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The FDA's Graphic Tobacco Warnings and the First Amendment
版主: 版主021
- 部長級
- 文章: 6777
- 註冊時間: 週六 7月 12, 2008 3:39 pm
- 來自: 吳敦義呆了八年,卻沒建設的地方
- 聯繫:
- 註冊會員
- 文章: 1329
- 註冊時間: 週三 6月 23, 2010 10:18 am
Re: The FDA's Graphic Tobacco Warnings and the First Amendme
FDA drops legal battle to introduce graphic pictures on cigarette packs
BMJ2013;346doi: 22 March 2013)
Cite this as:BMJ2013;346:f1913
The federal government is abandoning a legal battle to place pictures of blackened lungs and dead bodies on the front of cigarette packets.
美國第一號憲法修正案(the companies’ rights under the First Amendment. ),明白指出:人民有言論自由...
此是導因於紐約市長---彭博禁止所有菸類產品,必須掩蓋---不可讓顧客看到,;美國FDA就倉促研究:菸會致癌, 傷害嬰兒, 汙染空氣等....."In a letter obtained by the Associated Press, the US attorney general, Eric Holder, said that the FDA will go back to the drawing board and propose new labels."
New York City, Mayor Michael Bloomberg proposed new legislation this week to put all tobacco products out of sight of customers.
Bloomberg claimed that his bill would make New York the first city in the US to force retailers to keep tobacco products hidden
我們台灣酒駕利用"民粹",更嚴格處分__--標準降低,並處以拘留二個 月(監所夠不夠?),強制抽血等,都是世界民主法治國家所不用的 月(監所夠不夠?),強制抽血等,都是世界民主法治國家所不用的 方式........,衍生問題,就以強制抽來言,台灣醫院急診室已經充滿暴力了,誰保障醫護人員安全?......每人學防身術?...武攻各有高下,醫護人員遇到武功高強的人,被打死了?!......國家賠償?!
BMJ2013;346doi: 22 March 2013)
Cite this as:BMJ2013;346:f1913
The federal government is abandoning a legal battle to place pictures of blackened lungs and dead bodies on the front of cigarette packets.
美國第一號憲法修正案(the companies’ rights under the First Amendment. ),明白指出:人民有言論自由...
此是導因於紐約市長---彭博禁止所有菸類產品,必須掩蓋---不可讓顧客看到,;美國FDA就倉促研究:菸會致癌, 傷害嬰兒, 汙染空氣等....."In a letter obtained by the Associated Press, the US attorney general, Eric Holder, said that the FDA will go back to the drawing board and propose new labels."
New York City, Mayor Michael Bloomberg proposed new legislation this week to put all tobacco products out of sight of customers.
Bloomberg claimed that his bill would make New York the first city in the US to force retailers to keep tobacco products hidden
我們台灣酒駕利用"民粹",更嚴格處分__--標準降低,並處以拘留二個 月(監所夠不夠?),強制抽血等,都是世界民主法治國家所不用的 月(監所夠不夠?),強制抽血等,都是世界民主法治國家所不用的 方式........,衍生問題,就以強制抽來言,台灣醫院急診室已經充滿暴力了,誰保障醫護人員安全?......每人學防身術?...武攻各有高下,醫護人員遇到武功高強的人,被打死了?!......國家賠償?!
- 註冊會員
- 文章: 1329
- 註冊時間: 週三 6月 23, 2010 10:18 am
Re: The FDA's Graphic Tobacco Warnings and the First Amendme
Baldness Drug Propecia May Put Some Men Off Alcohol: Study
Men with sexual side effects appear to drink less, even after they stop taking the drug
"THURSDAY, June 13 (HealthDay News) -- Some men who use finasteride (Propecia) to help battle baldness may also be drinking less alcohol, a new study suggests."........
Men with sexual side effects appear to drink less, even after they stop taking the drug
"THURSDAY, June 13 (HealthDay News) -- Some men who use finasteride (Propecia) to help battle baldness may also be drinking less alcohol, a new study suggests."........