連結至影片網頁 and she takes another step slowly she opens the door check that he is sleeping pick up all the broken glass and furniture on the floor been up half the night screaming now it's time to get away pack up the kids in the car another bruise to try and hide another alibi to write another ditch in the road you keep moving another stop sign you keep moving on and the years go by so fast wonder how I ever made it through
and there are children to think of baby's asleep in the back seat wonder how they'll ever make it through this living nightmare but the mind is an amazing thing full of candy dreams and new toys and another cheap hotel two beds and a coffee machine but there are groceries to buy and she knows she'll have to go home
another ditch in the road you keep moving another stop sign you keep moving on and the years go by so fast wonder how I ever made it through
another bruise to try and hide another alibi to write another lonely highway in the black of night there's hope in the darkness I know you're gonna make it
another ditch in the road keep moving another stop sign you keep moving on and the years go by so fast silent fortress built to last wonder how I ever made it
唱片曲目: 01 Too Late 晚來的愛情 02 The tree in the heaven 天國的樹 03 Beautiful bride 美麗的新娘 04 愛上你 05 A letter to maself 給自己的信 06 在我最需要你的時候 07 沒那麼簡單 08 祝英台 09 花海 10 愛的讚歌 11 愛情轉移 12 不完美 13 雛菊
專輯介紹: 挪威女歌手Sissel(茜希爾),北歐家喻戶曉的歌后.她的歌聲冷豔高貴,透明純淨,音域相當廣闊,音色控制能力極佳。除了有著恩雅般的空靈淒美,和北歐歌手特有的陽剛氣質,更帶有流行歌手難得的音色穿透力,一聽就知道富有很好的聲樂功底。Sissel曾經在1994年挪威冬奧會開幕式上獻唱主題曲“FIRE IN YOUR HEART”;亦曾經作為“神秘女聲”,被《泰坦尼克》一片作曲家詹姆斯-霍納的相中,以其外冷內熱,充滿民謠氣息的天籟聲線,為電影作貫穿主題的和聲配唱,強力渲染出電影悠遠悲情的意境。此張唱片收錄她于2001年9月的一場演唱會的實況。在管弦樂團的伴奏下,Sissel演唱了多首風格不同的歌曲,其中既有北歐風格強烈的民歌,也有一些美國流行經典,現場氣氛十足,錄音也非常自然,Sissel毫無矯飾的深情歌喉,加上伴奏中像真度極佳的挪威民間樂器,大器和細膩兼具,聽來令人口沫生津,回味無窮。
曲目 : 1 Sarah's song 2 Can't Go Back 3 Keep Falling Down 4 Shenandoah 5 All Good Things 6 We Both Know 7 Carrier of A Secret 8 Solitaire 9 Should it Matter 10 Lær Meg Å Kjenne 11 Weightless 12 Molde Canticle
Re: 好聽的歌
發表於 : 週五 11月 25, 2011 11:44 pm
由 Felix
Light Of Mind/Eterno Ji Song
專輯介紹 : 첼로 연주자겸 작곡가인 "에테르노 지송, ETERNO JI SONG"이 크로스오버와 SPIRITUAL장르가 결합된 새로운 장르의 첼로 음악을 선보인다. 이 시대의 신개념 첼로 감성을 선보이는 그녀의 첫 음반 [마음의 빛, LIGHT OF MIND]에는 고통과 역경을 겪으면서도 희망을 잃지 않고 첼로를 했던 그녀의 인생관이 녹아있다. 10살 때 첼로를 시작한 "에테르노 지송"은 클래식의 길을 걷고 있었다. 그러던 중 그녀에게 닥친 교통사고는 오른쪽 어깨 신경에 손상을 주게 되고, 이로 인해 첼로를 그만두어야 하는 상황까지 이르게 된다. 그러나 그녀는 첼로를 포기하지 않고 꾸준히 재활 치료를 해왔으며, 아직도 치료를 계속하고 있다. 지금까지 "스위트피", "홍경민", "짙은", "더 멜로디", "슬로우 쥰" 등 여러 가수의 음반 및 공연 세션으로도 활발히 활동했으며, 드라마 [스타의 연인], [내 이름은 김삼순], [식객], [달콤한 인생], 영화 [식객], [천군] 등 다수의 OST에도 참여했다.그녀가 고통 속에서도 첼로를 손에서 놓지 못했던 것은 오랜 꿈이 있어서다. 고통과 역경 속에 살아가는 이들에게 자신의 음악을 통해 희망을 전달하는 것. 그리고 그 꿈은 드디어 현실이 되었다. 이 음반에는 타이틀 곡인 『마음의 빛』를 비롯해 자신이 직접 작곡한 『나보다 널 더욱』, 『더 나은 내일을 위하여』 등과 『YOU RAISE ME UP』, 『AMAZING GRACE』 등 우리에게 친숙한 곡들을 여느 첼로 연주곡과는 달리 드럼, 키보드, 기타가 들어간 밴드를 편성해 재해석한 편곡하는 등 새로운 시도가 돋보인다.....
曲目 : 1. Cello (작곡:성지송) 2:30 2. 마음의 빛 (작곡:성지송) 4:19 3. 가인 (작곡:성지송) 3:38 4. 나보다 널 더욱 (작곡:성지송) 3:44 5. You Raise Me Up 4:41 6. Cello (편곡:성지송) 2:49 7. 더 나은 내일을 위하여 (작곡:성지송) 2:53 8. Annie Laurie 5:09 9. Amazing Grace 4:06 10. Cello (작곡:성지송) 2:28 11. 마음의 빛 (작곡:성지송) 4:15
連結至影片網頁 Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day You fritter and waste the hours in an off hand way. Kicking around on a piece of ground in your home town Waiting for someone or something to show you the way. Tired of lying in the sunshine staying home to watch the rain. You are young and life is long and there is time to kill today. And then one day you find ten years have got behind you. No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun.
So you run and you run to catch up with the sun but it's sinking Racing around to come up behind you again. The sun is the same in a relative way but you're older, Shorter of breath and one day closer to death. Every year is getting shorter never seem to find the time. Plans that either come to naught or half a page of scribbled lines
Hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way The time is gone, the song is over, Thought I'd something more to say. I like to be here, but I can't.
專輯簡介: DENEAN系列人聲天碟之一,黛妮DENEAN繼"織夢"後又一巨作----蝶舞春雷.當世界一切事務變得如此煩躁可厭,當生活壓力逼迫得令人喘不過氣來,當周遭的臉孔都既熟悉又陌生時,人生的樂趣何在! 多情才女黛妮繼她首張專輯"織夢"後.再度發揮她無窮的想像力與絕美的旋律本事,為凡間譜出彷若天籟的"蝶舞春雷"經由醍醐灌頂的無浪漫音樂和黛妮仙樂飄飄的嗓音歌唱,在你眼前呈現的將是有如雨過天晴.彩虹乍現的美麗新世界!第一集"織夢"的佳績就是現代人對黛妮的最佳肯定,第二集"蝶舞春雷"有更柔美悅耳的十一首黛妮創作曲.在好萊塢金獎錄音師的精心處理下將帶來前所未有的心靈震撼.黛妮仙樂飄飄的歌唱,彷若天籟,清新,高頻通透.有"不食人間煙火"的感覺.其中的鋼琴,極具感染力,也是一張旋律優美,很有可聽性的發燒CD. Grand Mother's Heart 一種音樂,一種性靈,穿透內心的情感,慢慢融化,慢慢釋懷,享受著清晨的陽光與空氣,不知不覺的和唱中,詮釋了生活的真諦···
曲目 : 01Butterfly Concerto 02Children‘s Dawn Blessing 03Grand Mother‘s Heart 04In Spirit‘s Realm 05Let There be Peace 06Parnie‘s Song 07Sundancer 08The Turning Point 09There Burns The Flame 10Thunder 11Tunkasila