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發表於 : 週五 12月 26, 2008 2:49 pm
由 chia8153
請問有人有遇到空腹血糖200多, 可是HbA1c都完全正常的嗎?這個病人不是只有抽一次血喲, 是每次抽血都這樣,怎麼會有這種情形呢?病人否認抽血前一天有吃什麼宵夜或喝酒.
Re: 請問空腹血糖和HbA1c的問題
發表於 : 週五 12月 26, 2008 3:54 pm
由 小花貓
Re: 請問空腹血糖和HbA1c的問題
發表於 : 週五 12月 26, 2008 5:05 pm
由 li234567
Re: 請問空腹血糖和HbA1c的問題
發表於 : 週五 12月 26, 2008 5:59 pm
由 Alex-LYY
有無 Anemia or other systemic disease?
Re: 請問空腹血糖和HbA1c的問題
發表於 : 週五 12月 26, 2008 6:03 pm
由 1001
Re: 請問空腹血糖和HbA1c的問題
發表於 : 週五 12月 26, 2008 6:13 pm
由 RD
Re: 請問空腹血糖和HbA1c的問題
發表於 : 週五 12月 26, 2008 8:48 pm
由 ccc
某些 Anemia disease 會這樣
A1c 一直只有 4.0.
Re: 請問空腹血糖和HbA1c的問題
發表於 : 週五 12月 26, 2008 8:51 pm
ccc 寫:某些 Anemia disease 會這樣
A1c 一直只有 4.0.
Re: 請問空腹血糖和HbA1c的問題
發表於 : 週五 12月 26, 2008 8:57 pm
由 ccc
Re: 請問空腹血糖和HbA1c的問題
發表於 : 週五 12月 26, 2008 9:16 pm
Most physicians periodically determine glycosylated hemoglobin ( Hb A1c ) to estimate plasma glucose control during the preceding 1 to 3 months. 因此HbA1c是看過去3 個月的平均血糖, 而空腹血糖則是指Patient( subject )
確實空腹 12 個小時的時候的血糖, 因此一般狀況下,
空腹血糖 200 mg/dl多,
而Hb A1c 卻正常? 就不太可能存在了 !!
必定有某一環節出錯 ?!!!
Re: 請問空腹血糖和HbA1c的問題
發表於 : 週五 12月 26, 2008 9:27 pm
由 albarto1688
Re: 請問空腹血糖和HbA1c的問題
發表於 : 週五 12月 26, 2008 9:36 pm
由 joelin
Re: 請問空腹血糖和HbA1c的問題
發表於 : 週五 12月 26, 2008 9:48 pm
Joelin 文章標題 : Re: 請問空腹血糖和HbA1c的問題
沒有回答到為何空腹血糖 200多,
而HbA1c 卻是正常阿 ???
Re: 請問空腹血糖和HbA1c的問題
發表於 : 週六 12月 27, 2008 12:42 am
由 pedi
A-HSIEN 寫:ccc 寫:某些 Anemia disease 會這樣
A1c 一直只有 4.0.
我個人是不認為 anemia 的病人其 HbA1C 會相對較低
因為 HbA1C 是 HbA1 中 糖化 (glycated) 的
比例 所以如果是一般的 anemia,應當還是依一般的比例去分配
除非病患的 anemia 是 β-thalassemia --> HbA1 比例降低,而HbA2比例上升
因為HbA1比例降低,所以 HbA1C 在整體 Hb 的比例當然也會降低
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thalassemia代碼: 選擇全部
If only one β globin allele bears a mutation, the disease is called β thalassemia minor (or sometimes called β thalassemia trait). This is a mild microcytic anemia. Detection usually involves measuring the mean corpuscular volume (size of red blood cells) and noticing a slightly decreased mean volume than normal. The patient will have an increased fraction of Hemoglobin A2 (>2.5%) and a decreased fraction of Hemoglobin A (<97.5%).
好巧不巧,只要在 google 上鍵入 thalassemia 及 HbA1C
我們就可以找到一篇台灣人發表的 paper...
We conclude that
Hb variants can contribute to mismanagement of patients with DM because of falsely low HbA1c values measured by HPLC.
Re: 請問空腹血糖和HbA1c的問題
發表於 : 週六 12月 27, 2008 12:43 am
由 pedi
Re: 請問空腹血糖和HbA1c的問題
發表於 : 週六 12月 27, 2008 1:08 am
pedi 寫:不知以上可以帶給大家一些解答嗎?
Re: 請問空腹血糖和HbA1c的問題
發表於 : 週六 12月 27, 2008 9:27 am
Re: 請問空腹血糖和HbA1c的問題
發表於 : 週六 12月 27, 2008 9:30 am
由 joelin
我 google :
http://pmj.bmj.com/cgi/content/extract/79/933/421Causes of high/low HbA1c levelsHighNewly diagnosed diabetes mellitus.
Uncontrolled diabetes mellitus.
Non-diabetic hyperglycaemia: acromegaly, phaechromocytoma, thyrotoxicosis, Cushing’s syndrome.
LowHaemolytic anaemia: congenital (for example, spherocytosis and elliptocytosis), haemoglobinopathies, acquired haemolytic anaemias—for example, drug induced (dapsone, methyldopa).
Chronic blood loss.
Chronic renal failure (variable).
Re: 請問空腹血糖和HbA1c的問題
發表於 : 週六 12月 27, 2008 9:33 am
joelin 寫:(偽可愛) 我 google :
Causes of high/low HbA1c levels
Newly diagnosed diabetes mellitus.
Uncontrolled diabetes mellitus.
Non-diabetic hyperglycaemia: acromegaly, phaechromocytoma, thyrotoxicosis, Cushing’s syndrome.
Haemolytic anaemia: congenital (for example, spherocytosis and elliptocytosis), haemoglobinopathies, acquired haemolytic anaemias—for example, drug induced (dapsone, methyldopa).
Chronic blood loss.
Chronic renal failure (variable).
Re: 請問空腹血糖和HbA1c的問題
發表於 : 週六 12月 27, 2008 11:39 am
由 chia8153
這個病人沒有anemia, Hgb=14, MCV 也是正常的,年紀比較大了,所以也沒做過G6PD的篩檢,下次會再仔細問一下他的病史和家族史。
一年多來的抽血紀錄都差不多, 血糖200~220, HbA1c=5~6, 唯一比較特別的是urine ob++, proteinuria 300
medication: dail 由2#bid-->4#bid, glucophage 2#bid, 血糖卻幾乎沒什麼變化,最好的紀錄是降到180~190, 之後又回到200多, 下次也許會試試glucophage 也加量吧
Re: 請問空腹血糖和HbA1c的問題
發表於 : 週六 12月 27, 2008 11:50 am
由 throne
pedi 寫:不知以上可以帶給大家一些解答嗎?
Re: 請問空腹血糖和HbA1c的問題
發表於 : 週六 12月 27, 2008 12:18 pm
由 ptman
這種狀況我們以前也有遇過,chia大也可以問一下患者是否有G6PD deficiency蠶豆症
In healthy individuals, hemoglobin A1c comprises less than 7% of the total hemoglobin that is present. Conditions that can falsely elevate levels of hemoglobin A1c include kidney failure, hypertriglyceridemia, and folate and vitamin B12 deficiencies that are accompanied by slower rates of red blood cell turnover. Conditions that cause more rapid turnover of red blood cells, such as blood loss, sickle cell disease, or glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency, can falsely decrease levels.
Re: 請問空腹血糖和HbA1c的問題
發表於 : 週六 12月 27, 2008 12:48 pm
由 虎克
chia8153 寫:感謝大家的熱心回答. 可是這個病人沒有anemia, Hgb=14, 一年多來的抽血紀錄都差不多, 血糖200~220, HbA1c=5~6, 唯一比較特別的是urine ob++, proteinuria 300
medication: dail 由2#bid-->4#bid, glucophage 2#bid, 血糖卻幾乎沒什麼變化,最好的紀錄是降到180~190, 之後又回到200多, 下次也許會試試glucophage 也加量吧
Re: 請問空腹血糖和HbA1c的問題
發表於 : 週六 12月 27, 2008 7:34 pm
由 chia8153
虎克 寫:chia8153 寫:感謝大家的熱心回答. 可是這個病人沒有anemia, Hgb=14, 一年多來的抽血紀錄都差不多, 血糖200~220, HbA1c=5~6, 唯一比較特別的是urine ob++, proteinuria 300
medication: dail 由2#bid-->4#bid, glucophage 2#bid, 血糖卻幾乎沒什麼變化,最好的紀錄是降到180~190, 之後又回到200多, 下次也許會試試glucophage 也加量吧
dail 由2#bid-->4#bid(4#是指daily dose,等於是一次2#,bid服用),glucophage 的max daily dose 應該可以加到4#,所以還有點加量的空間吧?
Re: 請問空腹血糖和HbA1c的問題
發表於 : 週六 12月 27, 2008 11:03 pm
由 pedi
chia8153 寫:感謝Pedi和Joelin大大的詳細解答.
這個病人沒有anemia, Hgb=14, MCV 也是正常的,年紀比較大了,所以也沒做過G6PD的篩檢,下次會再仔細問一下他的病史和家族史。
一年多來的抽血紀錄都差不多, 血糖200~220, HbA1c=5~6, 唯一比較特別的是urine ob++, proteinuria 300
medication: dail 由2#bid-->4#bid, glucophage 2#bid, 血糖卻幾乎沒什麼變化,最好的紀錄是降到180~190, 之後又回到200多, 下次也許會試試glucophage 也加量吧
其實,從joelin 大大提供的資料,跟你的資料,我覺得有幾點值得追蹤:
1. chronic blood loss
2. chronic renal failure
因為你提到病人 urine ob++, proteinuria 300,所以上述兩個可能都需要考慮
另外,再提供一篇 paper 給您參考,下面這一篇 paper 裡面描述的也是高血糖,低 HbA1C,又無 anemia (Hb 14.1) renal function 是正常的......答案就給您自行參考了(又是台灣人的 paper)
http://www.sim.org.tw/journal/jour18-1/07.PDF如果您真的想知道病人是否真是那麼一回事,那就 do something 吧
Re: 請問空腹血糖和HbA1c的問題
發表於 : 週二 12月 30, 2008 10:44 am
由 chia8153
pedi 寫:chia8153 寫:感謝Pedi和Joelin大大的詳細解答.
這個病人沒有anemia, Hgb=14, MCV 也是正常的,年紀比較大了,所以也沒做過G6PD的篩檢,下次會再仔細問一下他的病史和家族史。
一年多來的抽血紀錄都差不多, 血糖200~220, HbA1c=5~6, 唯一比較特別的是urine ob++, proteinuria 300
medication: dail 由2#bid-->4#bid, glucophage 2#bid, 血糖卻幾乎沒什麼變化,最好的紀錄是降到180~190, 之後又回到200多, 下次也許會試試glucophage 也加量吧
其實,從joelin 大大提供的資料,跟你的資料,我覺得有幾點值得追蹤:
1. chronic blood loss
2. chronic renal failure
因為你提到病人 urine ob++, proteinuria 300,所以上述兩個可能都需要考慮
另外,再提供一篇 paper 給您參考,下面這一篇 paper 裡面描述的也是高血糖,低 HbA1C,又無 anemia (Hb 14.1) renal function 是正常的......答案就給您自行參考了(又是台灣人的 paper)
http://www.sim.org.tw/journal/jour18-1/07.PDF如果您真的想知道病人是否真是那麼一回事,那就 do something 吧
其實這個病人剛開始時讓我最困擾的是不知道血糖到底是要以FBG 還是 HbA1c為準,若以FBG而言, 算是控制很差,若是以HbA1c而言,算是控制相當好. 不過看起來應該還是以FBG為準,他的HbA1c 的標準可能要放更低了.
urine ob的問題曾經轉介過,可是沒查出原因,也許要做renal biopsy, 或轉hema OPD看看囉
Re: 請問空腹血糖和HbA1c的問題
發表於 : 週二 12月 30, 2008 12:19 pm
由 u22
Re: 請問空腹血糖和HbA1c的問題
發表於 : 週二 12月 30, 2008 6:25 pm
由 joelin
Everyone, diabetic or not, exhibits some Dawn Phenomenon. It is a natural part of our bodies' circadian rhythms. Some have said it is the way our ancestors had the strength to rise and slay a wooly behemoth for breakfast.
Since most of us fast while sleeping, with teenagers a possible exception, our bodies use stored energy during sleep. If you have read our Nutrition Section, you know that the body uses all three macro-nutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, and fats) to store energy.
The most easily used is the storage medium of carbohydrates, called glycogen. Glycogen is made from glucose, and is stored in the liver and muscles. Since it is basically nothing more than a complex matrix of glucose, it is easy for the body to store and use, something the body does all day long. The technical term for the act of creating and storing glycogen is glycogenesis. When the body calls for the conversion of glycogen back to glucose it is called glycogenolysis.
Another macro-nutrient that is available to be converted to glucose is protein. Most of us think of our protein as being stored in muscle, but the body has protective mechanisms to make muscle wasting its last choice. One of the most useful and readily available sources of protein storage is in blood components, i.e., albumin (plasma). The body uses a process performed in the liver to convert amino acids, the building blocks of proteins, into glucose. The name for this process is gluconeogenesis, literally "the creation of new glucose".
So, what does all this have to do with a high fasting BG? Overnight, usually between 4am and 11am, your body releases some hormones. These are Growth Hormone (GH) from the anterior pituitary gland, cortisol from the adrenal cortex, glucagon from your pancreatic alpha-cells, and epinephrine (adrenalin). These hormones cause an increase in insulin resistance, raising your BG. In addition, these hormones trigger glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis, adding stored or new glucose to your bloodstream.
Dawn Phenomenon, and its associated increase in insulin resistance, is the reason most diabetics are far more sensitive to carbs in the morning.
Dealing with Dawn Phenomenon
There are many ways of defeating Dawn Phenomenon. You will have to experiment with the following suggestions to see what works for you.
Try eating no food after dinner. This works for people whose Dawn Phenomenon isn't very strong. Basically, it lowers their baseline BG, so that when DP does hit them, the increase keeps them below a certain level, usually 120 (6.7).
Try eating a small snack of fat and protein before bed. Most find that a tablespoon of peanut butter, or some cheese and deli meat are effective. The theory here is that the slow-digesting fat and protein holds their BG high enough overnight to avoid Somogyi Effect (see below).
Eventually, you will learn how the two disparate approaches above work for you. Hopefully, you will set personal targets to guide you, eg., if my BG is below XXX (insert your target here), I need a snack. If my BG is over XXX, I don't need a snack.
The prescription medication Metformin HCl (Glucophage) is often very effective in limiting Dawn Phenomenon for Type-2s and insulin resistant Type-1s. Of course, Type-1s can adjust their basal (slow) insulin regimen to account for Dawn Phenomenon.
Lastly, EAT BREAKFAST. The resulting increase in blood glucose from food will often turn off the continued rise. If you don't, some diabetics will continue to rise until 10-11 am.
Somogyi Effect, named for Dr. Robert Somogyi, its discoverer, is a high morning BG due to a low overnight. It is most commonly seen with insulin using diabetics, but is also seen with overnight reactive hypoglycemics.
The mechanism is a low overnight, which causes the body to react by releasing many of the same hormones seen in DP. The strongest blood glucose increasing hormone, glucagon, plays an important role. It tells your liver to start glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis to provide enough glucose for your body to survive. This is sometimes referred to as a Liver Dump. Often, this mechanism over-produces, and you wake to a significantly higher BG.
Setting your bedtime BG target a bit higher, will usually prevent you from having a hypoglycemic event overnight.
Re: 請問空腹血糖和HbA1c的問題
發表於 : 週二 12月 30, 2008 6:33 pm
由 joelin
u22 寫:血糖200~220是不是都是空腹血糖?
比較會降 PC...
該病人 好像沒給 ...
Re: 請問空腹血糖和HbA1c的問題
發表於 : 週二 12月 30, 2008 7:14 pm
由 Shih
可以check fructosamine 看看