前些時候(2012-5-06)個人曾再提美國牛肉進口案(2008,馬英九先生第一次當選台灣--中華民國總統),時任國安會秘書長--蘇起跳出來,為美牛進口案,強力說明?!但國安會是發生政府有國家安全事件發生,才會開會(通常是跨部會,行政院長也僅是開會中一員,真正負責人是國家領導人--總統),因為蘇起說:他有肝癌,不會貪汙?.....這不是很奇怪嗎?!所以我去函總統官網---"國是論壇"(幾乎是每天一問,強調若蘇起不下台,就只好總統下台);;最後蘇起下台,我也成"國是論壇"拒絕刊登的目標.......但是美牛案焦點轉為來客多巴胺問題(這是一種氣管擴張劑,歷史也很久了,意思安全性極高?),;整個 事件變成是衛生署的事(時任署長為楊志良),怎麼又不是國安事 事件變成是衛生署的事(時任署長為楊志良),怎麼又不是國安事件---為甚麼????從此我開始注意這議題,首先我認識了Glyphosate嘉磷賽(Monsanto'sCo.--round-up)---“年年春"( Isopropylamine,除草劑&/or殺蟲劑)
發表於 : 週二 5月 07, 2013 3:01 pm
我當住院醫師 總醫師時,經常碰到農藥中毒(殺蟲劑--有機磷中毒事件,,幾乎占9/10—年年春,::另外就是除草劑—巴拉刈占1/10;;因為無解藥,英 美等先進國家在1980-90年就明令不准生產;;對我一個腎臟科醫師是很挫折感(frustration)的……......
版主: 版主021
- 註冊會員
- 文章: 1329
- 註冊時間: 週三 6月 23, 2010 10:18 am
Re: 再論美國牛肉進口案;;兼論國安會是甚麼"碗糕"
美國牛肉的進口是個 貿易問題(WTO),在2002,2003年美國想出口牛肉與奶製品---鮮奶 乳酪 等,到澳洲,加拿大(WTO公平交易),但澳洲與加拿大的理由是美國牛是圈養的(餵飼料的--主要是玉米,--基因改造糧食),而澳洲加拿大是放養的(自然牧草,無基因改造(Genetic modified)飼料;所以強烈反制美國牛肉進口;;........,法國最高法院已經控訴Monsanto'sCo.(2007與2008年)隱瞞Genetic engineered food--大豆,玉米,小麥,燕麥等種植植物使用Glyphosate會汙染土地與不孕的事實(甚至致癌--Cacinogen)的科學資料;;還在訴訟中;;....
Argentina—A Poster Child for the Health Hazards of GMO Crops
April 09, 2013 | 310,775 views | + Add to Favorites (Mercola. com.)
Montenegro, a world-renowned 有聲譽 有名聲biologist, looked the part of a pioneer, in a khaki shirt and jungle boots. 'I have pesticide in me,' he said, almost as soon as he opened the door. Here we all have pesticide in our bodies because the land is saturated with it. And it is a huge problem. In Argentina biodiversity is diminishing. Even in national parks, because pesticides don’t recognize the limit of the park,” Ellis writes.
"More than 18 million hectares in Argentina are covered by genetically engineered soy, on which more than 300 million liters of pesticides are sprayed"阿根廷是畜牧業與糧食出口國,但有超過一千八百萬公頃被改為種植基因改造大豆,有超過三兆公升殺蟲劑被噴到土地上;;....您說阿根廷不會恨嗎?!
Sterility不孕 and miscarriages流產 處理失當 are also increasing. Experts warn發出警告 預告 that in 10 to 15 years, rates of cancer, infertility and endocrine dysfunction could reach catastrophic levels in Argentina.
Dr. Medardo Vasquez, the neonatal specialist who heads up the Children’s Hospital in Cordoba. Dr. Vasquez tells him:
“I see new-born infants, many of whom are malformed. I have to tell parents that their children are dying because of these agricultural methods. In some areas in Argentina the primary cause of death for children less than one year old is malformations.
Argentina—A Poster Child for the Health Hazards of GMO Crops
April 09, 2013 | 310,775 views | + Add to Favorites (Mercola. com.)
Montenegro, a world-renowned 有聲譽 有名聲biologist, looked the part of a pioneer, in a khaki shirt and jungle boots. 'I have pesticide in me,' he said, almost as soon as he opened the door. Here we all have pesticide in our bodies because the land is saturated with it. And it is a huge problem. In Argentina biodiversity is diminishing. Even in national parks, because pesticides don’t recognize the limit of the park,” Ellis writes.
"More than 18 million hectares in Argentina are covered by genetically engineered soy, on which more than 300 million liters of pesticides are sprayed"阿根廷是畜牧業與糧食出口國,但有超過一千八百萬公頃被改為種植基因改造大豆,有超過三兆公升殺蟲劑被噴到土地上;;....您說阿根廷不會恨嗎?!
Sterility不孕 and miscarriages流產 處理失當 are also increasing. Experts warn發出警告 預告 that in 10 to 15 years, rates of cancer, infertility and endocrine dysfunction could reach catastrophic levels in Argentina.
Dr. Medardo Vasquez, the neonatal specialist who heads up the Children’s Hospital in Cordoba. Dr. Vasquez tells him:
“I see new-born infants, many of whom are malformed. I have to tell parents that their children are dying because of these agricultural methods. In some areas in Argentina the primary cause of death for children less than one year old is malformations.
- 註冊會員
- 文章: 1329
- 註冊時間: 週三 6月 23, 2010 10:18 am
Re: 再論美國牛肉進口案;;兼論國安會是甚麼"碗糕"
今年初,有超過二十萬人聯署請願美國總統歐巴馬否決H.R.933法案,因為其中735條款(被稱為Monsanto Protect Act),繼續經營Genetic Modified organismm與Genetic engineered的種子與穀物(seed&corps),所以成立農民保證請願團(Farmer Assurance Provision):
The Farmer Assurance Provision refers to Section 735 (formerly Section 733) of US H.R. 933, a bill signed into law as the Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2013 by President Barack Obama on March 26, 2013.[1] The provisions of this bill remain in effect for six months, until the end of the fiscal year on September 30, 2013. Senator Roy Blunt coauthoreed共同執筆 the provision alongside Monsanto.[2] The bill is commonly referred to as the “Monsanto Protection Act.
(Politico reported that Sen. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) "said he worked with the company and had a valuable partner in the late chairman, Inouye, who was sympathetic given Monsanto’s large seed operations in Hawaii.;;Sen.Roy Bluntg是密蘇里州共和黨參議員,參院資歷甚淺,--又與MOnsanto Co.牽扯不清,被稱為政客(Politicio);;............
歐巴馬的簽署H.R.933激怒了同黨(Demacracy)馬里蘭州資深參議員--Sen.Barbara Mikulski(--資格最老的美國女性參議員)........"..those who are angry at Obama for signing the bill are also incensed激怒 憤怒 with Sen. Barbara Mikulski, D-Md., who is accused of failing to give the amendment that inserted the language a proper hearing,” Salon writes. "
歐巴馬雖然在今年三月26日簽暑了法案,但按美國制度要有六個月無效期(Ineffective),要到今年九月30日(按年度預算)才會生效;所以美國參院會有強烈激辯;;....我個人猜想:. 歐巴馬的形象與選舉訴求,是打擊財團(?),確保中產階級的 合理利益(尤其農民),所以...........等著看結果吧 合理利益(尤其農民),所以...........等著看結果吧!至少Monsanto 的glyphosate汙染土地,不孕,致癌,甚至影響免疫系統與抑制腸道益生菌(Probiotis),增加致病菌(多為抗藥性細菌--E coli,Samonllela等).............已是不爭的事實!!!
The Farmer Assurance Provision refers to Section 735 (formerly Section 733) of US H.R. 933, a bill signed into law as the Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2013 by President Barack Obama on March 26, 2013.[1] The provisions of this bill remain in effect for six months, until the end of the fiscal year on September 30, 2013. Senator Roy Blunt coauthoreed共同執筆 the provision alongside Monsanto.[2] The bill is commonly referred to as the “Monsanto Protection Act.
(Politico reported that Sen. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) "said he worked with the company and had a valuable partner in the late chairman, Inouye, who was sympathetic given Monsanto’s large seed operations in Hawaii.;;Sen.Roy Bluntg是密蘇里州共和黨參議員,參院資歷甚淺,--又與MOnsanto Co.牽扯不清,被稱為政客(Politicio);;............
歐巴馬的簽署H.R.933激怒了同黨(Demacracy)馬里蘭州資深參議員--Sen.Barbara Mikulski(--資格最老的美國女性參議員)........"..those who are angry at Obama for signing the bill are also incensed激怒 憤怒 with Sen. Barbara Mikulski, D-Md., who is accused of failing to give the amendment that inserted the language a proper hearing,” Salon writes. "
歐巴馬雖然在今年三月26日簽暑了法案,但按美國制度要有六個月無效期(Ineffective),要到今年九月30日(按年度預算)才會生效;所以美國參院會有強烈激辯;;....我個人猜想:. 歐巴馬的形象與選舉訴求,是打擊財團(?),確保中產階級的 合理利益(尤其農民),所以...........等著看結果吧 合理利益(尤其農民),所以...........等著看結果吧!至少Monsanto 的glyphosate汙染土地,不孕,致癌,甚至影響免疫系統與抑制腸道益生菌(Probiotis),增加致病菌(多為抗藥性細菌--E coli,Samonllela等).............已是不爭的事實!!!
- 註冊會員
- 文章: 1329
- 註冊時間: 週三 6月 23, 2010 10:18 am
Re: 再論美國牛肉進口案;;兼論國安會是甚麼"碗糕"
Getting to the Root of How GMO Plants Harm Food Production and Your Health
May 19, 2013 | 123,778 views | + Add to Favorites ---Mercola com.
Optimal health is one of my passions and nutrition is one of the best tools I know of on how to achieve it. But the key to getting healthy organic vegetables, of course, is the health of the soil in which it’s grown.
Dr.Ingham 是Oregon state University的教授,專長在生態學,尤其是土壤的微生物,終身研究基因改造微生物(Genetic Modified Organism--GMO);;目前是Rodale Institute 的首席研究學者,也成立了Soil Foodweb Inc.專門服務農民,分析土壤.....;;台灣有在金山的黎醫師跟脽她學習有機(?)栽培農業,分析土壤........
Research scientist Dr. Elaine Ingham1 is internationally recognized as an expert on the benefits of sustainable soil science.
She was formerly an associate professor at Oregon State University and well on her way to full-tenure終身職 professorship when her research on genetically modified organisms (GMOs) led to her being forced to resign.
Monsanto’sCo.(孟山多公司是世界上五大糧商之一,不但要操控世界糧食,甚至畜牧業;;...所以發展糧食--大豆,玉米,小麥,燕麥,棉花等,還發長基因改造種子,必須使用它的殺蟲劑,除草劑,---Glyphosate—自1973年至今)捐助大筆財務(budge)給(Oregon)奧立岡大學(state university),難道不會與美國農業部(USDA)有關?!難道不會與美國商貿部(USDC&T)有關?!
The biotech industry, led by Monsanto, funds a large part of the budget for Oregon State University, and her findings were not welcome as it threatened the University’s funding.
“”Helping Farmers and Gardeners Take Back Control of Their Soil Health
If we get a problem like around the root systems, around the surfaces, above ground – the seed, the leaves, or the branches of the plant – these organisms will prevent diseases from being able to even find the plant,” she explains. “The pests won’t locate the plant. So, disease suppression, pest suppression, and all of those things are part of what the life in the soil does for your plant.”””
““It’s very necessary to have these organisms. They will supply your plant with precisely the right balances of all the nutrients as the plant requires. When you start to realize that one of the major roles and functions of life in the soil is to provide nutrients to the plants in the proper forms, then we don’t need inorganic fertilizers. We certainly don’t have to have genetically engineered plants or to utilize inorganic fertilizers if we get this proper biology back in the soil.””
The Science of Ideal Microbial Balance for Plants
• 10 Steps to Gardening with Nature
• Soil Biology Primer (co-authored with Andrew R. Moldenke and Clive A. Edwards)
• The Field Guide for Actively Aerated Compost Tea (AACT)
• Compost Tea Quality: Light Microscope Methods
• The Compost Tea Brewing Manual
“” Interestingly enough, you can use a starter culture to boost the fermentation and generation of beneficial bacteria, much in the same way you can boost the probiotics in your fermented vegetables””
“When we look at a lot of the GMO plant material, and when we look at conventionally grown plant material, they may be extremely high one nutrient, but lacking in many, many others,” she says.........待續!!!
May 19, 2013 | 123,778 views | + Add to Favorites ---Mercola com.
Optimal health is one of my passions and nutrition is one of the best tools I know of on how to achieve it. But the key to getting healthy organic vegetables, of course, is the health of the soil in which it’s grown.
Dr.Ingham 是Oregon state University的教授,專長在生態學,尤其是土壤的微生物,終身研究基因改造微生物(Genetic Modified Organism--GMO);;目前是Rodale Institute 的首席研究學者,也成立了Soil Foodweb Inc.專門服務農民,分析土壤.....;;台灣有在金山的黎醫師跟脽她學習有機(?)栽培農業,分析土壤........
Research scientist Dr. Elaine Ingham1 is internationally recognized as an expert on the benefits of sustainable soil science.
She was formerly an associate professor at Oregon State University and well on her way to full-tenure終身職 professorship when her research on genetically modified organisms (GMOs) led to her being forced to resign.
Monsanto’sCo.(孟山多公司是世界上五大糧商之一,不但要操控世界糧食,甚至畜牧業;;...所以發展糧食--大豆,玉米,小麥,燕麥,棉花等,還發長基因改造種子,必須使用它的殺蟲劑,除草劑,---Glyphosate—自1973年至今)捐助大筆財務(budge)給(Oregon)奧立岡大學(state university),難道不會與美國農業部(USDA)有關?!難道不會與美國商貿部(USDC&T)有關?!
The biotech industry, led by Monsanto, funds a large part of the budget for Oregon State University, and her findings were not welcome as it threatened the University’s funding.
“”Helping Farmers and Gardeners Take Back Control of Their Soil Health
If we get a problem like around the root systems, around the surfaces, above ground – the seed, the leaves, or the branches of the plant – these organisms will prevent diseases from being able to even find the plant,” she explains. “The pests won’t locate the plant. So, disease suppression, pest suppression, and all of those things are part of what the life in the soil does for your plant.”””
““It’s very necessary to have these organisms. They will supply your plant with precisely the right balances of all the nutrients as the plant requires. When you start to realize that one of the major roles and functions of life in the soil is to provide nutrients to the plants in the proper forms, then we don’t need inorganic fertilizers. We certainly don’t have to have genetically engineered plants or to utilize inorganic fertilizers if we get this proper biology back in the soil.””
The Science of Ideal Microbial Balance for Plants
• 10 Steps to Gardening with Nature
• Soil Biology Primer (co-authored with Andrew R. Moldenke and Clive A. Edwards)
• The Field Guide for Actively Aerated Compost Tea (AACT)
• Compost Tea Quality: Light Microscope Methods
• The Compost Tea Brewing Manual
“” Interestingly enough, you can use a starter culture to boost the fermentation and generation of beneficial bacteria, much in the same way you can boost the probiotics in your fermented vegetables””
“When we look at a lot of the GMO plant material, and when we look at conventionally grown plant material, they may be extremely high one nutrient, but lacking in many, many others,” she says.........待續!!!
- 註冊會員
- 文章: 1329
- 註冊時間: 週三 6月 23, 2010 10:18 am
Re: 再論美國牛肉進口案;;兼論國安會是甚麼"碗糕"
Farmer Faces Jail Time Over Raw Dairy Sales
May 21, 2013 | 17,633 views | + Add to Favorites
By Dr. Mercola
美國農民甘願坐牢,也要出售現榨牛奶(保證有機,而不會有"MGO"基因改造食物的 顧慮),就等美國法院判決吧!!!
同樣在1980年代,美國有些醫師冒著 坐牢,也決定拔出呼吸器(植物人)
As you're probably aware of by now, there's a war being waged against raw milk. While raw milk sales or distribution are legal in many US states, and progress has been made toward improving access, there’s strong opposition to this trend. Each victory is hard-won.
Criminal trials centering around raw milk are scheduled to take place in both Minnesota and Wisconsin this year, and a new bill threatens to make herdshare illegal in North Dakota1.
(A herdshare is a private agreement between a farmer and an individual in which the farmer is paid to take care of an animal, cow for example, that belongs to one or more people. You essentially pay a onetime purchase fee to “buy a share” of a farmer’s herd, which entitles you to the benefits of owning that cow, such as a certain amount of milk each week.)
On May 20, the trial of Wisconsin dairy farmer Vernon Hershberger began at the Sauk County Courthouse. Hershberger is charged with four criminal misdemeanors that could result in a jail sentence of up to 30 months, along with fines totaling more than $10,000. As previously reported, Hershberger’s farm was targeted by the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) for supplying a private buying club with raw milk and other fresh produce.......美國保護"財團"是傳統政治上的考慮,不會因歐巴馬當選總統(非裔美籍,移民第二代),兒馬上轉變;;可能更糟糕!!!
第二個國安會是流感時,想要招開國安會---發佈緊急命令,(為了要生產抗流感藥---Tamiflu;;…Reports say[citation needed ] 90% of the harvest is already used by the Swiss pharmaceutical manufacturer Roche in making Tamiflu, but other reports[citation needed ] say there is an abundance of the spice in the main regions - Fujian , Guangdong , Guangxi and Yunnan .)
第三次就是最近的”我國漁民被菲律賓槍殺事件”,我們總統--Bumbler先生,先是狠話說盡,愈來在外交上不知如何收尾........?!....幾次國安會議愈開就愈難收尾.....變成我們台灣在國際上鬧笑話(?!),只好躲起來(參加救災會議,撐到不能再撐---一直打瞌睡?!....總統—Bumbler 先生請休息吧!!!,;不要等罷免,那只好自行辭職,已告罪國人…………..
May 21, 2013 | 17,633 views | + Add to Favorites
By Dr. Mercola
美國農民甘願坐牢,也要出售現榨牛奶(保證有機,而不會有"MGO"基因改造食物的 顧慮),就等美國法院判決吧!!!
同樣在1980年代,美國有些醫師冒著 坐牢,也決定拔出呼吸器(植物人)
As you're probably aware of by now, there's a war being waged against raw milk. While raw milk sales or distribution are legal in many US states, and progress has been made toward improving access, there’s strong opposition to this trend. Each victory is hard-won.
Criminal trials centering around raw milk are scheduled to take place in both Minnesota and Wisconsin this year, and a new bill threatens to make herdshare illegal in North Dakota1.
(A herdshare is a private agreement between a farmer and an individual in which the farmer is paid to take care of an animal, cow for example, that belongs to one or more people. You essentially pay a onetime purchase fee to “buy a share” of a farmer’s herd, which entitles you to the benefits of owning that cow, such as a certain amount of milk each week.)
On May 20, the trial of Wisconsin dairy farmer Vernon Hershberger began at the Sauk County Courthouse. Hershberger is charged with four criminal misdemeanors that could result in a jail sentence of up to 30 months, along with fines totaling more than $10,000. As previously reported, Hershberger’s farm was targeted by the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) for supplying a private buying club with raw milk and other fresh produce.......美國保護"財團"是傳統政治上的考慮,不會因歐巴馬當選總統(非裔美籍,移民第二代),兒馬上轉變;;可能更糟糕!!!
第二個國安會是流感時,想要招開國安會---發佈緊急命令,(為了要生產抗流感藥---Tamiflu;;…Reports say[citation needed ] 90% of the harvest is already used by the Swiss pharmaceutical manufacturer Roche in making Tamiflu, but other reports[citation needed ] say there is an abundance of the spice in the main regions - Fujian , Guangdong , Guangxi and Yunnan .)
第三次就是最近的”我國漁民被菲律賓槍殺事件”,我們總統--Bumbler先生,先是狠話說盡,愈來在外交上不知如何收尾........?!....幾次國安會議愈開就愈難收尾.....變成我們台灣在國際上鬧笑話(?!),只好躲起來(參加救災會議,撐到不能再撐---一直打瞌睡?!....總統—Bumbler 先生請休息吧!!!,;不要等罷免,那只好自行辭職,已告罪國人…………..
- 註冊會員
- 文章: 1329
- 註冊時間: 週三 6月 23, 2010 10:18 am
Re: 再論美國牛肉進口案;;兼論國安會是甚麼"碗糕"
Raw Grass-Fed Milk is SAFER than Pasteurized, So Why the Persecution迫害 騷擾?
One of the most common excuses given for why farmers are raided搜捕 侵吞 盜用, prosecuted, and shut down is that raw foods may be potentially harmful to human health. But to think that pasteurized milk is safer than raw milk from a healthy, grass-fed cow is simply not true.
CDC data3 shows there are about 412 confirmed cases of people getting ill from pasteurized milk each year, while only about 116 illnesses a year are linked to raw milk. And research by Dr. Ted Beals4, MD, featured in the summer 2011 issue of Wise Traditions, the quarterly journal of the Weston A. Price Foundation, shows that you are about 35,000 times more likely to get sick from other foods than you are from raw milk!
While the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warns that raw milk can carry disease-causing bacteria, what they completely overlook is the fact that these bacteria are the result of industrial farming practices that lead to diseased animals, which may then in turn produce contaminated milk. They make no distinction whatsoever between disease-riddled困惑 打迷 factory farmed milk and the milk from clean, healthy, grass-fed cows.(欺騙人民!!!)
1.The 6 Top Thugs of the Medical World… As Ranked by "Top 100 Corporate Criminals" List
On August 19, Indiana Attorney General Greg Zoeller issued a call for whistleblowers告發人 to step forward and help the state and federal government crack down on health care and pharmaceutical industries that defraud the government of billions of dollars.
Announcing that the Indiana Medicaid program would recover $9.52 million from a record $2.3 billion federal lawsuit won against[color=#FF0080] Pfizer, [/color]Zoeller said that fraud on Medicare and Medicaid each year is estimated to be a multi-billion-dollar problem
Size-wise, Baxter is actually way down the list at No. 17. But I felt this company's offenses were so egregious that I just couldn't ignore them. You may remember that last year at the height of the so-called flu pandemic, Baxter "mistakenly" mixed the lethal, live, biological weapon/virus, H5N1, with seasonal flu, then sent it to labs around Europe.
. Baxter is the company that, in 1993, pled guilty to the felony count of violating U.S. laws prohibiting cooperation with the Arab boycott 聯合 抵制against Israel?
At the time, the Veterans Administration was so angered by this offense that they cited it as one reason why they wanted to suspend Baxter from all VA contracts for three years. The kicker was that the catalyst to the suspension was the VA's contention that Baxter had "knowingly misled and provided false information to VA purchasing agents, in an attempt to get them to purchase Baxter products."
In the end, Baxter agreed to pay more than $6.5 million in civil and criminal penalties to settle the Arab "mistake."
selling AIDS-tainted blood to hemophiliacs – to more than $1.3 billion in criminal fines and civil penalties, Baxter over the years has racked up a record that makes Bonnie and Clyde look like angels.
While I don't have space to name all the Baxter products that allegedly have caused deaths and/or injuries, a more recent product is its blood thinner Heparin, the subject of a lawsuit filed by actor Dennis Quaid and his wife, who say their twins were injured by it.
It's no wonder why, in 1999, Baxter was named by AllBusiness.com as one of the "Top 100 Corporate Criminals of the 1990s!Baxter是所有腎臟科醫師都知道的廠商,會賄絡醫學中心醫師,會常有過期或在美國禁用的 透析耗材用在台灣!!!...很可惡的一個美國廠商!!!
Too Big to Fail?
You may recall that I wrote about this -- in the largest health care fraud settlement in history, Pfizer was ordered to pay $2.3 billion to resolve criminal and civil allegations that the company illegally promoted uses of four of its drugs, including the painkiller Bextra. The other drugs were the antipsychotic Geodon, the antibiotic Zyvox, and the anti-epileptic Lyrica.
Only a few years earlier, Pfizer had paid $430 million for illegally promoting uses of its seizure drug, Neurontin.
And Then There's Merck
Merck is another branch of Big Pharma with a long list of deaths to its credit. It was five years before Merck made its $30 billion recall of Vioxx that I warned my readers that this pain killer might be a real killer for some people.
As people began to die from heart attacks, strokes, and blood clotting disorders, I didn't like being right. But I hated that after it was over, and the drug had been pulled, that Merck appeared to pick up the pieces painlessly – pun intended – by getting a new drug fast-tracked and on the market, lickety-split.
That drug is Gardasil, a vaccine that so far has been linked to thousands of adverse events and at least 49 unexplained deaths. It's a situation that the FDA and CDC have been denying repeatedly, keeping their heads buried in the sand even as the adverse reports mount.
Merck has had other problems through the years, with more than $5.5 billion in judgments and fines levied against it. But like Pfizer, apparently somebody thinks this company is also "too big to fail.美國藥品, 疫苗,...醜聞一大堆,(100 Corperation Cruminal)....
2.GlaxoSmithKline: GUILTY in Largest Health Fraud Settlement in US History
The British pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline has plead 辯護 抗辯guilty and will pay $3 billion to resolve criminal and civil liability charges related to illegal drug marketing and withholding information about health hazards associated with its diabetes drug Avandia. 3.Banned in Europe for Causing 83,000 Heart Attacks - Are You Taking it?
A September 23, 2010 article in the New England Journal of Medicine announced that, finally, the FDA has stepped forward and decided on regulatory action for Avandia, a diabetes drug that last year claimed 1,354 lives as a result of cardiac-associated problems.--我在2010-7-?去函衛生署,應等一個月後的會議結束後,在發佈Avendia下不下架問題,(完全被美國藥廠牽著鼻子走!!!...可悲!!!)............
One of the most common excuses given for why farmers are raided搜捕 侵吞 盜用, prosecuted, and shut down is that raw foods may be potentially harmful to human health. But to think that pasteurized milk is safer than raw milk from a healthy, grass-fed cow is simply not true.
CDC data3 shows there are about 412 confirmed cases of people getting ill from pasteurized milk each year, while only about 116 illnesses a year are linked to raw milk. And research by Dr. Ted Beals4, MD, featured in the summer 2011 issue of Wise Traditions, the quarterly journal of the Weston A. Price Foundation, shows that you are about 35,000 times more likely to get sick from other foods than you are from raw milk!
While the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warns that raw milk can carry disease-causing bacteria, what they completely overlook is the fact that these bacteria are the result of industrial farming practices that lead to diseased animals, which may then in turn produce contaminated milk. They make no distinction whatsoever between disease-riddled困惑 打迷 factory farmed milk and the milk from clean, healthy, grass-fed cows.(欺騙人民!!!)
1.The 6 Top Thugs of the Medical World… As Ranked by "Top 100 Corporate Criminals" List
On August 19, Indiana Attorney General Greg Zoeller issued a call for whistleblowers告發人 to step forward and help the state and federal government crack down on health care and pharmaceutical industries that defraud the government of billions of dollars.
Announcing that the Indiana Medicaid program would recover $9.52 million from a record $2.3 billion federal lawsuit won against[color=#FF0080] Pfizer, [/color]Zoeller said that fraud on Medicare and Medicaid each year is estimated to be a multi-billion-dollar problem
Size-wise, Baxter is actually way down the list at No. 17. But I felt this company's offenses were so egregious that I just couldn't ignore them. You may remember that last year at the height of the so-called flu pandemic, Baxter "mistakenly" mixed the lethal, live, biological weapon/virus, H5N1, with seasonal flu, then sent it to labs around Europe.
. Baxter is the company that, in 1993, pled guilty to the felony count of violating U.S. laws prohibiting cooperation with the Arab boycott 聯合 抵制against Israel?
At the time, the Veterans Administration was so angered by this offense that they cited it as one reason why they wanted to suspend Baxter from all VA contracts for three years. The kicker was that the catalyst to the suspension was the VA's contention that Baxter had "knowingly misled and provided false information to VA purchasing agents, in an attempt to get them to purchase Baxter products."
In the end, Baxter agreed to pay more than $6.5 million in civil and criminal penalties to settle the Arab "mistake."
selling AIDS-tainted blood to hemophiliacs – to more than $1.3 billion in criminal fines and civil penalties, Baxter over the years has racked up a record that makes Bonnie and Clyde look like angels.
While I don't have space to name all the Baxter products that allegedly have caused deaths and/or injuries, a more recent product is its blood thinner Heparin, the subject of a lawsuit filed by actor Dennis Quaid and his wife, who say their twins were injured by it.
It's no wonder why, in 1999, Baxter was named by AllBusiness.com as one of the "Top 100 Corporate Criminals of the 1990s!Baxter是所有腎臟科醫師都知道的廠商,會賄絡醫學中心醫師,會常有過期或在美國禁用的 透析耗材用在台灣!!!...很可惡的一個美國廠商!!!
Too Big to Fail?
You may recall that I wrote about this -- in the largest health care fraud settlement in history, Pfizer was ordered to pay $2.3 billion to resolve criminal and civil allegations that the company illegally promoted uses of four of its drugs, including the painkiller Bextra. The other drugs were the antipsychotic Geodon, the antibiotic Zyvox, and the anti-epileptic Lyrica.
Only a few years earlier, Pfizer had paid $430 million for illegally promoting uses of its seizure drug, Neurontin.
And Then There's Merck
Merck is another branch of Big Pharma with a long list of deaths to its credit. It was five years before Merck made its $30 billion recall of Vioxx that I warned my readers that this pain killer might be a real killer for some people.
As people began to die from heart attacks, strokes, and blood clotting disorders, I didn't like being right. But I hated that after it was over, and the drug had been pulled, that Merck appeared to pick up the pieces painlessly – pun intended – by getting a new drug fast-tracked and on the market, lickety-split.
That drug is Gardasil, a vaccine that so far has been linked to thousands of adverse events and at least 49 unexplained deaths. It's a situation that the FDA and CDC have been denying repeatedly, keeping their heads buried in the sand even as the adverse reports mount.
Merck has had other problems through the years, with more than $5.5 billion in judgments and fines levied against it. But like Pfizer, apparently somebody thinks this company is also "too big to fail.美國藥品, 疫苗,...醜聞一大堆,(100 Corperation Cruminal)....
2.GlaxoSmithKline: GUILTY in Largest Health Fraud Settlement in US History
The British pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline has plead 辯護 抗辯guilty and will pay $3 billion to resolve criminal and civil liability charges related to illegal drug marketing and withholding information about health hazards associated with its diabetes drug Avandia. 3.Banned in Europe for Causing 83,000 Heart Attacks - Are You Taking it?
A September 23, 2010 article in the New England Journal of Medicine announced that, finally, the FDA has stepped forward and decided on regulatory action for Avandia, a diabetes drug that last year claimed 1,354 lives as a result of cardiac-associated problems.--我在2010-7-?去函衛生署,應等一個月後的會議結束後,在發佈Avendia下不下架問題,(完全被美國藥廠牽著鼻子走!!!...可悲!!!)............