NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - College-age drinkers who mix caffeine and alcohol are more likely to make risky decisions and require medical care, research has shown. A new study suggests younger drinkers often combine caffeine and alcohol as well.
"Most of the previous studies have focused on the combination of energy drinks and alcohol, but have not studied more traditional combinations such as alcohol and soda," Siegel said. ,“西格爾(Boston University School of Public Health).
"Energy drinks are a way to be edgy, literally and culturally edgy, and a way to take some chances," White said.
Mixing alcohol and caffeine can mask some of the feelings of intoxication, making teens think they can drink more.
"Caffeine can make you feel like you're less intoxicated. It doesn't reduce your level of intoxication," White said. “能量飲料是一種方法,心急火燎的飲料,從字面上看,我們認為必要的努力來教育青年與酒精和咖啡因的消費相關的不良後果,”西格爾說。
,“西格爾說:”雖然預混合飲料含有咖啡因和酒精的危險已經得到媒體的廣泛關注,我們發現,咖啡因和酒精(含咖啡因的酒精飲料)在青年中使用的主要來源是自混合。 “這些結果應該成為為青少年的健康教育計劃的一部分。”SOURCE: Addictive Behaviors, online October 8, 2013.
前衛文化,一種方法,採取了一些機會,”懷特(Division of Epidemiology and Prevention Research at the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism)說。
,“西格爾說:”雖然預混合飲料含有咖啡因和酒精的危險已經得到媒體的廣泛關注,我們發現,咖啡因和酒精(含咖啡因的酒精飲料)在青年中使用的主要來源是自混合。 “這些結果應該成為為青少年的健康教育計劃的一部分。”
SOURCE: Addictive Behaviors, online October 8, 2013.
再談提神飲料,台灣的 coca cola 內含咖非因值,整整高出標示量的近一倍(媒體報導,恨快就沒有後續報導了!!!!!)......
版主: 版主021
- 註冊會員
- 文章: 1329
- 註冊時間: 週三 6月 23, 2010 10:18 am
Re: 提神(減肥)飲料--美國的例子
減肥(diet)藥或飲料,一個就是增加代率(如類Epinephrine, thyroid,...),一個就是抑制脂肪吸收(前些減肥藥,也下市了!!...連惠心的7-Slim就要看定義為補充劑---Diet Suppliment或生技產品--僅是偷跑而已--還未通過phase III臨床實驗!!).....如果對減肥藥有興趣,上Google就有一大堆以Bitter Orange(很多是生技產品!!!).......那怎麼說呢?!...如果用到提神作用,再混咖啡因等等(甚至非法藥物!!).....其後果是什麼?!.......凌晨"東區檢屍"....台灣還有政府嗎!!!.....
- 註冊會員
- 文章: 1329
- 註冊時間: 週三 6月 23, 2010 10:18 am
Re: 提神(減肥)飲料--美國的例子 ... eding.aspx
In 2013, infant formula added nearly $5 billion in global sales, dwarfing矮小的動物(或植物 gains seen for energy drinks ($3.5 billion), pre- and probiotic yogurts ($2.4 billion) and waters ($2 billion).1
在2013年,嬰幼兒配方奶粉增加了近500億美元的全球銷售額,矮化植物能量飲料(Bitter Orange)收益(約合3.5億美元),和益生菌酸奶(約合2.4億美元)和水(約合2億美元).
....欣樂芬, 咖啡因, 到大麻,到許許多多非法藥物,!!!--台灣監獄有近70%是煙毒犯!!!......還要負擔健保資源!!!
In 2013, infant formula added nearly $5 billion in global sales, dwarfing矮小的動物(或植物 gains seen for energy drinks ($3.5 billion), pre- and probiotic yogurts ($2.4 billion) and waters ($2 billion).1
在2013年,嬰幼兒配方奶粉增加了近500億美元的全球銷售額,矮化植物能量飲料(Bitter Orange)收益(約合3.5億美元),和益生菌酸奶(約合2.4億美元)和水(約合2億美元).
....欣樂芬, 咖啡因, 到大麻,到許許多多非法藥物,!!!--台灣監獄有近70%是煙毒犯!!!......還要負擔健保資源!!!
- 註冊會員
- 文章: 1329
- 註冊時間: 週三 6月 23, 2010 10:18 am
Re: 提神(減肥)飲料--美國的例子
To correct this travesty 歪曲, GMOInside.org10 has launched開始; 積極投入a campaign urging 極力主張infant formula makers to phase out all genetically modified organisms (GMOs) from their infant formulas. The companies targeted are:
• Abbott Laboratories, maker of Similac
• Mead Johnson Nutrition, maker of Enfamil
• Nestlé, maker of Gerber Good Start
stated by
“Babies are particularly vulnerable when it comes to eating GMOs as their digestive and immune systems are not fully developed and GM crops have a much higher exposure to dangerous pesticides such as Roundup. According to pediatrician Michelle Perro, infant livers do not reach maturity for about two years and therefore are less equipped to process toxins in the body, such as the pesticides used on genetically modified foods Adding insult to injury, these companies all spent money to vote down GMO labeling in California last year, thus obstructing a parent’s right to know whether or not the first food they are feeding their newborns contains GMOs.”
所以我們要曉得美國這月7日對華盛州通過, 對Label FGMO是為何重視了!!!......世界上對嬰兒奶粉規定最嚴格的是紐西蘭--決不可添加補充劑(Suppl.),美國對這些強調強化與功能性的嬰兒奶粉,大藥廠早有生技(Biotech.)產品了!!!,所以台灣嬰兒奶粉不多久就調升價格!!!......合理嗎?!(配方又改了?!.....台灣消費委員會呢?!台灣不是成臨床研究--上市後研究的對象!!!).......所以有混油事件!!!一點都不足為奇!!!美國它敢對中國大陸如此嗎?!......
• Abbott Laboratories, maker of Similac
• Mead Johnson Nutrition, maker of Enfamil
• Nestlé, maker of Gerber Good Start
stated by
“Babies are particularly vulnerable when it comes to eating GMOs as their digestive and immune systems are not fully developed and GM crops have a much higher exposure to dangerous pesticides such as Roundup. According to pediatrician Michelle Perro, infant livers do not reach maturity for about two years and therefore are less equipped to process toxins in the body, such as the pesticides used on genetically modified foods Adding insult to injury, these companies all spent money to vote down GMO labeling in California last year, thus obstructing a parent’s right to know whether or not the first food they are feeding their newborns contains GMOs.”
所以我們要曉得美國這月7日對華盛州通過, 對Label FGMO是為何重視了!!!......世界上對嬰兒奶粉規定最嚴格的是紐西蘭--決不可添加補充劑(Suppl.),美國對這些強調強化與功能性的嬰兒奶粉,大藥廠早有生技(Biotech.)產品了!!!,所以台灣嬰兒奶粉不多久就調升價格!!!......合理嗎?!(配方又改了?!.....台灣消費委員會呢?!台灣不是成臨床研究--上市後研究的對象!!!).......所以有混油事件!!!一點都不足為奇!!!美國它敢對中國大陸如此嗎?!......
- 註冊會員
- 文章: 1
- 註冊時間: 週五 11月 15, 2013 4:04 pm