Vietnamese should be encouraged or facilitated to travel across the world for relocation in a European country.

還有越南人應該就近遷移到台灣, 不要跑到歐洲.


I don’t support the deportation of non-Muslims from Europe as long as they are
fully assimilated (I’m a supporter of many of the Japanese/Taiwan/South Korean
policies/principles). However, we should take a break from mass immigration in general
(as of 2008 numbers). Any future immigration needs to be strictly controlled and
exclusively non-Muslim.


As for current national political systems, I especially admire the Japanese, South Korean
and Taiwanese system. These three countries reject multiculturalism outright and have
instead focused on maintaining and protecting their monoculture. They have managed to
copy and implement the most advantageous mechanics from Europe and the US (in
terms of educational, scientific, technological and economical mechanics) but have at the
same time rejected cultural Marxism to a large degree. There is still room for
improvement but they have managed to adapt quite well in the world and should be
viewed as an inspiration for future cultural conservative governments.

這一段大概就是媒體報導最多的部份了. 好像也有點成理.
重點不是在他說錯什麼, 台灣是單元或多元,
而是他為何會這樣覺得, 是他所處的環境有什麼問題?

Re: 挪威殺人犯談到台灣的部份

發表於 : 週六 7月 30, 2011 6:52 pm
挪威的監獄實在太豪華了 比帝寶還爽

Re: 挪威殺人犯談到台灣的部份

發表於 : 週六 7月 30, 2011 6:56 pm

所以台灣恢復死刑會讓歐洲人嚇一跳. 覺得台灣走回頭路.


Re: 挪威殺人犯談到台灣的部份

發表於 : 週六 7月 30, 2011 7:08 pm

Re: 挪威殺人犯談到台灣的部份

發表於 : 週六 7月 30, 2011 7:12 pm
挪威人覺得台灣是和平的國家, 人民安全自由;

台灣人覺得挪威富有, 又有仙境一般的美景, 人民水準高....


Re: 挪威殺人犯談到台灣的部份

發表於 : 週一 8月 01, 2011 3:17 pm
TC 寫:出處: (警告 : 挪威殺人犯的作品)
http://www.kevinislaughter.com/wp-conte ... ndence.pdf
這位挪威右派極端份子對台日韓的評論以西方國家的觀點而言 大致上沒什麼錯
他指的是國家的法律,社會福利與移民政策怎麼對待移民或外國人 而非媒體答非所問,文不對題式的回應 (諸如台灣人對馬路上的外國人很好 我對我家的菲傭很照顧等此類亂七八糟的回應)

There is absolutely no good reason why an Iranian or a Vietnamese should be encouraged or facilitated to travel across the world for relocation in a European country.

台日韓不接受任何政治難民 所以這些難民得跨越半個地球到西方國家

I don’t support the deportation of non-Muslims from Europe as long as they are
fully assimilated (I’m a supporter of many of the Japanese/Taiwan/South Korean
policies/principles). However, we should take a break from mass immigration in general
(as of 2008 numbers). Any future immigration needs to be strictly controlled and
exclusively non-Muslim.

這位挪威右派極端份子也不主張把非穆斯林等外國人全趕出歐洲 但前提是必須融入他們

As for current national political systems, I especially admire the Japanese, South Korean
and Taiwanese system. These three countries reject multiculturalism outright and have
instead focused on maintaining and protecting their monoculture. They have managed to
copy and implement the most advantageous mechanics from Europe and the US (in
terms of educational, scientific, technological and economical mechanics) but have at the
same time rejected cultural Marxism to a large degree. There is still room for
improvement but they have managed to adapt quite well in the world and should be
viewed as an inspiration for future cultural conservative governments.

這一段大概就是媒體報導最多的部份了. 好像也有點成理.
重點不是在他說錯什麼, 台灣是單元或多元,
而是他為何會這樣覺得, 是他所處的環境有什麼問題?

只要比較過多元主義代表 屬於Anglo-Saxon文化的英國,美國 與台日韓的移民與外勞政策以及歐洲右翼團體的訴求(CNN,BBC都有相關評論) 就不難看出問題所在

另外,不要低估台日韓右翼團體的力量 特別是日本與韓國
台日韓要是執行其中一項的話 很可能右翼團體就不會這樣低調了
台灣執行單元主義還情有可原 因為台灣國際地位"特殊" 不被聯合國承認為國家 也無美國駐軍防衛
至於日韓 不知可否用"得了便宜還賣乖"來形容其移民政策?
還好,台日韓的社會福利,特別是生育教養兒童部份 遠比不上西歐
或許多元文化主義在資源豐富的移民國家(美國)是gold standard 但放到小國寡民的北歐國家可能就承受不起了

Re: 挪威殺人犯談到台灣的部份

發表於 : 週一 8月 01, 2011 3:50 pm
美國雖然這麼大,也是花了多少年才大致擺平黑白問題的啊? (眼汪汪)
chehankimo 寫:
TC 寫:出處: (警告 : 挪威殺人犯的作品)
http://www.kevinislaughter.com/wp-conte ... ndence.pdf
這位挪威右派極端份子對台日韓的評論以西方國家的觀點而言 大致上沒什麼錯
他指的是國家的法律,社會福利與移民政策怎麼對待移民或外國人 而非媒體答非所問,文不對題式的回應 (諸如台灣人對馬路上的外國人很好 我對我家的菲傭很照顧等此類亂七八糟的回應)

There is absolutely no good reason why an Iranian or a Vietnamese should be encouraged or facilitated to travel across the world for relocation in a European country.

台日韓不接受任何政治難民 所以這些難民得跨越半個地球到西方國家

I don’t support the deportation of non-Muslims from Europe as long as they are
fully assimilated (I’m a supporter of many of the Japanese/Taiwan/South Korean
policies/principles). However, we should take a break from mass immigration in general
(as of 2008 numbers). Any future immigration needs to be strictly controlled and
exclusively non-Muslim.

這位挪威右派極端份子也不主張把非穆斯林等外國人全趕出歐洲 但前提是必須融入他們

As for current national political systems, I especially admire the Japanese, South Korean
and Taiwanese system. These three countries reject multiculturalism outright and have
instead focused on maintaining and protecting their monoculture. They have managed to
copy and implement the most advantageous mechanics from Europe and the US (in
terms of educational, scientific, technological and economical mechanics) but have at the
same time rejected cultural Marxism to a large degree. There is still room for
improvement but they have managed to adapt quite well in the world and should be
viewed as an inspiration for future cultural conservative governments.

這一段大概就是媒體報導最多的部份了. 好像也有點成理.
重點不是在他說錯什麼, 台灣是單元或多元,
而是他為何會這樣覺得, 是他所處的環境有什麼問題?

只要比較過多元主義代表 屬於Anglo-Saxon文化的英國,美國 與台日韓的移民與外勞政策以及歐洲右翼團體的訴求(CNN,BBC都有相關評論) 就不難看出問題所在

另外,不要低估台日韓右翼團體的力量 特別是日本與韓國
台日韓要是執行其中一項的話 很可能右翼團體就不會這樣低調了
台灣執行單元主義還情有可原 因為台灣國際地位"特殊" 不被聯合國承認為國家 也無美國駐軍防衛
至於日韓 不知可否用"得了便宜還賣乖"來形容其移民政策?
還好,台日韓的社會福利,特別是生育教養兒童部份 遠比不上西歐
或許多元文化主義在資源豐富的移民國家(美國)是gold standard 但放到小國寡民的北歐國家可能就承受不起了

Re: 挪威殺人犯談到台灣的部份

發表於 : 週一 8月 01, 2011 3:53 pm

Re: 挪威殺人犯談到台灣的部份

發表於 : 週一 8月 01, 2011 4:00 pm
大雅老仙ㄟ 寫:挪威那個殺人犯殺那麽多人也不會死刑(包括所有歐洲),而臺灣殺一兩個人就要處死,我們廢除死刑與否,應該重新認真檢討。


Re: 挪威殺人犯談到台灣的部份

發表於 : 週一 8月 01, 2011 4:13 pm

Re: 挪威殺人犯談到台灣的部份

發表於 : 週一 8月 01, 2011 6:11 pm
大雅老仙ㄟ 寫:imqage:

但--但很多被害人死前,連喊媽媽的機會都被剝削了。 (不要啊)