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- 註冊會員
- 文章: 1329
- 註冊時間: 週三 6月 23, 2010 10:18 am
Thatcher’s legacy
BMJ 2013; 346 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmj.f2382 (Published 15 April 2013)
Cite this as: BMJ 2013;346:f2
Rats on the streets during the bincollectors’ strike罷工, the Green Goddesses, wildcat 不可靠strikes, flying pickets, the closed shop, block votes, “one out all out,” restrictive work practices, double digit inflation, a three day week, and a winter of discontent不滿. The 1970s in Britain were a time of national crisis, with undemocratic and out of control trade unions.
The Conservatives won the 1979 election: working class people had voted for change. The Thatcher government crushed the unions’ power, but the price was broken communities, public disorder, and mass unemployment. The industrialised north and Scotland paid the heaviest price, while the south east and London experienced economic renewal. Margaret Thatcher was a saviour救濟主 救世主 to some, a political savage to others; this was her divisive legacy. Thatcherism set off a cascade of consequences: the current deregulation of the NHS is simply her unfinished free market business.
There is another Thatcherite legacy—worklessness. During the 1980s and 1990s............
最近常討論的是英國鐵娘子--賒契爾將國營改為私營,剛開始英國經濟有起色,但到1980年代就經濟衰退而一蹶不起;;最主要將英國HNHS改為私營化,形成每位國民都需要的醫療照護極度惡化,社會也形成三No(no work, no employment,no education)……….;;所以她出殯時,有一半倫敦人是採暴動的……..
台灣國營事業改為私營,只是出賣祖產,加速台灣財政的破產而已,台糖, 台鹽,...公營行庫等,國庫有得到好處嗎?!.........
BMJ 2013; 346 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmj.f2382 (Published 15 April 2013)
Cite this as: BMJ 2013;346:f2
Rats on the streets during the bincollectors’ strike罷工, the Green Goddesses, wildcat 不可靠strikes, flying pickets, the closed shop, block votes, “one out all out,” restrictive work practices, double digit inflation, a three day week, and a winter of discontent不滿. The 1970s in Britain were a time of national crisis, with undemocratic and out of control trade unions.
The Conservatives won the 1979 election: working class people had voted for change. The Thatcher government crushed the unions’ power, but the price was broken communities, public disorder, and mass unemployment. The industrialised north and Scotland paid the heaviest price, while the south east and London experienced economic renewal. Margaret Thatcher was a saviour救濟主 救世主 to some, a political savage to others; this was her divisive legacy. Thatcherism set off a cascade of consequences: the current deregulation of the NHS is simply her unfinished free market business.
There is another Thatcherite legacy—worklessness. During the 1980s and 1990s............
最近常討論的是英國鐵娘子--賒契爾將國營改為私營,剛開始英國經濟有起色,但到1980年代就經濟衰退而一蹶不起;;最主要將英國HNHS改為私營化,形成每位國民都需要的醫療照護極度惡化,社會也形成三No(no work, no employment,no education)……….;;所以她出殯時,有一半倫敦人是採暴動的……..
台灣國營事業改為私營,只是出賣祖產,加速台灣財政的破產而已,台糖, 台鹽,...公營行庫等,國庫有得到好處嗎?!.........
- 科主任級
- 文章: 6158
- 註冊時間: 週六 9月 09, 2006 5:11 pm
Re: 鐵娘子-賒契爾的功與過---國營改為私營就是好嗎?
台灣國營事業改為私營,只是出賣祖產,加速台灣財政的破產而已,台糖, 台鹽,...公營行庫等,國庫有得到好處嗎?!.........
- 註冊會員
- 文章: 1329
- 註冊時間: 週三 6月 23, 2010 10:18 am
Re: 鐵娘子-賒契爾的功與過---國營改為私營就是好嗎?
X-MAN 先生您好!
在民主先進國家醫療照護體系,都發生了問題::社會主義的英國 歐洲 日本都因醫療照護體系是國家提供(公醫?!)發生了政府財政負擔加重,拖垮了經濟發展;;;.....
美國醫療照護體系是私營保險公司提供,現在歐巴馬總統不得不提出健保改革法案(Health Care Reforme),三年前參院通過Affortable Care Act(可負擔的照護法案)只是跨出了一小步,接著經歷債務上限,大法官釋憲案,目前(今年三月)的財務危機(白宮必須削減預算13兆?,裁減聯邦人員18,000員),;現在最頭疼的是早期就預知的保險交換(Insurance Exchange 在2014年完成),就發生了各州對Medi-aid的支持度與配合州預算篇列,否則最早的問題---有480萬美國人沒有保險的問題還是要解決!!!(這就是自由市場私營企業運用到醫療照護體系發生的根本問題!!)
國營企業一定有效率差---用人多 貪污多?,與吃大鍋飯的心理,;私營企業講求的是效率與利潤,但是用在每個國民都需要的醫療照護上,就都產生極大的矛盾;;也是政治人物最好玩弄與騙選票最好的工具...........
我所以題台糖 台鹽 台船等的台灣國營企業轉民營的 例子,就是轉換過程中,是政客取得利益最好也似乎是"明正言順"的事.........
1Thatcher’s legacy
BMJ 2013; 346 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmj.f2382 (Published 15 April 2013)
Cite this as: BMJ 2013;346:f2
Rats on the streets during the bincollectors’ strike罷工, the Green Goddesses, wildcat 不可靠strikes, flying pickets, the closed shop, block votes, “one out all out,” restrictive work practices, double digit inflation, a three day week, and a winter of discontent不滿. The 1970s in Britain were a time of national crisis, with undemocratic and out of control trade unions.
The Conservatives won the 1979 election: working class people had voted for change. The Thatcher government crushed the unions’ power, but the price was broken communities, public disorder, and mass unemploymen........造成1980-1990年大量失業潮(Workless)
英國經濟一蹶不起,而形成目前英國社會的現象:: NEET (“not in education, employment, or training”) at age 18............
2.Memories of Thatcher
BMJ 2013; 346 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmj.f2434 (Published 17 April 2013)
Cite this as: BMJ 2013;346)
1. Richard Smith, director, UnitedHealth Group chronic disease initiative, and editor of BMJ until 2004
A former BMJ editor reflects on what Margaret Thatcher’s years as prime minister meant for medicine and healthcare
My early years at the BMJ were bound up with Margaret Thatcher. I started as an assistant editor a month before she became prime minister in 1979 and was appointed editor just before she was dethroned 罷免 罷拙as prime minister in 1990. I saw her only once, at a Queen’s garden party. It was after she’d been deposed, and what struck受罷工影響 受挫的 me was the messy混亂 骯髒 line on her neck where her thick make up ended. It suggested frailty弱點 缺陷, perhaps foreshadowing the forgetful woman depicted描述 描寫 by Meryl Streep in The Iron Lady.......
3.Viewpoint: What if Margaret Thatcher had never been?(BBC News)
X-Man 先生! 台灣不應該記取教訓嗎???最近衛生署長不支持醫學中心增加(r將增加健保支出130億元),您能想像他承受的壓力(台大正要在竹南生技園區設醫學中心)......,如果想討論,在談吧!!!
在民主先進國家醫療照護體系,都發生了問題::社會主義的英國 歐洲 日本都因醫療照護體系是國家提供(公醫?!)發生了政府財政負擔加重,拖垮了經濟發展;;;.....
美國醫療照護體系是私營保險公司提供,現在歐巴馬總統不得不提出健保改革法案(Health Care Reforme),三年前參院通過Affortable Care Act(可負擔的照護法案)只是跨出了一小步,接著經歷債務上限,大法官釋憲案,目前(今年三月)的財務危機(白宮必須削減預算13兆?,裁減聯邦人員18,000員),;現在最頭疼的是早期就預知的保險交換(Insurance Exchange 在2014年完成),就發生了各州對Medi-aid的支持度與配合州預算篇列,否則最早的問題---有480萬美國人沒有保險的問題還是要解決!!!(這就是自由市場私營企業運用到醫療照護體系發生的根本問題!!)
國營企業一定有效率差---用人多 貪污多?,與吃大鍋飯的心理,;私營企業講求的是效率與利潤,但是用在每個國民都需要的醫療照護上,就都產生極大的矛盾;;也是政治人物最好玩弄與騙選票最好的工具...........
我所以題台糖 台鹽 台船等的台灣國營企業轉民營的 例子,就是轉換過程中,是政客取得利益最好也似乎是"明正言順"的事.........
1Thatcher’s legacy
BMJ 2013; 346 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmj.f2382 (Published 15 April 2013)
Cite this as: BMJ 2013;346:f2
Rats on the streets during the bincollectors’ strike罷工, the Green Goddesses, wildcat 不可靠strikes, flying pickets, the closed shop, block votes, “one out all out,” restrictive work practices, double digit inflation, a three day week, and a winter of discontent不滿. The 1970s in Britain were a time of national crisis, with undemocratic and out of control trade unions.
The Conservatives won the 1979 election: working class people had voted for change. The Thatcher government crushed the unions’ power, but the price was broken communities, public disorder, and mass unemploymen........造成1980-1990年大量失業潮(Workless)
英國經濟一蹶不起,而形成目前英國社會的現象:: NEET (“not in education, employment, or training”) at age 18............
2.Memories of Thatcher
BMJ 2013; 346 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmj.f2434 (Published 17 April 2013)
Cite this as: BMJ 2013;346)
1. Richard Smith, director, UnitedHealth Group chronic disease initiative, and editor of BMJ until 2004
A former BMJ editor reflects on what Margaret Thatcher’s years as prime minister meant for medicine and healthcare
My early years at the BMJ were bound up with Margaret Thatcher. I started as an assistant editor a month before she became prime minister in 1979 and was appointed editor just before she was dethroned 罷免 罷拙as prime minister in 1990. I saw her only once, at a Queen’s garden party. It was after she’d been deposed, and what struck受罷工影響 受挫的 me was the messy混亂 骯髒 line on her neck where her thick make up ended. It suggested frailty弱點 缺陷, perhaps foreshadowing the forgetful woman depicted描述 描寫 by Meryl Streep in The Iron Lady.......
3.Viewpoint: What if Margaret Thatcher had never been?(BBC News)
X-Man 先生! 台灣不應該記取教訓嗎???最近衛生署長不支持醫學中心增加(r將增加健保支出130億元),您能想像他承受的壓力(台大正要在竹南生技園區設醫學中心)......,如果想討論,在談吧!!!
- 註冊會員
- 文章: 1329
- 註冊時間: 週三 6月 23, 2010 10:18 am
Re: 鐵娘子-賒契爾的功與過---國營改為私營就是好嗎?
賒契爾夫人是英國工黨(Labor party)黨魁,在1979-1990執政(是第一次,也是唯一 一次),因為是工運出(Union),贏得選舉就是靠英國長久歷史是社會主義的照護醫療體系;;所以她上台第一件事就是將國營事業改為私營企業(Privization),當然剛開始,英鎊是升值的;但競選口號是"私營"與國家照護要限縮::1.1982年取消中小學生的免費牛奶2.1984-85年union 罷工(煤礦工人),政府(上 下議會)只有妥協,所以造成1985-90 年的 失業人口(Workless)增加,到1990-95年上升一倍 失業人口(Workless)增加,到1990-95年上升一倍(超過千萬人);;免費牛奶造成貧窮更貧窮,而極劇增加社會福利支出,經濟一蹶不振,直到現在科麥隆當選首相,仍是無解........
賒契爾夫人不是不知?....但要維繫政權,也只有硬著頭皮撐下去;;;所以她必須節制照護醫療支出.....----將NHS改為私營化(Privization),;醫師是高所得,大多數是有獨立思考 判斷能力的人;;政府縮減給付,就不會增加工作!!!因為英國每年減少10%預算(已超過十年了),所以英國醫療與老人照護體系出現許多怪現象,也不足為奇!!!....
台灣因為健保局是公營的(政府的),台大醫學院與榮總體系也是公營的,是否盈虧是感覺不到的;;長庚是典型托拉斯(商業)醫院體系,只是追求利潤,會有社會責任嗎?!政客最喜歡這種醫療提供者(醫學中心 醫院,因為只要有鈔票就可收買!);;醫師公會與全聯會也是所 醫院,因為只要有鈔票就可收買!);;醫師公會與全聯會也是所謂大老組成,能期望有理想嗎?與有社會責任嗎?........至少英國NHS是醫師(有聲望的)在賒契爾夫人出殯後,就有收集1197(?)篇文章(包過媒體---BBCNews, ..美國的政府與媒體有關文章,刊登在BMJ)........有興趣,請參考!
p.s.::Thatcher’s legacy
BMJ 2013; 346 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmj.f2382 (Published 15 April 2013)
Cite this as: BMJ 2013;346:f2
Rats on the streets during the bin collectors’ strike罷工, the Green Goddesses, wildcat strikes, flying pickets, the closed shop, block votes, “one out all out,” restrictive work practices, double digit inflation, a three day week, and a winter of discontent不滿. The 1970s in Britain were a time of national crisis, with undemocratic and out of control trade unions......
賒契爾夫人不是不知?....但要維繫政權,也只有硬著頭皮撐下去;;;所以她必須節制照護醫療支出.....----將NHS改為私營化(Privization),;醫師是高所得,大多數是有獨立思考 判斷能力的人;;政府縮減給付,就不會增加工作!!!因為英國每年減少10%預算(已超過十年了),所以英國醫療與老人照護體系出現許多怪現象,也不足為奇!!!....
台灣因為健保局是公營的(政府的),台大醫學院與榮總體系也是公營的,是否盈虧是感覺不到的;;長庚是典型托拉斯(商業)醫院體系,只是追求利潤,會有社會責任嗎?!政客最喜歡這種醫療提供者(醫學中心 醫院,因為只要有鈔票就可收買!);;醫師公會與全聯會也是所 醫院,因為只要有鈔票就可收買!);;醫師公會與全聯會也是所謂大老組成,能期望有理想嗎?與有社會責任嗎?........至少英國NHS是醫師(有聲望的)在賒契爾夫人出殯後,就有收集1197(?)篇文章(包過媒體---BBCNews, ..美國的政府與媒體有關文章,刊登在BMJ)........有興趣,請參考!
p.s.::Thatcher’s legacy
BMJ 2013; 346 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmj.f2382 (Published 15 April 2013)
Cite this as: BMJ 2013;346:f2
Rats on the streets during the bin collectors’ strike罷工, the Green Goddesses, wildcat strikes, flying pickets, the closed shop, block votes, “one out all out,” restrictive work practices, double digit inflation, a three day week, and a winter of discontent不滿. The 1970s in Britain were a time of national crisis, with undemocratic and out of control trade unions......
- 註冊會員
- 文章: 1329
- 註冊時間: 週三 6月 23, 2010 10:18 am
Re: 鐵娘子-賒契爾的功與過---國營改為私營就是好嗎?
2008年初次當選總統宣稱他"不沾鍋"(政治人物羧重要就是妥協與協商的藝術)......;;第二次當選宣稱"追求歷史地位(有政治人物在位時,就想追求歷史地位?!),賒契爾夫人(1979-1990當英國首相)也是在喪禮時(2013-4-8)才有BMJ有一連串文章紀念(?)她!!1,當她在正式退出政壇(2002)揭幕她蠟像時(比邱吉爾首相身高要高出7-80cm ),相當驕傲的發表記念文(其實已有老人癡呆症的現象,死時是在麗池飯店,兒子與女兒都不旁邊,.....相當孤寂與可悲的).......,;摘錄BMJ文章供參考:---馬英九總統請自行辭職吧!!!,還要有近三年的折磨呢!!!
How dementia tests Thatcher’s mettle勇氣 毅力
BMJ 2012; 344 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmj.e378 (Published 18 January 2012)
Cite this as: BMJ 2012;344:e378
1. Desmond O’Neill, consultant physician in geriatric and stroke medicine, Dublin
An ageing Margaret Thatcher, the former British prime minister, tells her story through flashbacks倒敘 tinged with dementia. Desmond O’Neill enjoyed this film biography of an ageing Iron Lady
Iron, as any metallurgist will tell you, is a fascinating metal. The popular notion of its elemental strength and hardness is in reality qualified by an intrinsic brittleness and a ready susceptibility to corrosion: paradoxically, the purer the iron the softer it becomes. As an epithet表示特徵的修飾 稱號 applied to people and politicians, whether Bismarck or Thatcher, we tend to get only one half of the picture.
In addition, the film makers give us one of the most sympathetic and insightful treatments of dementia ever committed to celluloid. The impact of dementia (without romanticising or sentimentalising illness) in no way lessens the humanity of those affected or the deep interest that they evoke for those willing and able to see this humanity, as those working in the field can testify.
Thatcher and reliving the many tale蜚語 謠言 that my patients and their families have told me in more than two decades of clinics.
The wonderful beginning, for example, where Thatcher slips her handlers to buy milk at the local convenience store, opens several lines of narrative, from the insensitivity of a mobile phone wielding yob (a hangover from the Thatcher era?), to a distorted echo of her parents’ grocery stores, and further to a storyline later where she is the only member of the cabinet to know the price of a pint of milk. Even the final credits, with individual letters fading at random from the names, are part of the special vision of this film.
Thatcher’s legacy
BMJ 2013; 346 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmj.f2382 (Published 15 April 2013)
Cite this as: BMJ 2013;346:f2.............
Worklessness is a modern medical scourge嚴逞災禍. With 1.8 million children living in workless households,2 it is associated with poor child development and schooling, behavioural issues, unhappiness, and increased risk of being a NEET (“not in education, employment, or training”) at age 18.3 For adults, worklessness is bound to poverty and premature death.4 It is worklessness that has created the chasm of inequality, leaving millions of children in poverty. These are society’s new precariat, and society’s elite are unwilling or unable to tackle this pernicious sickness. But welfare reform must happen, whatever the lobbying, protests, and conflict.
Welfare reform is not about paying down the national debt but about saving the mental and physical welfare of millions of marginalised people. And today there is a public consensus for change.5 We must break the cycle of worklessness. This will take Thatcherite conviction, steely leadership to see it through, a willingness to be disliked, and even historically to be considered divisive. Worklessness and welfare are a national crisis, and reform must not be for turning
2008年初次當選總統宣稱他"不沾鍋"(政治人物羧重要就是妥協與協商的藝術)......;;第二次當選宣稱"追求歷史地位(有政治人物在位時,就想追求歷史地位?!),賒契爾夫人(1979-1990當英國首相)也是在喪禮時(2013-4-8)才有BMJ有一連串文章紀念(?)她!!1,當她在正式退出政壇(2002)揭幕她蠟像時(比邱吉爾首相身高要高出7-80cm ),相當驕傲的發表記念文(其實已有老人癡呆症的現象,死時是在麗池飯店,兒子與女兒都不旁邊,.....相當孤寂與可悲的).......,;摘錄BMJ文章供參考:---馬英九總統請自行辭職吧!!!,還要有近三年的折磨呢!!!
How dementia tests Thatcher’s mettle勇氣 毅力
BMJ 2012; 344 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmj.e378 (Published 18 January 2012)
Cite this as: BMJ 2012;344:e378
1. Desmond O’Neill, consultant physician in geriatric and stroke medicine, Dublin
An ageing Margaret Thatcher, the former British prime minister, tells her story through flashbacks倒敘 tinged with dementia. Desmond O’Neill enjoyed this film biography of an ageing Iron Lady
Iron, as any metallurgist will tell you, is a fascinating metal. The popular notion of its elemental strength and hardness is in reality qualified by an intrinsic brittleness and a ready susceptibility to corrosion: paradoxically, the purer the iron the softer it becomes. As an epithet表示特徵的修飾 稱號 applied to people and politicians, whether Bismarck or Thatcher, we tend to get only one half of the picture.
In addition, the film makers give us one of the most sympathetic and insightful treatments of dementia ever committed to celluloid. The impact of dementia (without romanticising or sentimentalising illness) in no way lessens the humanity of those affected or the deep interest that they evoke for those willing and able to see this humanity, as those working in the field can testify.
Thatcher and reliving the many tale蜚語 謠言 that my patients and their families have told me in more than two decades of clinics.
The wonderful beginning, for example, where Thatcher slips her handlers to buy milk at the local convenience store, opens several lines of narrative, from the insensitivity of a mobile phone wielding yob (a hangover from the Thatcher era?), to a distorted echo of her parents’ grocery stores, and further to a storyline later where she is the only member of the cabinet to know the price of a pint of milk. Even the final credits, with individual letters fading at random from the names, are part of the special vision of this film.
Thatcher’s legacy
BMJ 2013; 346 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmj.f2382 (Published 15 April 2013)
Cite this as: BMJ 2013;346:f2.............
Worklessness is a modern medical scourge嚴逞災禍. With 1.8 million children living in workless households,2 it is associated with poor child development and schooling, behavioural issues, unhappiness, and increased risk of being a NEET (“not in education, employment, or training”) at age 18.3 For adults, worklessness is bound to poverty and premature death.4 It is worklessness that has created the chasm of inequality, leaving millions of children in poverty. These are society’s new precariat, and society’s elite are unwilling or unable to tackle this pernicious sickness. But welfare reform must happen, whatever the lobbying, protests, and conflict.
Welfare reform is not about paying down the national debt but about saving the mental and physical welfare of millions of marginalised people. And today there is a public consensus for change.5 We must break the cycle of worklessness. This will take Thatcherite conviction, steely leadership to see it through, a willingness to be disliked, and even historically to be considered divisive. Worklessness and welfare are a national crisis, and reform must not be for turning
- 科主任級
- 文章: 6158
- 註冊時間: 週六 9月 09, 2006 5:11 pm
Re: 鐵娘子-賒契爾的功與過---國營改為私營就是好嗎?
X-MAN 先生您好!
在民主先進國家醫療照護體系,都發生了問題::社會主義的英國 歐洲 日本都因醫療照護體系是國家提供(公醫?!)發生了政府財政負擔加重,拖垮了經濟發展;;;.....
美國醫療照護體系是私營保險公司提供,現在歐巴馬總統不得不提出健保改革法案(Health Care Reforme),三年前參院通過Affortable Care Act(可負擔的照護法案)只是跨出了一小步,接著經歷債務上限,大法官釋憲案,目前(今年三月)的財務危機(白宮必須削減預算13兆?,裁減聯邦人員18,000員),;現在最頭疼的是早期就預知的保險交換(Insurance Exchange 在2014年完成),就發生了各州對Medi-aid的支持度與配合州預算篇列,否則最早的問題---有480萬美國人沒有保險的問題還是要解決!!!(這就是自由市場私營企業運用到醫療照護體系發生的根本問題!!)
國營企業一定有效率差---用人多 貪污多?,與吃大鍋飯的心理,;私營企業講求的是效率與利潤,但是用在每個國民都需要的醫療照護上,就都產生極大的矛盾;;也是政治人物最好玩弄與騙選票最好的工具...........
我所以題台糖 台鹽 台船等的台灣國營企業轉民營的 例子,就是轉換過程中,是政客取得利益最好也似乎是"明正言順"的事.........
- 註冊會員
- 文章: 1329
- 註冊時間: 週三 6月 23, 2010 10:18 am
Re: 鐵娘子-賒契爾的功與過---國營改為私營就是好嗎?
Worklessness and welfare are a national crisis, and reform must not be for turning(
"Thatcher’s legacyWelfare reform is not about paying down the national debt but about saving the mental and physical welfare of millions of marginalised people
BMJ 2013; 346 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmj.f2382 (Published 15 April 2013)
Cite this as: BMJ 2013;346:f2"
To X-Man 先生":您好!!!
所以我只能提供文獻,說明政治是影響醫療照護體系的,這是醫師的宿命吧!(醫師是獨立 具邏輯思考的判斷與信仰的個體);;因為鐵娘子拍成電影與她的性格(落寞 孤寂與"鐵娘子"外表,在她先生去世後,更表露無遺);;.........
由於台灣正當改革之時,對國營化改為私營似乎是人民期望,但誰能在私營化過程中,避免到政治干擾(?! 不可能),;台灣健保制度就是以私營為目標(Workless),追求國營的照護(Welfare),必定拖垮政府財政(卻是沒人關心的,甚麼點值制度?!甚麼補充保費?!健保局有比財政部更懂租稅政策(?),更會有效率(?).....--僅僅是政治操作,維繫執政權的目的而已........X-Man先生!!這樣說明可以嗎?.....
How dementia tests Thatcher’s mettle勇氣 毅力
BMJ 2012; 344 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmj.e378 (Published 18 January 2012)
Cite this as: BMJ 2012;344:e378
1. Desmond O’Neill, consultant physician in geriatric and stroke medicine, Dublin
An ageing Margaret Thatcher, the former British prime minister, tells her story through flashbacks倒敘 tinged with dementia. Desmond O’Neill enjoyed this film biography of an ageing Iron Lady
Worklessness and welfare are a national crisis, and reform must not be for turning(
"Thatcher’s legacyWelfare reform is not about paying down the national debt but about saving the mental and physical welfare of millions of marginalised people
BMJ 2013; 346 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmj.f2382 (Published 15 April 2013)
Cite this as: BMJ 2013;346:f2"
To X-Man 先生":您好!!!
所以我只能提供文獻,說明政治是影響醫療照護體系的,這是醫師的宿命吧!(醫師是獨立 具邏輯思考的判斷與信仰的個體);;因為鐵娘子拍成電影與她的性格(落寞 孤寂與"鐵娘子"外表,在她先生去世後,更表露無遺);;.........
由於台灣正當改革之時,對國營化改為私營似乎是人民期望,但誰能在私營化過程中,避免到政治干擾(?! 不可能),;台灣健保制度就是以私營為目標(Workless),追求國營的照護(Welfare),必定拖垮政府財政(卻是沒人關心的,甚麼點值制度?!甚麼補充保費?!健保局有比財政部更懂租稅政策(?),更會有效率(?).....--僅僅是政治操作,維繫執政權的目的而已........X-Man先生!!這樣說明可以嗎?.....
How dementia tests Thatcher’s mettle勇氣 毅力
BMJ 2012; 344 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmj.e378 (Published 18 January 2012)
Cite this as: BMJ 2012;344:e378
1. Desmond O’Neill, consultant physician in geriatric and stroke medicine, Dublin
An ageing Margaret Thatcher, the former British prime minister, tells her story through flashbacks倒敘 tinged with dementia. Desmond O’Neill enjoyed this film biography of an ageing Iron Lady
- 註冊會員
- 文章: 1329
- 註冊時間: 週三 6月 23, 2010 10:18 am
Re: 鐵娘子-賒契爾的功與過---國營改為私營就是好嗎?
"公共利益與私人利益是要尋求平衡點,經由法律制度 可長可遠,但答案絕對不是國營. "
現代民主法治國家的 國民---最起碼就是充分不相信政府;;法律只是箝制人民思想的手段....而....醫師是有基本信仰的::World Medical Association---醫師三格責任---Patient Society Colleague;;最近我們署長出席WHA會議(觀察員身分),提出議題(?)--台灣將在評鑑ˊ制度上,加上"援外"評比......(2006WMA的Principle of medical ethics就有警告::許多醫師都陷入超時工作,因為政府的"援外"(高雄醫學大學圖書館--Medical Ethics WMA),;有其他國家鼓勵我們署長提出議題--急診暴力(我們僅是觀察員身分,為什麼別國代表--會員不提???!)............就教X-Man 先生!.........(台灣政治上很喜歡出口轉內銷,最後就是一鼻子 灰)
現代民主法治國家的 國民---最起碼就是充分不相信政府;;法律只是箝制人民思想的手段....而....醫師是有基本信仰的::World Medical Association---醫師三格責任---Patient Society Colleague;;最近我們署長出席WHA會議(觀察員身分),提出議題(?)--台灣將在評鑑ˊ制度上,加上"援外"評比......(2006WMA的Principle of medical ethics就有警告::許多醫師都陷入超時工作,因為政府的"援外"(高雄醫學大學圖書館--Medical Ethics WMA),;有其他國家鼓勵我們署長提出議題--急診暴力(我們僅是觀察員身分,為什麼別國代表--會員不提???!)............就教X-Man 先生!.........(台灣政治上很喜歡出口轉內銷,最後就是一鼻子 灰)
- hjh
- 院長級
- 文章: 18720
- 註冊時間: 週二 8月 05, 2008 11:39 am
- 來自: Taiwan Formosa
Re: 鐵娘子-賒契爾的功與過---國營改為私營就是好嗎?
- 註冊會員
- 文章: 1329
- 註冊時間: 週三 6月 23, 2010 10:18 am
Re: 鐵娘子-賒契爾的功與過---國營改為私營就是好嗎?
hjh 先生:您好! 謝謝指導!
台電與台油是國營企業,但積弊不是一 兩年了,(三十年?),但負有社會責任(縮減貧 富差距,不論貧 負與職業,都可享有經濟成長的結果,;就如健保...台大與榮總是公務員--Goverment employee這是典型的公營負面教育);;.....
核四弊案一堆,現在公投議題應是"廢核四",政治人物卻改變焦點為"核能公投"(核能是高專業知識的公共議題;;我反核能--因為台灣沒有條件---自1985年當總醫師就收集蘇聯的車諾比事件文獻)美國三里島事件亦然---同樣是愚民 掩蓋事實...;;
台電與台油是國營企業,但積弊不是一 兩年了,(三十年?),但負有社會責任(縮減貧 富差距,不論貧 負與職業,都可享有經濟成長的結果,;就如健保...台大與榮總是公務員--Goverment employee這是典型的公營負面教育);;.....
核四弊案一堆,現在公投議題應是"廢核四",政治人物卻改變焦點為"核能公投"(核能是高專業知識的公共議題;;我反核能--因為台灣沒有條件---自1985年當總醫師就收集蘇聯的車諾比事件文獻)美國三里島事件亦然---同樣是愚民 掩蓋事實...;;
- 科主任級
- 文章: 6158
- 註冊時間: 週六 9月 09, 2006 5:11 pm
Re: 鐵娘子-賒契爾的功與過---國營改為私營就是好嗎?
To X-Man 先生":您好!!!
所以我只能提供文獻,說明政治是影響醫療照護體系的,這是醫師的宿命吧!(醫師是獨立 具邏輯思考的判斷與信仰的個體);;因為鐵娘子拍成電影與她的性格(落寞 孤寂與"鐵娘子"外表,在她先生去世後,更表露無遺);;.........
由於台灣正當改革之時,對國營化改為私營似乎是人民期望,但誰能在私營化過程中,避免到政治干擾(?! 不可能),;台灣健保制度就是以私營為目標(Workless),追求國營的照護(Welfare),必定拖垮政府財政(卻是沒人關心的,甚麼點值制度?!甚麼補充保費?!健保局有比財政部更懂租稅政策(?),更會有效率(?).....--僅僅是政治操作,維繫執政權的目的而已........X-Man先生!!這樣說明可以嗎?.....
- 註冊會員
- 文章: 1329
- 註冊時間: 週三 6月 23, 2010 10:18 am
Re: 鐵娘子-賒契爾的功與過---國營改為私營就是好嗎?
X-MAN 先生:您好!!謝謝同意我的觀點!....不敢!!!
- 科主任級
- 文章: 6158
- 註冊時間: 週六 9月 09, 2006 5:11 pm
Re: 鐵娘子-賒契爾的功與過---國營改為私營就是好嗎?
X-MAN 先生:您好!!謝謝同意我的觀點!....不敢!!!